
Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

author:Hazah Tea Party

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Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Edit: Hazah Tea Party

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Recently, Wei Jia and Gao Yalin's online dramas have set off a boom again, which has aroused widespread attention from public opinion. This war, which started on the Internet, from the first public revelation, to the gradual escalation, and then to the reconciliation between the two sides, is a complex and far-reaching impact.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Wei Jia, an eye-catching figure from the film and television industry, immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet after a post and became the focus of public attention. On May 10, on this day, she chose to speak out publicly on social media platforms about some well-known issues with her ex-husband Gao Yalin, speaking bluntly and without shying away from it, publicly complaining about the barometer of contradictions between the two. And this public statement, the deepest impression left on everyone is undoubtedly the "child hukou issue" and the "child support" appeal to Gao Yalin.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Judging from Wei Jia's revelations, the issue of the child's household registration is undoubtedly a crucial part for her. In her opinion, children are the only connection between her and Gao Yalin, and in the future, she does not want her children to be unable to enjoy an equal and safe growth environment due to family reasons. Therefore, registering the child has become the primary problem she solves in the process of speaking out on the Internet, which is not only about her personally, but also a protection and responsibility for the child.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Wei Jia's second major appeal is the issue of child support, and she admitted that she was helpless to the extreme because of this problem. The issue of alimony obviously involves an economic dispute between Wei Jia and Gao Yalin, which to a certain extent reflects the tension and antagonism in the relationship between the two. In order to protect the rights and interests of himself and his children, Wei Jia chose to speak out publicly, hoping to force Gao Yalin to take his due responsibility in this way.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

In the process of Wei Jia's post, Gao Yalin did not respond publicly. Faced with Wei Jia's appeal, he chose to remain silent. However, according to Wei Jia's subsequent public statements, it can be seen that this family dispute has taken a new turn under Wei Jia's public support, and Gao Yalin seems to have agreed to Wei Jia's appeal and made a commitment to child support and the issue of child registration.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Wei Jia, the initiator of this Internet turmoil, told her experience in factual language when the heat had not subsided, no matter what the result was, her choice to stand up and fight for her rights and interests is worthy of everyone's admiration and understanding. Whether it is the accusation against Gao Yalin or the attitude towards children, it has exposed her persistence and determination in this turmoil. The announcement of this news did not get Gao Yalin's immediate response, and it is conceivable that Gao Yalin's heart may have experienced a huge shock and thinking about Wei Jia's accusations. However, the past cannot be changed, and Gao Yalin needs to face the reality at the moment and take his due responsibility.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

After a series of public opinion battles, Gao Yalin finally accepted Wei Jia's appeal. Gao Yalin has made a positive response to the issue of children's household registration and child support, which people are more concerned about. Regarding the issue of the child's household registration, it is not only Gao Yalin's recognition of his identity as the child's father, but also Gao Yalin's awakening and responsibility for responsibility. After Wei Jia made a public statement, Gao Yalin made a choice, promising that the child's hukou issue could be freely chosen in Shanghai and Shenzhen, giving Wei Jia a certain right to decide and safeguarding the child's rights and interests.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

On the issue of child support, Gao Yalin made it clear that he would take his due responsibility and pay child support to Wei Jia. This also shows that he still has unfulfilled responsibilities and fetters for this family and this child. Although their marriage has broken down, their responsibilities and obligations as parents are still ongoing, and the ultimate goal of all this is to ensure that the rights and interests of the children are not violated.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Future developments have not subsided. A private chat record between Gao Yalin and Wei Jia was made public on the Internet, from which it can be seen that Gao Yalin expressed his desire to reunite with Wei Jia when facing the family's predicament, and hoped that she could come back with her children and start over with the family. This sincere and deep emotion is undoubtedly his deep remorse for his previous behavior, as well as his sincere expectations for this family.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Gao Yalin's willingness to reunite was not accepted by Wei Jia. When Wei Jia faced Gao Yalin's request for reunion, she resolutely said that she could no longer walk with Gao Yalin. Wei Jia's decision undoubtedly comes from her understanding of Gao Yalin and her own understanding of feelings. After a period of painful struggle, Wei Jia finally had extreme disappointment in Gao Yalin in the depths of his heart.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

