
Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

author:The story of the wise man sesame sauce
Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

The Wenchuan Earthquake: A Miracle of Life Six Years Later

The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 brought indelible pain to countless people. Nearly 70,000 people were killed, 18,000 were missing, and more than 370,000 were injured.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

However, time has not diluted the grief, but has given birth to a resilient vitality in it. In the once devastated land, Wenchuan has been reborn. The stories of the children who survived the disaster are equally inspiring.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Lang Zheng, a 3-year-old child who saluted the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on a stretcher, fulfilled his diplomatic dream in the summer of 2023 and was admitted to Peking University's School of International Studies, hoping to speak up for the country and let the world better understand China.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Hu Yue, a girl who lost her left calf in the earthquake, challenged her limits with perseverance, not only designing unique shapes for her prosthetic legs, but also actively participating in various sports and encouraging other disabled friends through social media.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Cheng Qiang, a teenager holding high the slogan "When I grow up, I will be an airborne soldier", rekindled his hope with the help of the airborne troops, joined the coveted army in 2013, and continued to inherit the heroic spirit.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Dai Guohong, a teenager who was rescued from the rubble more than 50 hours later but lost his legs, regained the courage to live through swimming and became the champion of the National Paralympic Swimming Championships, proving that although the disaster took his legs, it gave him strong wings.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

In their own way, they show the tenacity and hope of life. The stories of these children are the pride of our nation and our common memories. Let us pay tribute to these children, convey love and hope to them, and extend our most sincere blessings to Wenchuan.

Wu Yanni won the championship again: tied the record of the competition

Wu Yanni, the goddess of Chinese track and field, won the women's 100m hurdles final of the Munan Daoxiao Memorial Tournament in the Bronze Label Event of the Intercontinental Tour held on May 12, Beijing time, with a time of 12.86 seconds and tied the record of the Games.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Japan's Mako Fukube was second in 12.92 seconds, while Australia's Sean Daniel was third in 12.98 seconds. This is the third time that Wu Yanni has participated in the outdoor 100m hurdles this season, and finally broke the 13-second mark, which is also the best time for Asian athletes this year.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Previously, Lin Yuwei ran in the women's 100m hurdles of the East Coast Relay Race in Florida, USA, with a time of 12.83 seconds, but it was super wind speed and could not be counted as the best result in the Asian women's 100m hurdles this year.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

In this competition, Wu Yanni was under pressure for a while, but she prepared relatively low-key, and achieved a time of 12.91 seconds in the preliminaries, and advanced to the final first. In the final, Wu Yanni continued to show her top strength, expanding her advantage in the sprint stage, and finally won the championship with a time of 12.86 seconds.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Although this result ranks among the top few in Wu's career, it is still slightly behind her career record of 12.76 seconds. Wu Yanni said that she will not be satisfied with this and looks forward to making more breakthroughs in the future. This year, Wu Yanni has set a number of personal bests in indoor competitions, and hopes to set a new record again in outdoor competitions.

Star catering brand: the halo fades, and the cruel reality is exposed

In recent years, celebrities have frequently set foot in the catering industry, and with their huge fan base and popularity, they once brought huge exposure and attention to the brand. However, as time passed, the aura of these star restaurant brands faded, revealing a harsh reality.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

From mass closures to food safety issues, everything shows that celebrity dining is not as good as it seems. Under the aura of celebrities, consumers' first impression of a brand is often full of anticipation. However, over time, these brands have exposed a number of problems. Recently, some celebrity catering brands have frequently exposed quality problems and consumer disputes, which have aroused widespread attention.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

For example, Huang Xiaoming's investment in the barbecue restaurant in Jiangnan and Zheng Kai's investment in Huo Fengxiang fresh hot pot were once high-profile brands, but now they have frequent problems. The barbecue restaurants in Zhejiang and Beijing were exposed to large-scale closures, while Huofengxiang hot pot was caught in the turmoil of plagiarism of store decoration and the sale of spoiled ingredients.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

In addition, the Xianhezhuang hot pot restaurant invested by Chen He in his early years has also seen a large number of closures, and the rest of the star catering brands have not been spared. The reason for this is, on the one hand, poor brand management, and on the other hand, fierce market competition and consumers are paying more and more attention to cost performance. Consumers no longer blindly follow the trend just because of celebrity endorsements, but consider the actual quality and service of the brand more rationally.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

For celebrities, running a catering brand is not an easy task and requires more professional knowledge and management experience. At the same time, they should also realize that while their fame can bring exposure and attention, real success needs to be built on the quality of the product and the brand image. As consumers become more and more rational, star catering brands also need to strengthen quality control and service improvement if they want to develop for a long time, so as to avoid falling into the abyss behind short-term prosperity.

