
Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

author:Frank grapefruit fg
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Recently, actor Gao Yalin caused an Internet storm because of WeChat notes.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

A seemingly unintentional small action actually set off a monstrous wave, involving Gao Yalin and his lover Xu Zijun. This incident not only makes people re-examine the boundaries of privacy in the age of social media, but also triggers a reflection on the concept of morality in contemporary society.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

The beginning of the story is very simple, Gao Yalin and Xu Zijun, two artists, met and became friends in a reality show. According to Gao Yalin, Xu Zijun once claimed to be from Qingdao, so he remarked to the other party in WeChat as "Xu Zijun Qingdao native". At first, this small note didn't attract much attention.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

However, the good times didn't last long, and I don't know which clever netizen suddenly discovered the remarks of this "Qingdao person". Suddenly, this unintentional move caused an uproar in the online world. Someone ridiculed whether Xu Zijun was really from Qingdao, or was Gao Yalin a kind of ridicule or sarcasm about him? After all, Xu Zijun's hometown is not in Qingdao.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

For a while, all kinds of speculation and speculation went viral on the Internet. Some people say it's just a little joke by Gao Yalin, it's not a big deal; But some people think that there may be some hidden stories in this. Is there some contradiction or secret rivalry between the two?

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Just when everyone was gossiping and disagreeing, Gao Yalin himself finally stood up and explained the matter. He said that it was purely an unintentional mistake to note "Qingdao people" to Xu Zijun, and there was no other deep meaning, and everyone should not speculate and speculate too much.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Netizens still couldn't hold back their enthusiasm and launched a new round of discussion and interpretation of this explanation. This originally insignificant little thing has been infinitely magnified and has become a new hot topic in the entertainment industry.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

In the field of public opinion, the voices of doubt are endless. Some people joked that Gao Yalin's classification of Xu Zijun as a "Qingdao person" can cover up the controversy caused by the age gap between the two? To put it bluntly, some netizens even pointed out that Gao Yalin's intimate name for Xu Zijun has a tendency towards domestic violence, which is suspicious.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

On the other hand, there are also many netizens who support this suspected couple. They believe that although the age gap exists, love knows no borders, as long as both parties are in love and respect each other, why not? Some people even joked that Gao Yalin and Xu Zijun, the "rich and handsome" and "little fresh meat" together, why not worry about the husband and wife box?

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Love is inherently a private and complex matter, and it is difficult for outsiders to completely judge the rights and wrongs of a relationship. Whether Gao Yalin and Xu Zijun are true love or hype, we have no way of knowing. But one thing is certain, if the two really love each other, then the doubts and criticism of public opinion cannot stop the power of love.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Following the intimate group photos and ambiguous notes that were exposed before, actor Gao Yalin finally appeared to respond to the scandal with fellow actor Xu Zijun. Gao Yalin confessed that the two are indeed a couple, not the "sister and brother love" rumored by the outside world.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

It turned out that Gao Yalin and Xu Zijun were the male and female protagonists in a hit drama, and they gradually developed sincere love because of the many emotional scenes. In private, they are often tired of dating, playing games, and taking care of each other. Gao Yalin explained that the reason why Xu Zijun was noted as "Qingdao native" in the address book was purely because Xu Zijun was from Qingdao, in order to avoid confusion with other contacts with the same name and surname.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Gao Yalin emphasized that the love between the two is sincere, and there is no improper relationship as some people have hinted at. They have been in love for a long time, and their relationship has stabilized, and they are ready to enter the palace of marriage.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

In the face of such a straightforward statement, the doubts of the outside world gradually subsided. Many film and television lovers also sent blessings to the lovers on social media, looking forward to them growing old together.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

In the face of doubts, Gao Yalin then posted an article explaining that he was born in Shanghai, and his family moved to Zhejiang when he was 4 years old, and he did not return to Shanghai again until he was 18 years old, so he lived in Zhejiang for a longer time since he was a child. He considers both Shanghai and Zhejiang to be his hometown, so when he talks about his upbringing, he mentions both together.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Although Gao Yalin's explanation did not sweep away all the doubts, it did ease the situation a little. However, it is worth pondering that in this age of social media, everyone's definition and understanding of intimacy has changed, and the tendency to label has also followed.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

We often label others as "drifting north", "going south", "northeasterners", "Sichuan girls", etc., and simply classify a person into a certain geographical category. While this makes it easier for us to understand others, there is also a risk of oversimplification. After all, everyone's identity is diverse, and judging a person purely from their place of birth or residence is obviously one-sided.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

For example, Gao Yalin, although he has lived in Zhejiang for a longer time, Shanghai is undoubtedly an important stop for his growth. We should not dwell too much on whether he is "Shanghainese" or "Zhejiang", but should respect his definition of his own identity.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Although Gao Yalin's explanation did not sweep away all the doubts, it did ease the situation a little. However, a deeper problem has emerged: in the age of social media, everyone's definition and understanding of intimacy has changed, and with it the tendency to label it. Labeling others as "Shanghainese" and "Zhejiang" is a simplistic definition of personal identity.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

This kind of labeling practice has brought us convenience, but at the same time, there are some hidden dangers. It can easily lead to people's perception of others being too one-sided and narrow-minded, ignoring the unique personality traits and intrinsic value of each individual. Worse still, if these labels carry some not-so-good additional meanings, there is a high risk of causing harm to others and becoming a potential form of discrimination.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

This is just as many people have complained about Gao Yalin's "Xu Zijun Qingdao people" remark, which they believe implies stereotypes about geography and identity, and lacks respect for individuals. Although Gao Yalin's original intention may not be this way, this incident has indeed triggered a reflection on social media labeling.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Of course, we can't choke on food, but we also need to be wary of some of the negative effects of labelling. In today's era of technological development and changes in interpersonal communication methods, how to find a balance between convenience and respect is a topic that we need to think about together.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

This incident reflects some of the issues that deserve attention in today's society. First, let's think about defining the boundaries of privacy in the age of social media. Now that all personal information can be exposed and amplified on the Internet, we need to re-examine the connotation of privacy and set a reasonable bottom line for it.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

We can't shy away from the tendency to label in human nature, but at the same time we need to consciously overcome it. Everyone is a unique individual, and it is difficult for a simple label to sum up the whole of a person. We need to be open and inclusive to understand and recognize others, rather than blindly defining them by labels.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

As public figures, celebrities should also be aware of their social responsibilities. Their words and deeds will be widely watched, so they should pay more attention to their words and deeds to avoid causing unnecessary controversy and harm. At the same time, fans in the star-chasing culture should also remain sensible, do not deify idols, but establish a relationship of equality and mutual learning.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

Although this turmoil is a bit of a fuss, it reflects some of the major issues facing our time. It is hoped that through this event, people can rethink the relationship between technology, privacy and human interaction, and move towards a more civilized and orderly direction together.

Gao Yalin's remarks to Xu Zijun made netizens messy

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