
Men and women love each other, but each has a family, remember these 4 principles


Emotional dislocation and homing

My name is Chen Yifei, a professional in a bustling city. I have a stable job, a seemingly happy family, a gentle and virtuous wife, and a lively and lovely daughter. However, behind this seemingly perfect life, there is a hidden struggle in my heart.

My story begins with a chance encounter. It was a sunny weekend, and I was alone in the park, enjoying a rare leisurely time. At this moment, a beautiful figure broke into my sight. Her name is Su Wan, a charming woman, and her appearance has caused ripples in my otherwise peaceful life.

Men and women love each other, but each has a family, remember these 4 principles

Su Wan is a customer representative of our company, and we have met in several business meetings. But that encounter in the park gave us a deeper understanding. We talked about our lives, our dreams, and our confusions. I was amazed to find that we had so many similar experiences and feelings. At that moment, I felt as if I had found a confidant who understood me.

As time went on, my contact with Su Wan became more and more frequent. We started watching movies, eating, shopping, and enjoying each other's company together. I found myself liking the feeling of being with Su Wan more and more, and my heart was thrilled with her laughter, her gentleness, and her cleverness. I know, I'm already in a crush on her.

However, whenever I come home and see the smiling faces of my wife and daughter, my heart is filled with guilt and unease. I realized that my feelings for Su Wan were a wrong one. I have my family, I have my responsibilities and obligations. I can't hurt them on the spur of the moment.

Men and women love each other, but each has a family, remember these 4 principles

I started trying to control my emotions and tried to shift my focus to family and work. However, whenever I am with Su Wan, my heart is full of contradictions and struggles. I knew that I had to make a decision, a decision about my future life.

One night, I asked Su Wan out for a walk. We walked through the quiet streets, and the moonlight sprinkled on us looked extraordinarily beautiful. However, my heart was filled with heaviness. I plucked up the courage and said what was in my heart to Su Wan.

"Su Wan, I know that my feelings for you have gone beyond the boundaries of friends. However, I also understand that this is a wrong emotion. I have my family, I have my responsibilities and obligations. I can't hurt them on the spur of the moment. I took a deep breath and continued, "I hope we can get back to where we are and continue to play our part." I know it may be sudden for you, but I hope you understand my decision. ”

Men and women love each other, but each has a family, remember these 4 principles

Su Wan was silent for a long time after hearing this, then she raised her head, looked into my eyes and said, "Chen Yifei, I like you very much too." But I also understand your concerns and concerns. I respect your decision and hope that you will find true happiness. ”

At that moment, we all seemed to be relieved. We hugged each other tightly and then turned away. I know that this parting may be forever. But I also understood that it was a choice I had to make.

When I got home, I confessed everything to my wife. She was silent for a moment, then hugged me gently. She said, "Yifei, I know you've been on your mind lately. But I know that you love us and take care of your family. I am willing to face all difficulties with you and protect our family together. ”

Men and women love each other, but each has a family, remember these 4 principles

At that moment, I felt warmth and happiness that I had never felt before. I know that no matter what difficulties I encounter in the future, as long as I have my wife and daughter by my side, I will have enough courage to face them.

And Su Wan has also become an important passerby in my life. Although we couldn't be together, that good time stayed in my heart forever. We bless each other and hope that we can each find our own happiness.

After this experience, I deeply realized that some feelings are destined to be misplaced, and some fate is destined to be short-lived. But as long as we cherish every relationship with our hearts and experience every emotion with our hearts, our lives will become more colorful because of these experiences.

Men and women love each other, but each has a family, remember these 4 principles

Today, I still live an ordinary and happy life. My wife and I take care of our daughter and experience the joys and sorrows of life together. We cherish every moment of each other's time, and we are also grateful for every passerby we meet in life. Because I know that it is these experiences that have made me grow and make me cherish the happiness I have now.
