
The Three "Crossings" of Children: The Secrets of Growing Up Parents Must Know


As a parent, I have been spent three times by my children in my life, and it is a pity to miss it!

As parents, we have all been the ferrymen of our children, but did you know that children will also become the ferrymen of our hearts? This article will reveal the little-known emotional secrets between parents and children, so that you can understand the true meaning of parenthood more deeply.

The Three "Crossings" of Children: The Secrets of Growing Up Parents Must Know

In the long river of life, each of us is like a boat, sometimes sailing calmly, sometimes encountering rough waves. In this long journey, the relationship between parents and children has always been given a special meaning. We often say that parents are the ferrymen of their children, leading them through the river of life. However, in fact, children will also become ferrymen in their parents' lives, leading them to cross spiritual barriers and reach the other side of love.

The First Crossing: The Continuation of Life and the Transmission of Emotions

For their children, parents are the source of life and the shelter of love. We give life to children, accompany them as they grow, and provide them with selfless care and shelter. However, in the process, we often ignore the feedback that our children give us. They not only perpetuate our lives, but also pass on our emotions. Children's smiles and children's hugs are the comfort and strength of our souls. Their presence makes us feel the beauty and meaning of life.

The Three "Crossings" of Children: The Secrets of Growing Up Parents Must Know

The second crossing: the companionship of growth and common progress

As our children grow up, we begin to realize that they are not just our children, but also our partners and friends. We experience the pains and joys of growing up with them, and face the challenges and opportunities of life together. In this process, the child gradually becomes the ferryman of our hearts. They help us overcome our inner barriers and make us more courageous in facing the ups and downs of life. At the same time, we also learned a lot from the children, such as courage, perseverance and optimism.

The Three "Crossings" of Children: The Secrets of Growing Up Parents Must Know

The Third Crossing: The Enlightenment of Wisdom and the Sublimation of Life

When children grow up, we begin to draw more wisdom and strength from them. Their thoughts, their opinions, can often enlighten our minds and make us re-examine our lives and values. In this process, children not only become the ferrymen of our hearts, but also the teachers of our lives. They guide us to a wider world and make our lives shine more brilliantly.

As parents, we are often immersed in the dedication and dedication to our children, but we ignore the love and feedback that our children give us. In fact, children are the most precious gift in our lives, they have crossed our hearts in their own way, and made our lives more colorful.

The Three "Crossings" of Children: The Secrets of Growing Up Parents Must Know

Therefore, we should cherish every moment with our children and feel their love and feedback with our hearts. At the same time, we must also learn to be the ferryman in our children's lives, guiding them to the right path, so that they can grow up healthily and live happily.

The Three "Crossings" of Children: The Secrets of Growing Up Parents Must Know

In closing, I would like to say that parenthood is a practice and a journey. In this trip, we will encounter many challenges and difficulties, but as long as we feel and cherish the emotional bond with our children, we will definitely be able to reap full happiness and touch.