
What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

author:Wilderness settlements
What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

"Same car, same rights" sparked heated discussions: the owners of oil cars smiled, and the owners of trams were uneasy

Recently, the term "same car, same rights" has appeared frequently on social media and major news platforms, attracting widespread attention. The so-called "same vehicle with the same rights", simply put, is to require that both traditional fuel vehicles and emerging new energy vehicles should enjoy the same rights and responsibilities. However, why did this seemingly fair offer make petrol truck owners happy and tram owners dissatisfied?

What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

1. The concept of "same car, same rights" is proposed and hotly discussed

With the global emphasis on environmental protection and sustainable development, new energy vehicles have gradually become the new darling of the automobile market. In order to promote the development of new energy vehicles, governments around the world have introduced various support policies, such as subsidies, purchase tax exemptions, and preferential driving restrictions. However, to a certain extent, these policies have also caused inequality between fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles, triggering calls for "the same vehicle and the same rights".

The proposal of "one vehicle with one right" aims to break this inequality and allow fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles to compete on the same starting line. As soon as this concept was proposed, it sparked extensive discussions from all walks of life. Proponents believe that this is a necessary measure to achieve fair competition and promote the healthy development of the automobile market; Opponents worry that the removal of support for new energy vehicles will hinder its development and even lead to a setback in the industry.

What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

2. Why are oil truck owners happy?

For the proposal of "the same car and the same rights", the owners of fuel vehicles generally welcomed. They believe that it is obviously unfair that they have long borne the high costs of fuel taxes and vehicle purchase taxes, while new energy vehicles enjoy various policy preferences. Now, the proposal of "one car, one right" gives them hope to eliminate this inequality.

A car owner who has been driving a fuel vehicle for many years said: "We oil truck owners have to pay so many taxes every year, why can new energy vehicles enjoy so many discounts? Now I think it's fair and reasonable to put forward 'one car, one right'. His words speak to the hearts of many gasoline truck owners.

What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

3. Why are tram owners dissatisfied?

However, unlike the joy of gasoline vehicle owners, NEV owners have different views on the proposal of "one car with the same rights". They believe that new energy vehicles, as an emerging industry, are in the early stage of development and need government support and policy support to promote their rapid development. If these support policies are canceled now, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the new energy vehicle industry.

A NEV owner said: "Although NEVs are developing rapidly, they are still far from reaching the maturity stage. If the support policy is lifted now, it is likely to put some car companies in a difficult situation, and even lead to the regression of the entire industry. Moreover, our new energy vehicle owners also spend a lot of money when buying a car, and it is unfair for us to cancel the support policy. ”

What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

4. The controversy and challenges behind the "same car, same rights".

The proposal of "same vehicle and same rights" is undoubtedly a reflection and challenge to the inequality between traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles. However, while pursuing fairness, we also need to take into account the sustainability and environmental goals of the automotive industry.

On the one hand, if the support policy for new energy vehicles is lifted, it may lead to their development being hindered or even regressed. This is not only detrimental to the achievement of environmental goals, but also has a negative impact on the entire automotive industry. On the other hand, if we continue to over-support new energy vehicles, it may lead to dissatisfaction and resistance from fuel vehicle owners, further exacerbating the contradiction between the two.

Therefore, how to promote the sustainable development of the automobile industry and the realization of environmental protection goals while ensuring fairness is an important issue in front of us.

What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

5. Seek a balance

In the controversy of "the same car and the same rights", it is not difficult to see that whether it is a fuel vehicle owner or a new energy vehicle owner, their demands are based on the consideration of their own interests. However, while pursuing individual interests, we also need to take into account the interests and long-term development of society as a whole.

In order to find a balance, we can start from the following aspects: first, continue to increase the research and development and promotion of new energy vehicles, improve their technical level and market competitiveness; The second is to gradually reduce the support policies for new energy vehicles, so that they can compete fairly with fuel vehicles in the market; The third is to strengthen the environmental supervision and emission standards of fuel vehicles, and promote their development in a more environmentally friendly direction.

What does "same car, same rights" mean? Why are the owners of petrol cars happy, but the owners of trams not happy?

In short, the proposal of "same vehicle with the same rights" is a reflection and challenge to the inequality between traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles. While pursuing fairness, we also need to take into account the sustainability and environmental goals of the automotive industry. Only by finding a balanced way can we achieve the healthy development of the automobile industry and the long-term interests of society.