The person Wei Jia once loved deeply knew Gao Yalin better than anyone else. However, when someone you love causes harm to yourself, the pain is indescribable. Because some of Gao Yalin's behaviors hurt Wei Jia, this made Wei Jia's love for Gao Yalin extremely disappointed. Wei Jia did not accept Gao Yalin's request to reunite because she could no longer have any hope for Gao Yalin emotionally. After a brief lull, the ongoing heated debate did not end there. A new character, a woman named Xu Zijun, suddenly expressed her opinion on the incident on the Internet, a move that undoubtedly drew everyone's attention back to the controversy again.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

As an outsider, Xu Zijun took the first step towards this incident of grievances, and publicly revealed more details of the matter without hesitation, once again arousing the public's interest in this matter. She expounded her views on this incident in an easy-to-understand manner, including her understanding and evaluation of the relationship between Wei Jia and Gao Yalin, as well as her personal observations and reflections on this incident. However, as a new participant in the speech, Xu Zijun's intervention was not accepted by everyone, which directly led to the incident falling into a complicated situation again. A discussion around Wei Jia, Gao Yalin and new participant Xu Zijun once again kicked off in the public eye.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Xu Zijun, a young and promising female artist, was involved in this public opinion center. She has a certain reputation in the entertainment industry for her outstanding talent and personal charm. However, as a result of this incident, her name was brought to the attention of the masses in another way. Previously, Wei Jia pointed out in the public chat records that the object of Gao Yalin's derailment was Xu Zijun. The publication of this chat record forced Xu Zijun to be on the cusp of public opinion, triggering public speculation about whether Xu Zijun has a special relationship with Gao Yalin.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

As soon as the news was made public, it instantly attracted a lot of attention, and people talked a lot about Xu Zijun's personal life and career. This sudden turmoil undoubtedly had a serious impact on Xu Zijun's career. In an environment that has been hotly debated, Xu Zijun, as a party involved, has suffered a huge impact on his career. While his career was hit, Xu Zijun's reputation was also threatened. Although Xu Zijun has not yet responded to the question of whether she has a special relationship with Gao Yalin, her reputation has been affected to a certain extent under the impact of public opinion.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

She posted a long article on the Internet, making a clear apology to Gao Yalin, and elaborating on the contact process and experience between herself and Gao Yalin. In this article, Xu Zijun said that she first contacted Gao Yalin because of the introduction of the university teacher, and made it clear that she only regarded Gao Yalin as an elder at that time, and did not have any other feelings for him. Xu Zijun also explained why she rejected Gao Yalin's pursuit, claiming that she made the decision from a thoughtful and rational point of view.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

After the release of this long article, under the attention of public opinion and the attention of netizens, Xu Zijun expressed his position on feelings and his dissatisfaction with Gao Yalin's behavior. However, Xu Zijun's statement did not calm things down immediately. Gao Yalin has not yet responded to Xu Zijun's remarks, which makes this battle of right and wrong continue. However, although the matter is still fermenting, Xu Zijun's statement has played an extremely important role in clarifying the facts and escorting his reputation.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Xu Zijun's post makes it clear: she has always been a woman with a good family education background and a kind heart. And, she firmly denied the accusation that she had any improper relationship. However, such an explanation apparently failed to break people's misconceptions and doubts about her. A woman's reputation and self-esteem are immeasurable assets. Xu Zijun's case has triggered us to think about reputational damage, which is not only a frustration for her, but also an issue that all of us should pay attention to and pay attention to.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

As a creator in the entertainment field, while paying attention to celebrities, we need to respect their rights as an ordinary person when making comments and discussions. Whatever comments are made, a minimum of facts and human rights should be respected. I hope that all those who are concerned about this matter can look at this matter with a mentality of understanding, care and respect, analyze it rationally and objectively, and not play child's play. It is generally accepted that this incident is an extremely complex affair involving multiple conflicts of interest and the protection of rights and interests. With both parties agreeing to take care of the follow-up, we hope that they will find a solution to the whole incident and make this incident a part of their new lives.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

For Xu Zijun, we hope that she can calm down, sort out her thoughts, and face all this calmly. Her career shouldn't be over there, but what she needs is to work harder to prove herself and speak with strength. For Gao Yalin, we expect him to sincerely apologize and dispel the public's misunderstanding of Xu Zijun. At the same time, he also needs to take control of his own life, manage his family well, and stop such unacceptable behavior.

Admit to being slept! Xu Zijun: Only collect money, don't talk about love! The career is going to be ruined!

Finally, we hope that the children of Wei Jia and Gao Yalin can thrive in a loving family and have a happy and fulfilling life. We wish them more joy and happiness in the future.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.