
I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

author:Nine readings

In the rush of job searches, liberal arts students often face an awkward situation: it seems that every position has doubts about their professional skills. In the past, Zhang Xuefeng predicted this phenomenon, and now, his words seem to have come true one by one, making countless liberal arts students cry and laugh.

"You're a liberal arts student, how can you program?" During an interview, the interviewer glanced at Xiao Li's resume and asked unceremoniously.

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

Xiao Li smiled awkwardly, but his heart was dripping blood. Although he majored in history, he taught himself accounting and data analysis, and even obtained a certificate. However, in the job market, his liberal arts background became the biggest obstacle.

"I think liberal arts students do face more challenges in the workplace." Zhang Xuefeng said in a lecture, "But that doesn't mean there are no opportunities. ”

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

His words were like a bolt of lightning that pierced the gloom in the hearts of liberal arts students. Perhaps, they do face more difficulties, but that doesn't mean they have to give up.

"Teacher Zhang is right, we can't just admit defeat." Xiao Li was deeply encouraged after seeing Zhang Xuefeng's lecture on social media.

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

He began to actively seek out liberal arts student-friendly positions while also improving his skills. He believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will always have his own piece of heaven.

At the same time, his classmates are going through a similar dilemma. Some of them changed careers to become sales, while others chose to start their own businesses. Everyone is trying to find a place in this competitive society in their own way.

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

"Do you think we liberal arts students really have no future?" One day, Xiao Li was chatting with a classmate who was preparing for the civil service exam.

The classmate smiled, and there was a determined glint in his eyes: "Of course not. Everyone has their own value, and the key is how to discover and use it. ”

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

After Xiao Li heard this, his heart suddenly brightened. He understood that whether it is a liberal arts student or a science student, everyone has their own strengths and specialties. The key is to find the right path for you and build on it.

He began to re-examine his job search strategy, no longer blindly submitting resumes, but looking for positions that could take advantage of his liberal arts background. At the same time, he began to use his spare time to improve his skills and build a solid foundation for his future.

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

After a period of hard work, Xiao Li finally found a job that suited him. Although the salary is not high, he is happy because he knows that he is moving in the right direction.

"Do you think Zhang Xuefeng's words are right?" One day, he was chatting with a friend who also graduated from liberal arts.

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

The friend smiled and replied, "Of course yes." His words are not only a wake-up call for liberal arts students, but also a piece of advice to all job seekers. In this highly competitive society, we must constantly improve ourselves in order to adapt to the changing market demand. ”

After Xiao Li heard this, he thought so. He knows he still has a long way to go, but he's ready to take on the challenges ahead.

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

Now, Xiao Li has stabilized in his new job, and his classmates have found their own paths. Although liberal arts students face more difficulties in the job market, they do not give up, but in their own way, they strive to find a place in this society.

"What do you think of us liberal arts students?" One day, Xiao Li saw such a question on social media, he smiled and replied: "We liberal arts students are strong because we can find our value in adversity and constantly improve ourselves." ”

I can't laugh anymore! Liberal arts students are looking for jobs and complaining that there are almost no jobs, and now Zhang Xuefeng is right

His answer was echoed by many people, because they all knew that everyone has their own values and strengths, whether they are liberal arts or science students. The key is how to discover and exploit it, and how to find your place in a highly competitive society.

Xiao Li's story is a microcosm of countless liberal arts students on the road to job hunting. Their experience tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties we face, as long as we don't give up, we will always have a piece of our own. And Zhang Xuefeng's words are like a beacon, illuminating their way forward and making them see hope and possibility.


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