
In 1975, he was in special training in the military camp, accidentally saved the life of the battalion commander, and successfully passed the promotion assessment when he returned to the team

author:Smoke Moon wrote

The year was 1975, and I experienced a turning point in my life during special training in the barracks. At that time, I was in my twenties, and I was in the prime of my flesh.

I remember that day, the sun hung in the sky like a ball of fire, and the sun burned people's scalps. We are engaged in a grueling combat exercise. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a hidden enemy fire point opened heavy fire on us. The battalion commander, Lin Guoqing, rushed out and ordered us to counterattack.

At this critical juncture, I realized that something was wrong. An enemy grenade was quietly approaching the battalion commander, but he was unaware. I didn't have time to think about it, so I swooped down and pushed the battalion commander aside, while I clung to the grenade that was about to explode.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and I felt as if my body was being torn apart, and the pain was unbearable. But I held the grenade tightly and didn't let it hurt the battalion commander.

When I woke up, I was already in the hospital. The doctor said that I was dying, but I only had some flesh and skin injuries. When the battalion commander came to see me, he held my hand tightly with tears in his eyes and said, "Little brother, you saved my life, and I Lin Guoqing remembered this kindness." ”

After returning from injury, it was just in time for the promotion assessment. Due to my outstanding performance in the exercise, I successfully passed the assessment and was promoted to a squad leader.

One day, I met the simulated instructor of the previous enemy fire point on the playground. He told me that during that exercise, he deliberately placed that grenade to see what we could do in a matter of life and death. I was stunned, I didn't expect that my heroic act would be accomplished in an unexpected ordeal.

However, life doesn't always be so dramatic. During a live-fire shooting, recruit Xiao Li accidentally dropped a live ammunition. I was quick and shouted, "Lie down!" Then he pounced and pressed Xiao Li tightly under him.

"Boom!" There was another loud bang, and I felt like my ears were going to be deaf. But when I got up, I found that both I and Xiao Li were unharmed. It turned out that the live ammunition did not explode because of its quality.

After experiencing these two trials of life and death, I cherish my life more and understand the mission of a soldier more clearly. In the days that followed, I led my class to train hard and gave my youth and blood for the security of the country and the people.

Now, I have been out of the army for many years, but I still remember those years in the barracks. Whenever I think of the experience of accidentally saving the battalion commander's life, my heart is full of pride and emotion. It was the most precious treasure of my life and a memory that I will never forget.

Life after being discharged from the army always seems to be peaceful and orderly. I returned to my hometown, a village that was once familiar and yet unfamiliar. Time flies, and the past of the barracks seems to have become a distant dream.

One morning, I stood at the head of the field, watching the rice swaying in the sun, and an inexplicable emotion welled up in my heart. At this moment, there was a commotion at the entrance of the village, and I turned to look, only to see a group of people gathered around, pointing and pointing.

I walked over and squeezed into the crowd to find an elderly veteran being bullied by several young men. They laughed at him and called him a useless veteran. My eyes widened, and a rush of blood rushed to my head, and it seemed that those years of military camp life were suddenly back in front of me.

"Stop!" I shouted at the young men, stepped forward, and helped the old soldier up, "What do you know? This veteran, he has shed blood and sweat for the country and the people, what right do you have to laugh at him? ”

The young men were intimidated by my momentum and retreated. I helped the old soldier pat the dirt off his body, and asked softly, "Brother, are you okay?" ”

The old soldier raised his head, and a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes: "Thank you, little brother." I'm used to this kind of thing. ”

My heart was sour, thinking of my days in the barracks, and those comrades-in-arms who fought side by side have now gone their separate ways. I decided to do something for this veteran, but also for all veterans.

I started to organize the veterans in the village, and together we renovated the appearance of the village, built roads, and set up a farm, which led to the economic development of the village. Our actions touched a lot of people, and slowly, the young people who used to laugh at us began to respect us.

One day, a couple of strange guests came to the village, and they came to me and said that there was a special task for us veterans to complete. They say that near the border, there is a mysterious group that is threatening national security, and they need us experienced veterans to investigate the matter.

I hesitated, but finally decided to accept the assignment. So, our group of veterans picked up arms again and set out on the journey.

On the border, we came across that mysterious organization. They are well-trained and have amazing combat effectiveness. In a fierce battle, I accidentally found myself in a dilemma, with the enemy's pursuers behind me and a bottomless cliff in front of me.

At this critical juncture, I seemed to have returned to the moment of rescuing the battalion commander that year, and a surge of courage surged in my heart. I shouted: "For the country, for the people, rush!" Then he led his comrades forward and repelled the enemy.

