
After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams

author:Graceful cheese VC

After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams. This quote unveils a harrowing piece of history. Zhao Yiman is an anti-Japanese hero who has made great contributions to the country and the people in an extremely difficult environment. However, under the clutches of the Japanese army, what kind of torture did she experience? How did she fight the tyranny with her tenacity and fearlessness? Why was the inquisitor so remembered by her screams? Let's find out and relive this singing and weeping history.

Zhao Yiman unfortunately fell - the embarrassing situation of hot-blooded children

In the winter of 1935, the anti-Japanese upsurge was boiling in the northeast. In the face of the ravages of the Japanese invaders, many patriots did not hesitate to come forward. Zhao Yiman is one of the most outstanding members.

This woman, who came from a family of scholars, was baptized with revolutionary ideas in Moscow. After marriage, she gave birth to a beloved son, but was urgently recalled by the organization to return to China to join the revolution. For the sake of the prospects of the motherland, she left Shanghai with her pregnant belly and went to the oceanic continent and started a magnificent career of resistance.

The Northeast had been frantically invaded by the Japanese army, and Zhao Yiman organized the masses of workers and peasants in the local area to unite all the forces that could be united to resist the barbaric rule of the Kwantung Army. She was agile, riding a horse and charging with two guns, relieving the urgent needs of the local people.

However, Zhao Yiman unfortunately encountered it when he suppressed the Japanese invasion. In November 1935, the Kwantung Army launched a frantic "sweep" against the United Garrison, and after several desperate struggles, Zhao Yiman was shot several times and fell unconscious. The cunning Japanese invaders soon found her, and the "female brigade commander" who was armed with two guns and fought on horseback was finally captured.

After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams

In this way, the hot-blooded sons and daughters who were once dominant, became prisoners. Her hands were twisted backwards, and her steps were not free. Taiji Ohno, the leader of the Kwantung Army's spies, had a small scar, but for Zhao Yiman, it was the beginning of a bloody nightmare.

The relentless escalation of torture – the abusive treatment forced revolt

After being captured, Zhao Yiman was subjected to unprecedented torture. The Japanese invaders used all kinds of cruel methods against her in an attempt to obtain information from this steadfast heroine.

Initially, Taiji Ohno ordered the military doctor to save the seriously injured Zhao Yiman at all costs. When she gradually recovered, a long interrogation and torture began.

In order to force Zhao Yiman to submit, the Japanese first politely threatened her to write a surrender document. Later, he asked his fellow travelers who had rebelled to come and persuade him to surrender, promising high-ranking officials and generous promises. However, Zhao Yiman turned a deaf ear to this, and his unswerving loyalty surprised the enemy.

As a result, torture began to escalate mercilessly. The guards began to brutally torture Zhao Yiman for a gunshot wound in the leg, and the wound burst with blood. They also soaked the wound in salt water, which caused her great pain. During the interrogation, Zhao Yiman was in a coma several times.

Even so, Taiji Ohno was unable to get any information from her. In a fit of rage, he personally went into battle and resorted to hellish interrogation methods. The leather whip whipped Zhao Yiman's unhealed gunshot wound, and the handle of the whip stabbed her leg bone hard, causing the flesh and bones to blur and scar.

After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams

However, physical torture is not the end, mental destruction and personal humiliation are also unfolding at the same time. The Japanese pulled out Zhao Yiman's nails, sprinkled salt on the wounds, and even pepper batter into her scars. They nailed her fingertips with bamboo sticks, and she suffered untold pain.

All these seemingly cruel and unbridled acts were actually aimed at crushing Zhao Yiman's tenacious revolutionary will. However, it was such atrocities that strengthened her determination to defend national freedom, forcing her to rise up against the brutal rule.

The peerless spirit of fearlessness - the creation of heroes is inseparable from tribulation

While the torture was ruthlessly escalating, Zhao Yiman showed more and more fearlessness. Her adherence to ideals and beliefs and her unswerving patriotic enthusiasm were slowly condensed in this difficult environment.

In the face of the coercion and temptation of the Japanese invaders, Zhao Yiman looked at each other as if he were at home. Even with all kinds of cruel torture, she did not waver and insisted on not revealing any information to the enemy. Taiji Ohno personally went into battle, whipped her unhealed gunshot wound with a leather whip, and poked the leg bone with the handle of the whip until the flesh and bones were blurred, but Zhao Yiman still gritted his teeth and did not confide in half a word.

When the enemy took turns on the field, pulling out his nails and pulling his fingers, and soaking in salt and spicy, Zhao Yiman survived the coma again and again with amazing perseverance. Despite her scars, she was still unswerving, adhered to the belief of defending national freedom, and supported her patriotic fervor with righteous and awe-inspiring righteousness.

It was precisely because of Zhao Yiman's fearless spirit that he finally frightened the Japanese invaders. Taiji Ohno, the interrogator at the time, had to admit that he would never forget Zhao Yiman's heart-rending screams in extreme pain. This tenacious spirit of resistance shocked the enemy at a loss for what he could not solve.

