

author:Kittens talk about the world

1. Married life is bumpy and tortuous, but the once bright stars in the music world are now caught in the waves of fate and can't extricate themselves!

Time flies, and Makiyo, who is now middle-aged, finally entered the sacred hall of marriage in May 2022 with a vision of happiness for the rest of her life.

She happily chose to marry a shareholder of a medical aesthetic clinic named Mr. Kim, who was four months pregnant.


The union of the couple can be described as a typical lightning marriage, and after only half a year of getting along, they unexpectedly ushered in the crystallization of love, which made them have to speed up the pace of marriage.

However, what is surprising is that the sweet honeymoon period of the couple did not last long. Shortly after giving birth to her beloved son, Makiyo had a fierce dispute with her husband over trivial matters in the confinement center, and even broke the news of divorce at one point.

Although she later issued a statement on social media, saying that she "will hide all grievances in her heart and will never speak ill of each other" to express her firm determination to protect this marriage, the conflict between the two still seems to have not been completely resolved.


Looking back on Makiyo's past, she was supposed to be a bright star in the music scene, and she attracted attention when she first entered the music scene. At the age of 13, the girl was born into a turbulent family environment and was discovered by Tetsuya Komuro, the famous godfather of music, and subsequently underwent two years of intense training in Los Angeles.

At the age of 16, Makiyo successfully stepped into the entertainment industry with a commercial. Because she has a sweet appearance and pure temperament, which is very in line with the aesthetic standards of otaku at that time, she also became the focus of everyone in the early days of her debut.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly launched her debut album "Raise Me for a Life", in which the title song of the same name is even more popular all over the streets.


Second, the debut of the music scene is the peak, but it is quickly covered by newcomers; The love life is constantly bloody, which is embarrassing!

Looking back at Makiyo's past, she should have been a promising singer. At the age of 13, the girl was born into a turbulent family environment and was discovered by Tetsuya Komuro, the famous godfather of music, and subsequently underwent two years of intense training in Los Angeles.

At the age of 16, Makiyo successfully stepped into the entertainment industry with a commercial. Because she has a sweet appearance and pure temperament, which is very in line with the aesthetic standards of otaku at that time, she also became the focus of everyone in the early days of her debut.


However, fate always seems to play tricks on people! Makiyo's glorious moments didn't last long, and a group of newcomers such as Jolin Tsai, Stefanie Sun, and Liang Jingru came out one after another, quickly surpassing her popularity.

In order to maintain his position in the Taiwanese entertainment industry, Makiyo had no choice but to turn to the variety show industry and participated in the "Seven Fairies" team composed of well-known artists such as Big S to increase his exposure.

Time flies, and Makiyo's emotional journey during this period is also full of dramatic changes. She first fell in love with the popular flower Dan Oudi, and the two were inseparable in front of the public, like a fairy couple.


However, this beautiful relationship ended with the intervention of Oudi's friend Luo Zhixiang, who cried bitterly on the show: "Will I die if you wait a little longer?" This scene makes people feel emotional.

Subsequently, Makiyo and Luo Zhixiang briefly got together, but the actor, known as the "master of time management", complained about her overly revealing style of dressing.

From a rising star who was once in the limelight, to being replaced by a newcomer, coupled with all the twists and turns in his love life, Makiyo's acting career can be described as ups and downs and confusing.


3. Misconduct in career and life, drug abuse and imprisonment became a low-level prisoner

Soon after, their scandal was captured by the media. To everyone's surprise, Makiyo actually made the amazing act of "skipping work and eloping". She and Qiu Shun fled Taiwan together without hesitation, and went to distant San Francisco, leaving Taiwan for nearly three months.

When Makiyo returned to Taiwan, she published a book called "I'm Sorry, Skipping Work to Love: 183 Days of Disappearance", which trumpeted this "elopement relationship". Ironically, however, the sensational romance didn't last long, as Makiyo was rumored to be kissing in front of other male friends at a nightclub, which led to her boyfriend's angry departure.


What's even more regrettable is that Makiyo is also deeply involved in the drug scandal of his friend Xiao Yaxuan. In addition, she herself has also experienced a suspected drug abuse incident with Big S that is still quite bizarre to this day.

What's more, she admitted that she had been dependent on sleeping pills for a long time, and even needed to swallow 10 sleeping pills to fall asleep at one point, which could trigger seizures if she didn't take them for 3 days.

In 2012, Makiyo was sentenced to 10 months in prison for a sensational assault on a taxi driver, as well as drug abuse and family alcoholism.


