
When I was demobilized and returned home in '86, I was lucky enough to have my money stolen and came to my aid

author:Smoke Moon wrote

On that hot summer day in '86, I ended my four-year military career and was demobilized and returned to my hometown. The moment I took off my military uniform, it was as if I had also unloaded my heavy mission, and my heart was filled with longing for the future.

However, fate played a big joke on me. The day after I returned home, I went to town to buy groceries with all my demobilization money, but I was confronted by thieves in a crowded bazaar. By the time I found out, the wallet was long gone, and the money inside was gone.

I was anxious and searched everywhere, but to no avail. At that moment, I felt as if I had fallen from heaven to hell, and my heart was extremely heavy. Fortunately, when I was desperate, I met a kind big brother, his name is Li Qiang, and he is a teacher in the town.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Li Qiang saw that I was depressed and asked with concern.

I sighed and told him about the thief. After Li Qiang heard this, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you think of a way." ”

Li Qiang took me to his house, and his wife gave me a warm welcome. After the meal, Li Qiang said: "I have a student whose father is the town's security director, maybe he can help." ”

With Li Qiang's help, I quickly got in touch with the security officer. He promised to help investigate the matter and told me not to worry too much.

A few days later, the security officer found me and told me that the thief had been caught and that some of the money had been recovered. I shook his hand excitedly and thanked him repeatedly.

However, when I got the money, I made a mistake. It's not a lot of money, but it's a lot of money for me. How can I repay Li Qiang's family?

I found Li Qiang and wanted to return the money to him. But he waved his hand and said, "Brother, you misunderstood. We help you because you are a soldier and we are proud. You can use this money to solve the difficulties in front of you. ”

I was moved to tears, and I didn't know what to say. Li Qiang said again: "You have just been demobilized, and you must have a lot of things to do. If you don't mind, stay at my house during this time, and we'll help you figure it out together. ”

So, I stayed at Li Qiang's house for a while. During that time, I learned a lot of knowledge from Li Qiang and met a lot of friends. With everyone's help, I gradually got out of the predicament and started to plan my life.

One day, Li Qiang asked me, "Have you ever thought about using your military skills to do something in your hometown?" ”

I shook my head, indicating that I hadn't figured it out yet. Li Qiang said: "You can open a training class to teach children military skills, you can not only make money, but also exercise, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?" ”

I thought it was a great idea. So, I started to prepare for the training course, and Li Qiang's family also fully supported me.

After a lot of hard work, my training course was finally opened. Under my teaching, the children not only learned military skills, but also developed good living habits. It's gratifying to see all of this.

And Li Qiang has also become my best friend. We work together to dedicate our strength to the children in our hometown. Although there will still be twists and turns in life, with the company of friends, I believe that I will be able to move forward.

The opening of the training course has enriched my life. Watching the children sweat on the playground every day, I seem to see the shadow of my youth. Their laughter also made me feel happier than I had ever felt before.

One day, an old man in the town came to me and said that he had heard that I was teaching the children military skills and had come to see me. His name is Uncle Chen, and he was a volunteer soldier when he was young. We hit it off and talked a lot about the past of our military careers.

"Little brother, I agree with you teaching children these skills. But did you know that what children nowadays lack most is not skills, but spirit? Uncle Chen said earnestly.

I asked suspiciously, "Uncle Chen, what kind of spirit are you talking about?" ”

Uncle Chen replied: "It is the spirit of patriotism and the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance. You can include these elements in your training so that children can learn skills and develop their character at the same time. ”

I felt that Uncle Chen's words were very reasonable, so I decided to add patriotic education to the training class. I began to collect all kinds of heroic deeds and tell them to the children, so that they could learn about the heroes who gave their lives for their country.

Soon after, there was going to be a patriotic education event in the town, and I was invited to be the keynote speaker. I was so excited that I had been looking through a lot of materials and preparing for this lecture for a long time.

On the day of the speech, the residents of the town came to the scene, and the children also sat neatly under the stage. I stood on the stage, looking at their expectant eyes, filled with a sense of responsibility.

"Hello everyone, comrades! Today, I would like to tell you about the heroes who fought bravely and selflessly for the sake of New China and our happy life today...... "I spoke affectionately, and the audience listened with relish.

After the speech, the audience burst into warm applause. Li Qiang walked over and said excitedly: "Brother, you spoke so well!" I am sure that these heroic deeds will inspire the children to strive for progress. ”

During that time, together with Li Qiang and Uncle Chen, I worked hard to spread the spirit of patriotism to the children in my hometown. Our classes are also becoming more and more popular, and many parents are willing to send their children here.

However, life is always full of surprises. One day, I received a letter from afar. The letter told me that one of my old comrades-in-arms was seriously ill and wanted to see me.

I was so anxious that I immediately packed my bags and prepared to visit my old comrades. Before leaving, Li Qiang and Uncle Chen came to see me off. They patted me on the shoulder and encouraged me not to worry too much and they would help me take care of the training class.

On the train, I had a lot of thoughts. When I think about what I've been through in my hometown over the years, my heart is filled with gratitude. I know that no matter what difficulties lie ahead, I will never be alone again. Because behind me, there are friends like Li Qiang and Uncle Chen, as well as those lovely children.

As soon as I arrived at my destination, I rushed to the hospital. When my old comrades-in-arms saw me, they held my hand tightly, tears rolling in their eyes. We talked a lot about the past and reminisced about those days when we fought side by side.

In front of the bedside of my old comrade-in-arms, I once again felt the fragility of life. I told myself that I must cherish the friendships in front of me and cherish the days that accompanied me.