After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams

The reason why Zhao Yiman can have such extraordinary will power is precisely because she has experienced the baptism of tribulation. Born into a scholarly family, she could have lived a comfortable and comfortable life. But for the sake of the future of the country and the people, she went to the revolutionary front with her pregnant belly and risked her life. After giving birth, he entrusted the child to the organization, and threw himself into the anti-Japanese torrent alone.

All kinds of hardships forged Zhao Yiman's will, and also made her understand that only future generations can be prosperous and healthy if they maintain national freedom. Therefore, she will stand up for righteousness in the interrogation room and never bow to the enemy. This kind of patriotic sentiment that is not afraid of sacrifice is the key to the creation of the hero's image.

The Inquisitor's Shock and Confusion - Reflections on the Duel between the Forces of Good and Evil

In the face of Zhao Yiman's heroic and tenacious resistance, the interrogator Taiji Ohno was extremely shocked and confused. He saw a powerful spiritual force, but he could not understand the source of this power.

At first, Taiji Ohno still had a contemptuous attitude towards Zhao Yiman. He thought that as long as he used some torture methods, he would soon be able to pry the required information out of the mouth of this lonely woman. However, as the interrogation deepened, Zhao Yiman's fearless spirit surprised him.

Whether it was being pulled out of his nails, soaked in chili pepper water, or being whipped with a leather whip, Zhao Yiman could grit his teeth and endure it without being moved at all. Her screams, though heartbreaking, never showed a hint of compromise. This puzzled Taiji Ohno, who had seen all kinds of rebels, but had never encountered such a resilient soul.

In order to break Zhao Yiman's will, Taiji Ohno did everything. He trapped Zhao Yiman in a pitch-black cell for several days, trying to torture her nerves with absolute darkness. He also went into battle himself, stabbing her wounds with the handle of the whip until her flesh and bones were blurred.

After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams

However, Zhao Yiman remained unmoved, which made Taiji Ohno completely shocked. He couldn't understand where this monstrous resistance came from. Driven by revolutionary ideals? Or is it love for the Motherland? Or is it something higher than life?

The forces of good and evil collided violently in the small interrogation room, and Taiji Ohno felt shaken for the first time. He has committed so many atrocities with his own hands and seen too many of his compatriots die tragically. And the indomitable spiritual strength embodied in Zhao Yiman made him involuntarily begin to reflect on the evil nature of war.

Isn't it ironclad proof of the absurdity and injustice of war that a down-and-out woman can have such a strong will, enough to make the Japanese army panic? Taiji Ohno saw the power of justice in Zhao Yiman and the hope of resistance, which made his heart hover between right and wrong, unable to extricate himself.

Righteousness and awe-inspiring to Huangquan - a powerful response to the atrocities of foreign peoples

After suffering countless tortures and tortures, Zhao Yiman finally died heroically in February 1936. She defended the dignity of the nation with her life and made a powerful counterattack to the atrocities of the Japanese army.

After months of torture, Zhao Yiman remained confined to a small, dark interrogation room. Her body was covered in bruises, but her will never wavered. Taiji Ohno has used almost all torture methods, including electrocution, tiger chairs, etc., but he still can't pry any useful information out of her mouth.

Seeing that Zhao Yiman was about to be unable to hold on, Taiji Ohno became angry and decided to take the last resort of gambling his life. They brought in a special electric chair from the Big Ben operation, ready to deliver a prolonged and violent electric shock.

After Zhao Yiman was arrested, how was he tortured? Inquisitor: I will never forget the screams

One day in February 1936, an electric chair was placed in the interrogation room. Zhao Yiman was subjected to electric shock abuse for 7 hours, her body convulsed, and her mouth let out a heart-rending scream. Every time the current leaves, she will pass out again, and when she wakes up, she will be subjected to a new round of electric shocks.

In this repeated torture, Zhao Yiman finally couldn't stand it anymore and bravely took justice. She defended the dignity of the nation with her life, forcefully fought back against the atrocities of the Japanese invaders, and made the inquisitor Taiji Ohno immortalize the heart-rending scream.

Zhao Yiman's deeds quickly spread within the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation, shocking all fellow travelers. This heroine from a scholarly family could have lived a comfortable life, but for the sake of the country and the nation, she did not hesitate to go to the front line alone, and even regarded death as if she were at home under torture, showing her righteous and awe-inspiring spirit.

Her heroic sacrifice inspired the enthusiasm of the people of the whole country for the War of Resistance. The Northeast is in dire straits, but heroic pioneers like Zhao Yiman are writing an epic of resistance with blood. Inspired by her deeds, more and more people joined the anti-Japanese torrent and bravely sacrificed their lives to get rid of foreign tyranny.


In this way, Zhao Yiman used his life to demonstrate the spirit of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement. She became one of the most outstanding heroines of the anti-Japanese movement at that time and will be remembered forever by posterity. It is precisely because of such righteous and awe-inspiring pioneers and martyrs as her that the Chinese nation was able to strengthen itself and stand on its own feet in the difficult years, finally defeated foreign enemies, and defended the dignity of the motherland.