"Forged Certificate of Deposit" farce: Yao was detained because he was worried about his wife's investment

On May 6, in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, a farce of "forged deposit certificates" was staged in the bank. A woman went to the bank counter to hand over a deposit receipt, but the staff found it to be a forgery. The woman's husband, Yao, was detained for this act. After investigation, the case revealed the inside story of Yao's forgery of deposit receipts in order to let his wife invest with confidence.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

On the morning of May 6, a woman went to the Luozhen branch of the Postal Bank to handle the deposit certificate business, but took out a forged deposit receipt. The bank staff immediately identified it and quickly called the police. When the police arrived, they summoned the woman to the police station and uncovered the whole story. After investigation, it was learned that the deposit receipt was forged by the woman's husband, Yao. Three months ago, Yao earned a sum of business money and wanted to use it for investment projects, but he was worried that his wife would not agree, so he forged a deposit certificate to inform that it had been deposited in the bank.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Unexpectedly, his wife really believed it, which led to a misunderstanding. After the situation was serious, Yao voluntarily surrendered. The police reminded that forging financial documents is punishable against the law. Yao's behavior constituted the crime of forging financial documents, and he called on the public to enhance their legal awareness and stay away from illegal and criminal acts.

Sanlitun "Kapibala" strolls into the spotlight: rare animals spark heated discussions

Recently, an unusual sight on the streets of Sanlitun in Beijing has attracted many attention: a dashing man strolls leisurely with his special companion, a cute "Kapibala". The scene immediately became the focus of the bustling streets.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

"Capibala", a rare animal originating from South America, quickly became popular on the Internet. Its round figure and cute appearance have attracted the attention of many netizens. On the streets of Sanlitun, this capybara has become a bright star and has attracted the attention of countless passers-by. Eyewitnesses described capybaras rolling happily in the sun, coquettish, and even frolicking in puddles, showing an extremely leisurely state.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

And its owner quietly accompanies him, as if he is accustomed to this "star" life. It quickly sparked heated discussions on social media, and netizens expressed their love for the cute image of the capybara. However, experts remind us that although the kapibala is not an endangered species, as a rare animal, it is important to respect their living environment and rights, and avoid indiscriminate breeding and abuse.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

This incident is not only an interesting street scene, but also a profound reminder of the importance of respecting and treating every life with kindness. Let us work together to create a more harmonious and beautiful living environment for rare animals. The emergence of Sanlitun's new favorite "Kapibala" has added a touch of color to urban life, and at the same time prompted us to reflect on the relationship between humans and animals.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

Let's cherish this wonderful fate with animals and work together to create a better world.

The 26-year search for the murderer finally came to fruition: the Zhanjiang woman received a notice of prosecution of the suspect chasing the murderer

In Zhanjiang City, Guangdong, a 26-year-old unsolved murder case has finally made new progress. The suspect in Li Huanping's death, Yi Mouhua, was handed over by the prosecution for review and prosecution, giving Li Haiyu a glimmer of hope and answers. At the end of 1992, 9-year-old Li Huanping's whereabouts were unknown after being taken away from school by Yi Mouhua, and three months later a body was found in a sugarcane field, identified as Li Huanping. In order to find the "murderer", Li Haiyu chased the murderer everywhere and went through hardships and obstacles.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

In the summer of 2016, she found Yi Mouhua and chatted with him online for three years to obtain information. However, the case went in a tortuous way. Although Yi Mouhua admitted to committing the crime, he was released due to insufficient evidence. Until 2022, the Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate determined that Yi Mouhua constituted intentional homicide and decided to prosecute. Li Haiyu finally received a notice of indictment from the prosecution in February this year.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

This difficult road to find the murderer made Li Haiyu pay a huge price. Not only did she lose her younger brother, but she also suffered heavy blows such as her husband's divorce and her father's death. However, she has always insisted on pursuing the truth, hoping to give an explanation to her relatives.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

The progress of this case has also attracted widespread attention from the society, and people have praised Li Haiyu's persistence and courage. This 26-year search for the murderer finally has an answer, and it has also made people have a deeper belief in justice and law.

A school bus accident in Nantong caused 1 death and 1 serious injury, and the responsibility investigation is ongoing

On May 10, a collision accident between a school bus and a muck truck occurred in Chongchuan District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, which aroused widespread concern in the society. So far, the accident has resulted in the death of one student, the serious injury of one student, and the minor or minor injuries of six people.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

According to reports, 45 people were in the school bus involved in the accident, including 39 students, 3 teachers, 2 parents and 1 driver, who went to participate in an art festival organized by the school that day. The injured have been sent to the First People's Hospital of Nantong City for treatment, one of the students died due to serious injuries, and the other injured are in stable condition.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

The accident occurred at the intersection of Panxiang Road and Hongjiang Road in Chongchuan District, and the preliminary investigation showed that the school bus went straight when it passed through the intersection, and the muck car was not noticed to grab the light and go straight, resulting in a collision. The driver of the muck truck involved is suspected of violating the regulations and driving in the restricted area, which has now been controlled.

Latest News Broadcast: May 12, 2024 19:00 7 things!

The investigation of the accident and the determination of responsibility are ongoing, and the relevant responsible persons will be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.

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