
Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

author:Share the sunshine

On the road of children's growth, there are some critical moments, and the support and support of parents are like a warm light, illuminating their direction and giving them endless strength.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

1. When children feel wronged, the sense of grievance and shame may have a great impact on their hearts. Just as many people recall the experiences of being wronged in childhood, such as being suspected of stealing money, taking the blame for others, and being maliciously speculated about early love, their parents not only do not believe them, but also beat and scold them indiscriminately, these painful memories haunt them like nightmares, and even in adulthood, they will still wake up from time to time, and their hearts are full of grievances, anger and unwillingness.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

At this point, parental trust is so important that the negative feelings that come with being wronged can be enough to destroy a child's self-esteem. And the unconditional trust of parents is to tell their children that even if they really do something wrong, there is no need to be afraid, because there are parents with them to face and solve it. This will help children understand that they always have a solid back.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

2. When children are unwilling to share their own things, we should not force them. In our culture, it is often emphasized that children should learn to share, sometimes in the name of virtue, sometimes in the name of emotional kidnapping. But whether to share, how much, and to whom should all be decided by the child. If parents can support their children in these matters without coercion and interference, then the children will naturally gradually develop a true spirit of sharing, rather than reluctant behavior under pressure. Such children will know how to respect their own wishes and understand the choices of others better.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

3. When children are ridiculed by others, parents should stand up and tell their children "It's okay, I think you're fine" as soon as possible. At the same time, stand with your child and deal with sarcasm and hostility together. In this way, a centripetal force and strength will gradually form in the child's heart, allowing them to have a stable fulcrum. In this complex world, ridicule and malice are always present, and parental support can help children understand that their value does not depend on the evaluation of others, but from their own uniqueness and beauty.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

4. And when children feel frustrated, this is the moment when they need the unconditional support of their parents the most. We often expect our children to accumulate more winning experiences, hoping that they will be better than others, and that this will be the way to go. But we seldom think about what parents should do when their children fail. Some parents will unconsciously criticize their children, while others will say that it is okay on the surface, but quietly set new goals for their children and create more pressure.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

In fact, when a child fails, what is more important than what to do is whether parents can stand behind their children and tell them that failure is human nature, failure is not terrible, what is terrible is that we do not accept and allow its existence. Failure does not mean that children are bad, but it shows that they are ordinary people, and ordinary people will inevitably make mistakes, get confused, and take detours.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

Dear children, may you feel the unwavering support and love of your parents every night of your life. No matter what difficulties and challenges you encounter, know that you are not alone, and that your parents will always be your safe haven. When you feel wronged, unwilling to share, ridiculed, or frustrated, we will not hesitate to support you and let you thrive in the light of love.

Raising a child well only takes 4 "supports"

Let us always remember that these four moments of support for our children are the moments that light up the light of hope for their future.