
On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

author:Tanuki Kan Society


In China, the problem of aging is becoming more and more prominent. According to 2024 data, the number of elderly people aged 60 and over in China has reached nearly 300 million, accounting for 21.1% of the total population, while the number of elderly people aged 65 and above has exceeded 216 million, accounting for 15.4%. This huge number is not only a statistic, but also a microcosm of a social phenomenon. The living conditions and social status of the elderly have become an important consideration for the development of the times.

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

The Truth and Challenges of an Aging Society

Recently, a topic about seventy or eighty-year-olds still working has gone viral on the Internet, causing widespread attention and discussion. Some of these elderly people wash dishes in restaurants, some work in factories, and their image is portrayed as a model of "hard-working and hard-working" through media reports. But what's the truth behind it? Is it really "idle", or is it forced by life? In this context, "old and strong" seems to be a helpless choice rather than a real compliment. Isn't the progress of our society allowing these old age to have more choices and dignity in their lives?

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

Do you have something to rely on or do you have to work for?

In Shanghai, there is a new term called "young elderly", which refers to those between the ages of 55 and 70, who seem young but have entered old age. They are the special products of this period of social transition, which has undergone a great change from a planned economy to a market economy. Many "young and old" people who could have enjoyed retirement still choose or are forced to continue working. Behind this is not only the affirmation of personal ability, but also the helplessness of economic pressure.

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

For example, the 86-year-old grandmother mentioned in the report is still working in the factory and has been praised by the media as "hardworking people of all ages". There are many similar stories, such as the security guard in his 70s, some of whom may indeed enjoy the fulfillment of work, but more because of financial needs. Some netizens revealed that their parents' pension is enough for them to enjoy their old age, but some elderly people, such as his uncle, have to continue to work to make ends meet because they have no pension.

Social status quo and individual choices

In this context, the issue of the aging of society is particularly complex. On the one hand, we praise the spirit of hardship of the elderly, and on the other hand, we must face the fact that if the financial situation of the elderly allows, are they really willing to continue to spend time at work? This makes one wonder whether society's support for the elderly is in place and whether their labor is really voluntary.

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

The views of veteran workers who make screws in Guangdong to support the elderly to continue working are also worth noting. They believe that as long as they are old and have a company to want, they will have the confidence to live. Although this view is realistic, it also reveals the inadequacy of the social security system, and the quality of life and security of the elderly should be the focus of our thinking.

Understanding and caring

Against this backdrop, we need to rethink attitudes towards older persons and social policies. It should not only be praise and affirmation on the surface, but also give sufficient support and guarantee in the system. Whether the elderly can truly enjoy the happy life of their old age is a real test of the temperature of a society.

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

Social Responsibility Behind Ageing

We often say that "respecting the old and loving the young" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but in the context of rapid development, is this virtue still truly practiced? The living conditions of the elderly are not only personal choices, but also a reflection of social system arrangements. While we applaud the industriousness and perseverance of the elderly, we should also reflect on whether this means that they are not getting the rest and respect they deserve.

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!

The development of society should not only be a stage for young people, but also a harbor for the elderly to enjoy their old age. Behind the phenomenon of older people continuing to work is a silent commentary on their later life. We need to build a better social protection system so that every older person has the right to choose to stop and enjoy life, rather than being forced to fight for a living.

On the hot search! Seventy or eighty elderly people are still working in the spotlight, and the official media praises them for their hardships and hard work, and they can't be idle!


We respect the choices of older people and support their needs by providing more than just a job opportunity. Society should provide more support and assistance, including adequate pensions, health care, and leisure activities suitable for the elderly. Through these measures, we can truly achieve dignity, choice, and happiness for the elderly in their later years.

In this aging society, each and every one of us is moving towards old age. How to treat the elderly is also a way to treat oneself in the future. Let us work together to create a better social environment for the elderly, so that "respecting the elderly and caring for the young" is not just a slogan, but a real social action and guarantee.