
The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

author:Bears who don't buy raincoats

There is a unique place on Earth,

Is it a coincidence or arrangement?

Gathering many mysterious and unsolved mysteries,

This location is 30 degrees north latitude.

The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

This weft connects the four ancient civilizations

China, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Babylon, Ancient India

Sanxingdui, China

Located in Guanghan, Sichuan, thousands of bronze artifacts with exquisite workmanship have been unearthed. It is by no means different from the style of the Central Plains bronzes unearthed in the past, and there is even a welding technology that only appeared in modern times, making it impossible to judge where the civilization here originated. There is also no written record of the origin of these bronzes.

The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

Ancient Egyptian pyramids

When everyone thinks of Egypt, they immediately think of the pyramids and the Sphinx. For thousands of years, they stood quietly on the land of Egypt. But from a modern perspective, how are they built? Why can't even modern people reach the technology of building pyramids? How did the ancient Egyptians accurately calculate pi and integrate it into the pyramid structure? Is there really a curse or secret passage mechanic here?

The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

The Hanging Gardens of Ancient Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of ancient Babylon are listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. History books record the romantic and lush greenery of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, as well as images of colorful flowers falling from the sky. However, due to the lack of records in the annals of Babylonian history, many suspect that they were there. They may just be an old fantasy, a story told in ancient myths and history.

The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

Ancient Indian civilization

Ancient Indian civilization first arose in the Indus Valley, and it is one of the oldest civilizations of mankind. Ancient Indians established a strict social hierarchy and produced beautiful paintings, sculptures, and the world's longest epic. This land has also given birth to Buddhism, one of the world's three major religions, and its achievements in literature, natural science and other aspects have played an immeasurable role in promoting the evolution of human civilization in the world.

The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

Mayan civilization

The Mayan civilization did not belong to the river civilization or the ocean civilization that people often know, and the birth in the tropical rainforest has cast a veil of mystery over her. The Mayans defined a year as 260 days. The Mayans actually knew the exact time of the Earth's revolution, but why did they still use this calendar that did not conform to the Earth's revolution? The carved stone slabs found in the temples of the ancient Mayan city, which appear to depict the scene of the Mayan ruler piloting a spaceship into the air, have the instruments, exhaust pipes, joysticks, etc., in these carvings very similar to the internal structure of the modern space shuttle. These contents are far beyond the scientific imagination of the Stone Age at that time, how do they know?

The civilization of the "Ring of God" at 30 degrees north latitude ‖ continue to write a mystery or a mystery revealed?

In fact, it is certain that the land at 30 degrees north latitude is vast, the climate is more suitable for human survival, and with the gift of rivers and oceans, human civilization can be well developed. Only the Chinese civilization has continued to this day, and some civilizations have been forced to interrupt, but they have also left a strong mark on the promotion of human progress. As for the mysteries that cannot be explained by science, the bizarre conjectures and hypotheses of modern people may also be a valuable legacy left to us by our predecessors.

These exciting propositions are like raising a torch to illuminate the path of people's exploration and thinking.