
has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

author:Jess talks about history

A maverick modern character, his story will remind you of the "uninhibited" style of ancient Ruan. This person's name is Li Peiran, a "geek" who lives completely in his own world. He once gave up the college entrance examination and chose to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and later returned to the city because of his love for life.

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

Li Peiran, this name may not be well-known in the eyes of the public, but in the niche circle that pursues individuality and freedom, he is like a shining star. Born in an ordinary family in Deyang, Sichuan, although his parents are not highly educated, they have a traditional concept of education, hoping that Li Peiran can change his fate through reading. has been instilled with a large number of poems since he was a child, and the influence of these traditional cultures has invisibly shaped Li Peiran's character and life choices in the future.

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

Lee's learning career was not ordinary. In high school, his grades were typical of "partial subjects", with excellent Chinese scores, but almost no sense of mathematics and English. In the face of the school's test-oriented education and teachers' expectations, he seemed out of place. Once, the teacher told him that "people are divided into three, six, nine and so on, and your future is determined by the college entrance examination", which made him feel extremely disgusted. He believed that the gaokao was nothing more than a modern imperial examination, a process of selecting nerds, so he began to doubt the rationality of the system.

In the year of the college entrance examination, Li Peiran

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

did not prepare for the war as anxiously as other students, but indulged themselves more, and the final result was naturally not ideal. In the face of failure, he did not feel too much loss, but chose an unusual path - seclusion. He went to the mountains of Jianyang, Sichuan, rented a hut, and started his life as a hermit, living a life of farming and studying. This experience strengthened his determination to pursue freedom and his inner world.

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

Man cannot be completely detached from society. A few years later, the pressure of survival forced Li Peiran to return to the city. He tried several jobs: network administrator, cleaner, KTV waiter. These jobs, though mundane, ended because they didn't fit his character and lifestyle. He couldn't stand any circumstance that constrained his mind and way of life, and every time he ended in resignation.

Li Peiran was tired of the glamorous life, and he began to think about his future. At this time, he had the idea of re-entering the university. He took the college entrance examination as a member of the public, and with a solid foundation in liberal arts, he was successfully admitted to a major in Chinese language and literature at a three-university university. During his college years, he still maintained his own style, and even walked into the lecture hall in his pajamas to protest against certain views that he did not agree with, causing quite a stir. Although his behavior was criticized by some people, it attracted the curiosity and attention of his classmates.

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

After graduating, Li Peiran did not choose the conventional employment path, but decided to spread the culture in his own way. He became a UP master of the knowledge area of station B, and shared his unique insights on poetry and philosophy under the name of "Mr. Ariyama". His programs are diverse, sometimes improvised poems on the street, and sometimes in-depth explanations of ancient texts in the live broadcast room, which has attracted the attention of a large number of culture lovers.

Mr. Ariyama is unique in that he can always inadvertently show the kind of casual uninhibited nature of the Wei and Jin dynasties. For example, he once chanted "The Burrow" to the camera after being drunk in a live broadcast, which made the audience feel the leisure and indifference of the secluded life of the ancients. Another example is that he recited "Seeking Wu Cao" aloud on the streets of Chengdu, and his persistence and arrogance moved countless netizens.

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

His philosophy of life is deeply influenced by the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, especially Ruan Ji's "unruly style", which makes him particularly unusual in modern society. He is not informal, and he never plays cards according to common sense, but every "madness" is a deep exploration and dissemination of traditional culture.

Although Li Peiran's lifestyle and thinking have attracted some people's fanatical following, it has also made many people feel incomprehensible and even disgusted. On his social media, he can often see polarizing comments. Some praised him as a "true man of culture", while others criticized him for "acting eccentricly and disregarding reality".

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

But no matter what the outside world says, Li Peiran has always adhered to his own lifestyle and values. He believes that true freedom is not to be unrestrained, but to find one's own unique path in following the call of the heart. He used his actions to show everyone that even in the melting pot of modern society, a person can maintain a unique personality and not follow the crowd.

has the "Wei and Jin style bones" that literati yearn for the most, whether it is a "madman" or a "ghost"

Li Peiran's story is a story of self-discovery and perseverance. Through his uncompromising approach to life, he shows us the possibility of maintaining one's independence and purity in this rapidly changing world. His life may seem to some people to be an alternative, but it is undoubtedly an attempt to deeply understand and express traditional culture.