
2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

author:Beautiful full moon Y

Who would have thought that in the glorious days when we were still discussing the Nets' Big Three, things had changed drastically. James Harden and Kyrie Irving, two former teammates, are now on very different paths.

You see, after James Harden left Durant, the situation was nothing short of chicken feathers. Harden's team, the Clippers, went 2-4 in the first round of the playoffs. This is good, the former scoring champion, now he can't find the north on the court, and the attack power is not as good as before, looking at his strength, it reminds people of "the tears of the heroes of the past".

2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

But if we turn our attention to Kyrie Irving, this gentleman's situation is quite different. After people left Durant, not only did they not drop the chain, but they gained fame and fortune. Irving's Mavericks came back with a 4-2 comeback in the playoffs, turning all the voices that questioned him into applause. You see his light steps on the field, every movement is like a waltz, and the fans are enthusiastic to watch.

2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

Is the difference just because of the difference in the team? There may be more factors that we don't know about. Harden didn't seem to find the right spot with the Clippers, his offense was limited and his defense looked strained. In contrast, Irving is at home with the Mavericks, not only with full offensive firepower, but also taking on the responsibility of leading at key moments.

2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

Specifically, with each game, Harden's performance is becoming more and more disappointing. In the first round of the playoffs, his scoring plummeted, and his rebounds and assists did not improve. And what about Owen? He scored more than 30 points in almost every game, and the impact of key three-pointers and breakthroughs made opponents unguardable.

2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

Fans and media reacted very differently to the two stars. For Harden, people began to wonder if he could ever return to his former heroic form; As for Irving, the praise has been rising higher and higher, and some people even say that Irving's performance has made him the soul of the team.

2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

Here, we have to say that basketball is a sport that is always full of uncertainty and change. Harden's slump and Irving's rise are a reminder that every player has his ups and downs in his career. Maybe next season, Harden will bounce back and Irving may face a new challenge.

2-4 elimination, 4-2 below gram up! Leaving KD, Harden was defeated, and Irving gained fame and fortune

In any case, this feast of superstars is far from over. We can only continue to observe and see how these two former teammates will write their respective legends in the coming days.

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