A few days later, I said goodbye to my old comrades-in-arms and returned to my hometown with a lot of emotion. I know that there are children waiting for me, my friends Li Qiang and Uncle Chen, and the training class I have worked for. And all of this will be the motivation for me to continue to move forward.

On the day I returned to my hometown, the sun was shining, as if welcoming my return. Li Qiang and Uncle Chen were waiting at the station early and when they saw me getting off the train, they greeted me.

"Brother, you're back!" Li Qiang patted me on the shoulder vigorously, his eyes full of concern.

I smiled and nodded, "yes, I'm back." Thank you for helping me take care of the training course. ”

Uncle Chen patted me on the back and said with a smile, "These are all things we should do." During the time you were gone, the children missed you very much, and the training class couldn't do without you. ”

We chatted as we walked back. On the way, I learned that during the time I left, everything went smoothly in the training class, and the children not only improved their military skills under the guidance of Li Qiang and Uncle Chen, but also actively participated in various public welfare activities in the town.

When I got home, I felt a warmth that I hadn't felt in a long time. That night, I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling, and my heart was full of emotion. I understand that I have integrated into this place and the people here have become my family.

The next day, I returned to the training class and the children saw me and cheered. I told them the stories of my old comrades-in-arms and the deeds of the heroes. The children listened attentively, their eyes flashing with adoration and admiration.

Soon after, an entrepreneur in the town heard about our training course and offered to sponsor us. He said: "You have done a good job in patriotic education, and I hope to be able to contribute to help more children." ”

With the support of this entrepreneur, our training courses have been expanded and many new teaching equipment have been added. After discussing with Li Qiang and Uncle Chen, we decided to add more extracurricular activities to the training class, such as wilderness survival training and volunteer service, so that the children can learn to unite and help each other in practice and cultivate their sense of social responsibility.

One day, news suddenly came from the town that because of too much rain, there were signs of landslides in the nearby mountains, and the nearby villagers needed to be evacuated urgently. Li Qiang and Uncle Chen and I immediately organized the children to participate in the rescue work.

During the rescue process, the children showed more bravery and tenacity than I could have imagined. They helped carry supplies, took care of the elderly and children, and no one flinched. Looking at their busy figures, my heart is full of pride.

"See? These are the children in our training class. I said to Li Qiang.

Li Qiang nodded, tears shining in his eyes: "Yes, they have grown up and become real little heroes." ”

The danger of the landslide was eventually successfully defused, and the children were trained in the rescue operation, which also won praise from the townspeople. That night, we had a small celebration where everyone sat around and shared their experiences during this time.

I looked at these smiling faces and silently made a wish in my heart: may these children grow up healthy and happy, and may their lives always be full of hope.

As time went on, the workshop became more and more influential in the town, and more children and parents recognized our educational philosophy. And Li Qiang and Uncle Chen and I are also on this land, continuing to cultivate our cause and conveying the spirit of patriotism and solidarity and mutual assistance. We know that this business will continue forever and become the most valuable asset in our lives.

Under the influence of the training course, the atmosphere of the town gradually changed. Residents are more focused on solidarity and mutual assistance, and the relationship between neighbors is more harmonious. The growth of children has also received more attention and care.

One day, I was in a training class when a young mother approached me with a skinny little boy. With anticipation in her eyes, she said, "I heard that your training class not only teaches skills, but also focuses on cultivating children's character, and I want my children to join." ”

I looked at the little boy with a glint of longing in his eyes. I smiled and said, "Of course, we welcome every child who is willing to learn and grow." ”

The boy's name is Xiao Ming, and he quickly integrates into the life of the training class. I found that although he was thin and weak, he was very strong in spirit. Under the training of the training class, he not only improved his physical fitness, but also learned to help others and became a responsible little man.

One day, an old man in the town suddenly fainted and fell to the ground in critical condition. Xiao Ming happened to be passing by, and he immediately ran over and used the first aid knowledge he learned in the training class to give first aid to the old man. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, Xiao Ming has been by the old man's side, giving him confidence and warmth.

After the ambulance arrived, the doctor said to Xiao Ming: "You did a good job, and it was your timely rescue that allowed the old man to turn the corner." Xiao Ming smiled shyly, his eyes flashing with pride.

This incident became a good story in the town, and more people began to pay attention to our training classes, hoping that their children would also grow and learn here.

With the passage of time, the influence of the training course has become more and more significant, and even parents from other places have come to visit us in the hope of sending their children to study. Faced with such a situation, Li Qiang and Uncle Chen and I decided to enroll more children to benefit more families.

However, as the training courses expanded, we also faced new challenges. How to ensure the quality of teaching, so that children can learn skills and develop good character at the same time, has become a major problem we face.

In order to solve this problem, we have decided to reform the teaching content of the courses. On the basis of retaining the original military skills training, more content on character cultivation and teamwork will be added. At the same time, we have also invited some experts and volunteers to teach the children on a regular basis, so that the children can be exposed to the wider world.

After a period of hard work, the teaching quality of the training course has been further improved. The speed at which the children are growing is amazing, not only improving their skills, but also developing positive, helpful qualities.

Watching the children grow up, my heart is filled with joy. I know that our efforts have not been in vain, and that these children will become the pillars of society and contribute to our country and our hometown.

Li Qiang and Uncle Chen and I have also strengthened our belief that we will continue to provide better education for our children, so that they can grow up healthy and happy in the big family of the training class.

In the days to come, we will continue to move forward hand in hand, for the children's tomorrow, for our hometown, for our country, to contribute our own strength.