After the completion of the mission, we were honored by the state. At that moment, I understood that as a soldier, mission and responsibility never end with discharge.

Now, I have returned to the village and continue to live my ordinary life. But I know that as long as the country needs it, I will take up arms again and fight to defend my homeland. Because, that soldier's heart will never grow old.

As the days went by, I still got up early every day, patrolled the farm, and arranged work. Those retired comrades-in-arms are also busy in their respective posts, and our lives have gradually returned to peace.

Until that day, a mysterious letter shattered the silence. There was no sender's address on the envelope, only my name. Confused, I opened the envelope, revealing a map and a letter inside. The letter wrote that there was an underground organization secretly plotting a sabotage, and they needed veterans like me to stop the catastrophe.

I looked at the markings on the map and felt conflicted. On the one hand, there is the peaceful life of the village, and on the other hand, the security of the country. I sat there, pondered for a long time, and finally decided to go anyway.

I found several reliable comrades-in-arms and told them the contents of the letter. Without saying a word, they immediately decided to go with me. In this way, our group once again embarked on an unknown journey.

Following the map, we came to a remote town. There, we meet a mysterious middle-aged man who claims to be the sender of the letter. He told us that the underground organization was on a hill near the town, and that they planned to create an explosion on an important holiday.

We immediately took action, followed the clues provided by the middle-aged man, and quietly marched towards the stronghold of the organization on the mountain. That night, the moonlight was bright, and we cautiously approached the target by the moonlight.

Suddenly, a shrill siren pierced the silence of the night, and our whereabouts were discovered. Enemies poured out like a tidal wave, and a fierce shootout unfolded in an instant. My comrades-in-arms and I fought back to back, calmly, and every shot poured our loyalty to our country into it.

During the battle, one of my comrades was wounded, and I was anxious as I watched his blood flow. But I can't stop, I can't let all these years of hard work go to waste, I can't let the enemy's plot succeed.

"Hold on!" I shouted to my comrades-in-arms, "For the sake of our country, for the sake of our families, we cannot lose!" ”

Just as we were running out of ammunition, reinforcements arrived. It turned out that the middle-aged man had already arranged a follow-up, and he also reported the case to the local police at the same time as we acted. Eventually, we succeeded in dismantling the underground and preventing a catastrophe that could have caused countless innocent casualties.

Back in the village, we were warmly welcomed by the villagers. The young people who once laughed at us now look at us with reverence. I understand that the value of our veterans lies not only in our bravery on the battlefield, but also in our selfless dedication to the country and the people.

Today, I still guard this land and this peace. But I know that whenever the country calls, I will not hesitate to step forward. Because the mission of a soldier will always be engraved in my heart.

Time flies, and life on the farm is still calm and orderly. However, deep down in my heart, there was always a lingering uneasiness. I know that days of peace don't last forever, and we always need to be prepared.

One day, an old comrade-in-arms from afar suddenly came to visit. His arrival came as a surprise to me because we haven't been in touch for decades. He looked a little tired, but there was still a determined glint in his eyes.

"Old comrade-in-arms, why are you here?" I asked, full of doubts.

He gave me a deep look, then took a map and a letter out of his pocket and handed them to me. I opened the envelope and there was a line written inside: "We have an important task for you. ”

I frowned and looked at him suspiciously, "What kind of mission is this?" ”

He sighed and said, "This is a very dangerous operation, and we need your experience and courage. We believe that only you can accomplish this task. ”

I took the map and studied it carefully. An unknown location is marked on the map, which looks like a hidden place deep in the mountains.

"What is this mission?" I asked.

He took a deep breath, then said slowly, "We need you to go to this place, there is a secret base where an important piece of information is hidden. This intelligence is vital to our national security, and we must get it. ”

I was silent for a moment, my heart full of contradictions. On the one hand, there is the life of the farm, and on the other hand, the security of the country. I knew I had to make a choice.

Eventually, I decided to accept the assignment. I know that as a military man, I must always be ready to give everything for my country.

I said goodbye to my family and comrades-in-arms and embarked on the journey. I came to that unknown location and began the arduous exploration. In the secret base deep in the mountains, I went through countless hardships and dangers, but finally succeeded in completing the mission.

When I returned to the village with the information, I was warmly welcomed by the villagers. They are proud of me because I know that I am not only for myself, but also for the country and the people.

Today, I still guard this land and this peace. But I know that whenever the country calls, I will not hesitate to step forward. Because the mission of a soldier will always be engraved in my heart.