Although she was later able to escape justice due to a suspended sentence, her public image has suffered a serious blow and her reputation has been discredited.

From the attention of the past to the prisoner now, Makiyo buried his bright future with his own hands, which is really regrettable!

Fourth, he fell from a rising star in the music world to poverty, and even couldn't afford to pay for his mother's funeral expenses for a while.


In this way, Makiyo, who originally had infinite possibilities, gradually entered the trough of his life. As her career was slipping, her life was also in destitute straits.

In 2015, Makiyo's mother, Lin Xiaoxia, passed away due to illness. As a daughter, she should have done her best to deal with her mother's death, but she couldn't even afford the funeral expenses for her mother's last journey.

Due to the family's financial difficulties, Makiyo had to sell his mother's old home in desperation, and barely raised NT$6 million (equivalent to about 1.36 million yuan).


, who was known as the "group pet" in the "Seven Fairies" in the past, is now in a world of difference. Lin Xiaoxia even participated in Xiao S's show before her death, imploring this friend to take more care of her daughter.

Who would have thought that just a few years later, Makiyo would fall to this point.

In order to return to the entertainment industry and lift her spirits out of the trough, she tried to release a new album "The Goddess Arrives" that year, hoping to change her look and regain attention.


Unfortunately, Makiyo's "beauty strategy" not only failed to achieve the expected appeal, but was instead violently criticized by the outside world, and was described as a "non-mainstream group of demons dancing".

The quality of the new album is equally miserable, quickly sinking into the quagmire of failure.

After switching to selling health care products, she fell into a new turmoil. In 2019, Makiyo was accused of selling supplements containing banned ingredients, which undoubtedly added to the situation and added more trouble to her life.


From the highly anticipated rising star of the music scene in the past to living such a poor life today, Makiyo's life experience can be described as ups and downs, which is embarrassing.

Fifth, the people who walked with us back then are not what they used to be, and the peaks and troughs of life form a strong contrast.

When we look back at the outstanding artists who have walked the musical journey side by side with Makiyo, such as Jolin Tsai and Stefanie Sun, we can't help but be impressed by the brilliant achievements they have made on the road of their careers, and now they are standing at the peak of their lives.


These former companions are now among the bright stars of the Chinese music industry and are in the golden age of their careers. They exude a confident glow on stage, and they have a warm following of countless loyal fans off the stage.

Whether it's record sales or commercial value, they have climbed to unattainable heights.

However, on the other hand, Makiyo, who has been hailed as a rising star in the music industry since childhood, has been eagerly watched and nurtured by the godfather of music, but has failed to reach his full potential, and instead played his good cards to the ground.


From indulging in sleeping pills to selling illegal health products, her life experience is full of twists and turns, which is really embarrassing.

The music partners who used to compete with her on the same stage are now in a very different situation, and the peaks and troughs of life form a strong contrast. Makiyo's life trajectory has undoubtedly become a negative lesson for them.

6. Looking back on the road of life, is it ridiculous to regret being young? The inner monologue is the most nostalgic


"When I stand at this critical moment in my life and look back at the past, I am full of desolation and regret." Facing himself in the mirror, Makiyo couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

Indeed, she was also a high-profile new star back then, who would have thought that she would be in such a predicament today. If there was a chance of doing it again, she would have avoided doing the absurd.

"I was supposed to be another Jolin Tsai and Stefanie Sun, standing in the center of the stage and receiving the cheers of thousands of fans. However, I destroyed this dream with my own hands, allowing myself to lose my way, indulge myself, and end up with nothing.


Young and frivolous, she always turned a blind eye to many wrong behaviors. Love and career have suffered setbacks, which eventually led to today's difficult situation. Her mother's deathbed instructions, but she was unable to complete them, which is undoubtedly the biggest regret in her heart.

She did squander too many precious opportunities.

"If the heavens have mercy and give me a chance to start over, I will no longer be as decadent as I used to be. I will devote myself to my career and strive for my music dreams. I will stay away from the bad habits that have degraded me and live a plain and fulfilling life.


In the face of life's challenges and hardships, Makiyo's heart is magnificent. She earnestly hopes that in the years to come, she can use everything she has to make up for her past regrets, even if it is just to live up to her mother's deep expectations, it is much better than just being famous and doing nothing!

The road of life is long and full of unknowns, and she sincerely hopes that she can learn valuable lessons from her past failures, and embark on the journey again with a more humble and rigorous attitude, so as to avoid falling into the same predicament again.