
Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

author:Mikomido 2020

There is so much pain and helplessness behind this story, and how terrible and inhumane the act of domestic violence is. We always feel that men are emotionally strong and able to cope with all kinds of stress, but that doesn't mean they won't be hurt or abused. This incident reminds us once again that domestic violence knows no gender, and it is cruel to either party.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

This young man who was killed by domestic violence, I can't help but think of the fat cat who was hurt by PUA, although the two manifest themselves in different forms, they are both a kind of destruction and harm to people. Men who commit domestic violence tend to be ignored by society because we always think that men should be strong and that they should be able to solve problems. But this is actually a misconception, men also have emotions and needs.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

This young man who was killed by domestic violence, he should be the kind of tall and handsome boy. We can imagine that he was once that sunny teenager with a beautiful vision of love and life. But fate was so unfair to him that he not only had to endure long-term physical injury, but also ended up paying the price with his life.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

The story mentions the boy's girlfriend, an irascible and irritable woman who has a temper that is unbearable. Not only does she not do things for a long time, but she also likes to spend boys' money, which is already a sign of disrespect and non-cherishment. What's even more terrifying is that she actually used violence against the boy, which is not only verbally insulting, but also wanton physical harm.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

The boy's domestic violence has not been known to the outside world, and he chose to bear it silently, perhaps because of his inner weakness, or because he loves the girl deeply and does not want to see her hurt. But this choice ultimately led to tragedy. We can imagine that in that domestic violence again and again, the boy's heart has already been torn apart, but he is powerless to break free.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

Domestic violence, both for men and women, is a serious social problem. It is not only a harm to the individual, but also a distortion and challenge to the values of the whole society. We cannot turn a blind eye to domestic violence because of gender, identity or other factors, and it must be strongly condemned and stopped.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

It is mentioned in the story that the boy has been afraid to break up with his girlfriend because his girlfriend often threatens him with extreme measures, such as jumping off a building. This threat is not only a personal injury to the boy, but also a serious insult to love and humanity. Love should not be based on fear and threats, it should be a manifestation of equality, respect and care.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

Victims of domestic violence often fall into fearful and helpless situations, and they need the attention and help of society. We cannot allow more people to be harmed by domestic violence, and we cannot allow more lives to pay a heavy price for ignorance and neglect. We need to build a better social support system so that victims can stand up and ask for help, and we need to punish and educate perpetrators to make them aware of the seriousness and consequences of their actions.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

The biggest takeaway from this story is that love shouldn't be hurt and tormented. Whether male or female, in any relationship should be built on the basis of equality and respect. We should learn to value each other and not see them as accessories or a tool to vent our emotions.

Another fat that was PUA! The tall and handsome guy was abused by his girlfriend for a long time and stabbed in the neck

In closing, I would like to say that domestic violence should never be tolerated by anyone. It is an extreme violation of human dignity and dignity, and we should use the power of law and morality to protect the rights and interests of victims, so that everyone can live in a safe, equal and warm environment.

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