
Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

author:Yu Shengyu 443

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The nine great people who made contributions before the age of 30 are all thunderous

In China's long history, there are always some people who have become famous and become legends before their first year. Their stories inspire future generations, and their achievements are a story of history. Today, let's talk about these nine cattle people who made achievements before the age of 30 and see if their stories can give us some inspiration.

1. Sun Ce: The Tiger of Jiangdong

Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

Sun Ce, the word Bofu, the founder of Soochow. He followed his father to fight at the age of fifteen, inherited his father's business in his early twenties, and in just a few years, he relied on his resourcefulness and bravery to pacify the six counties of Jiangdong and establish his own foundation. Sun Ce is good at employing people, his generals are like clouds, and his strategists are like rain, and his prestige makes the enemy fearful. However, just when he was about to make a big difference, he was assassinated and died young, which is regrettable. Sun Ce's story tells us that even if a strong person is, there will inevitably be accidents, and the most important thing is to cherish life and grasp the present.

2. Huo Quzhi: The god of war who sealed the wolf Juxu

Huo Quai, a famous general in the Western Han Dynasty, went out with the army at the age of seventeen and made many military exploits. He led the Han army deep into the hinterland of the Xiongnu, defeated the Xiongnu with less, and returned to the wolf Juxu Mountain. Huo Qubing used soldiers like a god, brave and resolute, and his military exploits made the enemy cold and the people cheered. However, just when he was famous, he died young due to illness, which makes people sigh. The story of Huo Quzhi warns us that health is the capital of the revolution, and only by maintaining a healthy body can we better contribute to the country and the nation.

Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

3. Wang Bo: Wenqu Xing descended to earth

Wang Bo, one of the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, was already famous all over the world at the age of sixteen. His "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" is even more popular and has been passed down through the ages. Wang Bo is talented, poetry and writing, and his literary achievements are breathtaking. However, just when his career was in full swing, he drowned in an accident, which is regrettable. Wang Bo's story tells us that while talent is important, safety should not be overlooked. Only by paying attention to their own safety can they better display their talents and leave more valuable wealth for the world.

Fourth, Yue Fei: A model of loyalty to the country

Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

Yue Fei, a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty, joined the army at the age of 20 and began his career as a horseman. The Yuejia army led by him was brave and good at fighting, disciplined, and made many meritorious achievements in the War of Resistance against Jin. Yue Fei is loyal to the country and dedicated to the country and the people, and his patriotic spirit is admirable. However, just when he was about to regain the lost territory, he was framed by traitors and died unjustly, which was sad and angry. Yue Fei's story warns us that we must always be vigilant and guard against the traitors and villains around us, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

5. Zhu Yuanzhang: The legend from beggar to emperor

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was born poor, but he had great ambitions. At the age of twenty-five, he devoted himself to the cause of the uprising and began his own entrepreneurial path. With his wisdom and courage, he fought all the way through, and finally overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and established the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang's legendary experience tells us that as long as we have firm belief and unremitting efforts, we will be able to change our destiny and realize our life value.

Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

6. Kangxi: The glory of the first emperor through the ages

Emperor Kangxi ascended the throne at the age of eight and began his imperial career. He made great efforts to put down the rebellion of the three feudatories, recover Taiwan, expel the invading Russian army and a series of major measures, all of which showed his wisdom and courage. Emperor Kangxi's brilliant achievements are admired, and his life is full of legends. However, his story also tells us that as a generation of emperors, we must always keep a clear head and a firm will to lead the country to prosperity and strength.

7. Li Hongzhang: The promoter of the Westernization Movement

Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

Li Hongzhang was a famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty, and at the age of twenty-five, he was admitted to the Jinshi and began his career as a eunuch. He held a number of important positions and made great contributions to the Westernization Movement of the Qing Dynasty. He set up an industry, founded a navy, built a railway, and a series of other measures showed his foresight and practical spirit. However, in the face of the bullying of the foreign powers and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, Li Hongzhang also felt powerless and helpless. His later years were full of feelings of concern for the country and the people and deep worries about the future of the country. Li Hongzhang's story warns us that the strength of a country depends not only on the wisdom and ability of its leaders, but also on the unity and progress of the entire country and nation.

8. Sun Yat-sen: The leader of the Xinhai Revolution

Sun Yat-sen was the great forerunner of China's modern democratic revolution, and he devoted himself to the revolutionary cause at the age of 27 and began his revolutionary career. He led the Xinhai Revolution, overthrew the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty, and opened a new page in modern Chinese history. His ideas on the Three People's Principles also pointed out the direction for China's modern democratic revolution. However, his life was full of twists and turns, and his revolutionary path was not all smooth sailing. The story of Sun Yat-sen tells us that the road of revolution is difficult, but as long as we have firm conviction and forge ahead bravely, we will definitely succeed.

Before the age of 30, the nine great people who have made contributions are all thunderous_49736_7

The stories of these nine cattle men are full of legends and profound revelations. With their actions, they have proved the truth that "where there is a will, there is a way". However, their stories also tell us