
Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Regret is the romance of Shu Han

author:Leisurely Coffee i26

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there is a classic plot: After the Battle of Chibi, Zhuge Liang expected that Cao Cao would retreat to Huarong Dao after his defeat, so he sent Guan Yu to defend it. Liu Bei was worried that Guan Yu would never forget his old feelings and would let Cao Cao go.

Zhuge Liang had already predicted that he said: "Now that the situation in the world is undecided, if Cao Cao is defeated and killed, the north will inevitably be turbulent, and Sun Wu will have an opportunity." And if Cao Cao didn't die, even if he was replaced, he wouldn't be able to intercept it. ”

This is Cao Cao's fate

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Regret is the romance of Shu Han

The words "Mandate of Heaven" seem to be doomed to the tragedy of the Three Kingdoms. It seems that all of them cannot escape the shackles of fate, and struggle in vain to reach their destined end.

Cao Cao was determined to assassinate Dong Zhuo in order to revitalize the Han family, but he did not expect that he would become another Han thief who "coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes" a few decades later. The world he worked so hard to build never expected, but in the end, it was the plaything in the palm of the Sima family.

In the later period of the Shu Han Dynasty, Liu Chan surrendered, and the loyal minister Jiang Wei tried to use the power of Zhonghui to revive the Shu Han in an attempt to change the situation. Unfortunately, the plan failed, Jiang Wei faced Zhonghui's army being killed, and said on his deathbed: "I can't do it, it's the destiny of heaven." ”

I'd rather be responsible for the world, than for the world to bear me.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Regret is the romance of Shu Han

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei vowed to "not seek the same life, but to die together", but they did not expect the final outcome to be: one died of grief and anger in the defeated wheat city, one was killed by his subordinates, and the other died alone in the White Emperor City, and after all, he could not realize the ambition of reviving the Han Dynasty.

Jade can be broken but not changed to its white, bamboo can be burned but not destroyed, even if he dies, Guan Yu's loyalty can be passed on to future generations.

Zhuge Liang, who was a fledgling and imposing, was wise and Confucian, and his white clothes were fluttering, but he finally died of illness in Wuzhangyuan with a pale face. A generation of famous ministers has fallen, and a teacher has a real name, who can compare with it through the ages.

In the face of Dong Zhuo's threat, Yuan Shao stepped forward and declared without hesitation: "My sword is still sharp!" He led the princes of the Eighteen Roads, marched forward bravely, and vowed to crusade against Dong Zhuo. But when the army was defeated and died, it was a tragic scene.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Regret is the romance of Shu Han

Zhou Yu's lupine scarf is personable, showing an otherworldly bearing between talking and laughing. However, throughout the Battle of Chibi, despite his bravery and fearlessness, he had to accept the cruel arrangement of fate and died young.

Zhao Zilong was seven in and seven out, riding the savior alone, and he was heroic. However, the years are merciless, and twilight is inevitable after all. The sentence "Prime Minister, Zilong is old" is heartbreaking and tearful.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is no absolute protagonist, everyone has their own glorious moments. They may be in different camps, but in the troubled times, they have all had a glorious journey. However, there are too many regrets and helplessness left.

Chen Gong has the ambition to be upright and would rather die than give in;

The trial matched the lonely city to hold on, and finally collapsed on the battlefield.

Sun Ce's ambition was not fulfilled, but he died on the battlefield;

Guo Jia met the Ming Lord, but died of illness in Yizhou.

Xu Shu was talented, but he died gloomily and hid for the rest of his life.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Regret is the romance of Shu Han

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is an eternal epic, which paves the plot with hegemony and sublimates the characters with loyalty, but in the end expresses the awe and helplessness of fate. Every time you flip through it, you can feel the precipitation of the years and the temperature of history.

As the ancients said, "The world is endless, and the days are inescapable", which may be the most profound revelation that history has given us. The dialogue between history and destiny in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" never stops. On this magnificent historical stage, every character is playing his own role, and we feel the impermanence of fate in the long river of history.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Regret is the romance of Shu Han

We already have insight into the ending of everyone, as if it is just a few pages in the book and a few scenes in the play. But they can't predict their fate, maybe history will only leave a fragment of their lives, but only they know the sourness best.

The times create heroes, and heroes will eventually come to an end. How many stories, as brilliant as fireworks, eventually return to dullness.

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