
[In case of war with the United States, I don't have time to rub in, surrender and forget it] netizens' remarks sparked heated discussions

author:Hurry up and go to bed

Recently, a striking remark has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions on the Internet. A netizen expressed a unique opinion: "If we go to war with the United States, I don't have time to hesitate, just surrender!" As soon as these words were released, they immediately aroused heated debates and thoughts among netizens.

To a certain extent, this statement reflects the fear of war and the yearning for peace of some people. In the current situation of international tensions, the threat of war is always present, and people have a deep understanding of the consequences and costs of war. Therefore, even in the face of a dire situation, some people expressed that they could not accept the cruelty of war and preferred to choose peace and surrender.

[In case of war with the United States, I don't have time to rub in, surrender and forget it] netizens' remarks sparked heated discussions

This remark also sparked criticism and questions from some netizens. They believe that surrender is not the best option to solve the problem when national security and sovereignty are threatened. On the contrary, it is necessary to strengthen the strength and solidarity of the State and take decisive action to preserve the dignity and status of the State.

For this kind of remarks, some netizens also expressed their understanding and support. They believe that the choice between peace and war is not an easy task. In the face of an unknown future and possible casualties, everyone wants to be able to pursue peace and security.

[In case of war with the United States, I don't have time to rub in, surrender and forget it] netizens' remarks sparked heated discussions

【Reflection and Discussion】Peaceful Choices and National Security

The publication of this remark has sparked a wide range of reflections and discussions. We can't help but wonder: Should we choose a peaceful choice in extreme circumstances? What is the trade-off between national security and national image?

Some netizens believe that peace is the most important foundation, and without peace there can be no development and progress. However, it was also pointed out that while peace is crucial, when national security and sovereignty are threatened, action should be taken resolutely and not easily retreated.

Whether it is to maintain peace or maintain national security, wisdom and courage are needed. The future of a country depends on the efforts and common choices of every citizen. It is only through reflection and discussion that we can better understand the complexities of war and peace and make more informed decisions for national development and people's well-being.

[In case of war with the United States, I don't have time to rub in, surrender and forget it] netizens' remarks sparked heated discussions

【Road to Peace】Cherish peace and work together

In today's world, peace is the cornerstone of development and the place to which people aspire. No matter what the international situation is, we should cherish peace and strive for it.

As every citizen, we need to have a deep understanding of peace and put it into action in our daily lives. We can contribute to world peace by strengthening cultural exchanges, promoting economic cooperation, and promoting international cooperation.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the issue of national security and sovereignty, firmly stand on the stand of defending national interests, and work hand in hand with the government to build a prosperous, strong, harmonious and secure country.

Whatever path is chosen, peace and national security are indispensable. Let us cherish peace and work together to create a more peaceful, prosperous and beautiful world!

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