
The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

author:True Goodness 166

In this entertainment wind, we have to admire the confidence of the Internet giant Boss Ma, who has swept the world. He pointed out that the financial regulatory system is lagging behind, and questioned that the existing system is not conducive to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

That's a deafening point of view! As soon as Boss Ma said it, the regulatory department immediately showed its fangs. Ant Group's listing plan was put on hold, and Alibaba was also severely fined 18.228 billion yuan. Watching this familiar giant suffer heavy blows one after another, we can't help but sigh: If it's really anyone, don't want to be alone!

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

This incident caused a strong shock in the industry. In addition to Ant Group and Alibaba, regulators have also launched stricter scrutiny and regulation of other internet giants. People are starting to wonder if this means that the era of Internet companies is coming to an end.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

However, there are also some voices who believe that the regulator's measures are too harsh. They are worried that such fines may hit the incentive for companies to actively innovate and cause irreversible damage to the entire Internet industry. At the same time, investor confidence has also taken a serious hit, and the stock market has seen wild swings.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

The entire industry is shrouded in a haze of uncertainty. From the top to the rank-and-file employees, everyone is thinking about the way forward. Some companies have adjusted their strategies to increase their focus on compliance and regulation, hoping to avoid similar risk events from happening again.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

In the face of iron-fisted rectification, Boss Ma did not speak harshly, and obediently adjusted the work system and strengthened the construction of compliance. However, this is undoubtedly a critical blow to Alibaba. Once upon a time, this company was full of glory, and Boss Ma was praised as a new economic idol. But overnight, everything came to an abrupt end.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

The entire Alibaba hierarchy fell into deep silence en masse. Boss Ma was forced to recognize that past success does not always guarantee future advantages. He began to reflect on his actions and decisions, and re-examined the way the company operated.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

In order to restore the confidence of the market as soon as possible, Boss Ma personally presided over a series of internal meetings and invited experts and scholars to discuss the company's future development direction. They take a hard look at the corporate culture and governance structure to get to the root of the problem and develop a workable solution.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

At the same time, under the continuous requirements of national regulatory authorities, Alibaba has set up a dedicated compliance team and invested a lot of energy to strengthen the company's internal control and compliance construction. This means that every aspect of the company needs to be revisited, from the recruitment process to data security, from supply chain management to advertising and marketing, all need to comply with the corresponding regulations and standards.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

The major crisis has also been a huge blow to Alibaba's employees. Once full of self-confidence, they felt helpless and confused in the face of such a drastic transformation. Many employees are starting to rethink their career plans, observing the market situation and considering whether they need to find a stable exit option. There have also been adjustments to the appraisal system and changes in job arrangements within the company, aiming to improve the overall operational efficiency of the company.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

Some people say that this is due to the contradiction between scientific and technological innovation and the rules and systems. In their pursuit of innovation, Silicon Valley companies often ignore the rules. As a result, internet giants now have to accept more norms and constraints.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

For a long time, the Internet industry has become a new engine of the economy with its rapid development and innovative power. In the process of rapid expansion, many technology companies prioritize scale and market share in innovation, ignoring the importance of compliance and regulation. This phenomenon of "first move and last pass" has led to the accumulation of regulatory loopholes and risks.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

With the increasing social influence of the Internet, regulators recognize that strengthening the supervision of Internet companies is necessary to ensure the public interest and the healthy development of the market. In the past, the self-regulatory behavior of some Internet giants did not fully meet the expectations of society, so the regulatory authorities have stepped up their efforts to regulate and supervise them.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

These norms and constraints include regulations on advertising and marketing, requirements for data privacy protection, and restrictions on antitrust and competition policies. Regulators require Internet giants to fulfill their social responsibilities, protect the rights and interests of users, prevent abuse of market dominance, and maintain a fair competition environment in the market.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

Internet giants are forced to pay more attention to internal compliance and social governance. They have stepped up the formation of compliance teams and the recruitment of technical personnel, as well as the scrutiny of the safety and legality of products and services. At the same time, it also actively promotes the self-discipline mechanism of the industry, actively practices social responsibility, and promotes the healthy development of the industry.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

However, I still appreciate Boss Ma's outspoken style. After all, there are unreasonable systems and rules in society, and only by pointing them out in words and deeds can we promote reform. Of course, whether the method is appropriate or not is another matter.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

Personal Opinion:

This turmoil once again confirms a truth: no one or enterprise can be above laws and regulations. As a public figure, Boss Ma's words and deeds will be subject to a particularly high degree of attention and scrutiny. Although his remarks are more straightforward, they also reflect the entrepreneurs' dissatisfaction with the existing system and their demands for reform.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

In comparison, the regulator's response has been somewhat hasty and simplistic. It is reasonable to reach a consensus through communication and coordination with enterprises. It is easy to strike hard, which will inevitably hurt the development of enterprises and employment. Under the tide of the new economy, the old regulatory system is indeed inadequate, and it is necessary to adjust and innovate with the times.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

Moreover, the point of view put forward by Boss Ma is by no means untargeted. In the existing financial system, the support for small and medium-sized enterprises is far from enough, which has hindered economic and social development. All parties should discuss this, rather than blindly deny and suppress it. Doing so will only make people feel that they are punishing dissidents and undermining social fairness and justice.

The state took action to tear off Jack Ma's mask! Reveal the problems involved in Jack Ma! What exactly did he do wrong

On the road of development and change, we need to understand and tolerate each other, and move forward together. The government, enterprises and the public should seek common ground while reserving differences, rather than opposing each other. Only in this way can the conversion of old and new kinetic energy be stable and far-reaching.

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