
"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

author:Dinosaurs tell history

1. Opening introduction: First of all, a vivid picture is depicted to show the embarrassing situation of Guo Leng's current life alone - a lonely "giant baby".

Guo Leng lay alone and quietly on the single bed of the cramped express hotel, staring at the ceiling and falling into deep thought. This room, which is only more than ten square meters, is the whole world of his current life.

He was thin, pale, his eyes were misty, and he looked exhausted.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

There are several dance costumes stacked in the corner, and a few bottles and cans are haphazardly placed on the table, which are disposable condiments given by the parents of the students. The fridge was empty, not even a bottle of mineral water was left.

Guo Leng had recently felt thirsty again, so he had to struggle to get up and go downstairs and buy a can of soda from the vending machine to satisfy his urgent needs.

Upon returning to the room, he collapsed weakly on the bed, the soda can in his hand slipping aside. This is Guo Leng's daily life, which is extremely simple and boring, day after day.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

As a dance instructor with an annual income of up to one million, his life lacks the sense of ritual that he deserves, like a "giant baby" who is ignorant of everything in the world.

Guo Leng only wears a pair of dance pants all year round, no matter the four seasons, cold and heat. When the weather was too hot, he rolled up his trouser legs and wore them as shorts. He is 177 cm tall, but his weight is only 120 pounds, and he is distressingly thin.

Speaking of Guo Leng, the people around him were all shocked by his living habits. He doesn't seem to know anything other than dancing, not even basic life skills like laundry, cooking, and changing light bulbs.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

If it weren't for the careful care of the students' parents, I am afraid he would have starved to death in such a harsh environment.

2. The glory of Guo Leng's youth: By recalling the years when he was a genius in the dance industry as Yang Liping's beloved apprentice, he shone on the stage.

If you don't witness it with your own eyes, it is hard to believe that Guo Leng, who lives a simple life like a "giant baby", was a peerless dancer when he was young. He was born in a well-known Yang Liping dance family at home and abroad, and he is a proud protégé trained by Yang Liping herself.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Guo Leng, who has been cared for since childhood, is extremely talented, has a rigorous learning attitude, and has an incomparably passionate love for ballet. Under Yang Liping's strict training, he gradually tempered his stage performance beyond ordinary people and became the focus of attention.

At the age of 18, Guo Leng became an emerging "new star" in the dance industry with his exquisite and outstanding dance skills and unremitting enthusiasm for art. In many international dance competitions and grand performances, he vividly interpreted a series of challenging and difficult movements with his steady and skillful skills, and the audience applauded thunderously and cheered one after another.

The audience was amazed by his graceful and steady dance steps, and were dumbfounded. And Guo on the stage is calm and simple, as if he is walking leisurely, showing a master-level demeanor.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Yang Liping, a leading dancer in the dance industry, has high hopes for this proud protégé, praising him as "the hope star of the future of ballet".

At that time, Guo Leng was like a vibrant sun, shining brightly, shining on the entire stage. His every movement is precise, clean and full of artistic tension and beauty.

The whole person seems to have been born for dance, and dance has become the whole of his life.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Guo Leng in the eyes of the audience is like a "dancing fairy" descending into the world, elegant and noble, and his dancing skills are extraordinary. However, only he knows that behind these brilliant achievements are countless years of hard work and sweat.

From the moment he was a toddler to being able to gallop freely on the stage, Guo Leng exhausted his youth. However, fate played a cruel joke on him - an accidental injury made him lose the possibility of returning to his career forever, and he was talented but encountered a dilemma that he did not meet with talent.

Just when everyone was expecting Guo Leng to become the next dance superstar, a sudden accident struck - during a rehearsal, Guo Leng was unfortunately injured and suffered a serious injury to his left knee.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

It was a sunny day, and the rehearsals on the stage were going on in an orderly manner. Guo Leng was engrossed in completing a seemingly simple dance move, but in the next second, he suddenly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the staff immediately stepped forward to help, but Guo Leng's face was already painful. Immediately after, blood poured out of his pants, instantly staining his entire pants red.

Only then did everyone realize that the situation was urgent and immediately sent him to the hospital for treatment. In the hospital, Guo Leng underwent a long and complicated series of examinations and treatments. In the end, the attending physician reluctantly declared, "The knee ligament is almost completely damaged, and even if it is repaired by surgery, it is difficult to return to the original degree of flexibility."

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

We sincerely advise you to quit professional dance immediately or face a serious threat of permanent disability! These harsh words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, deeply shocking Guo Leng, who was at his peak, at this time he was like a ship that had lost its direction, confused and at a loss.

As a brilliant professional dancer, flexibility is the cornerstone of his survival, and to lose it is to lose all hope and future.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Guo Leng stood still, tears pouring out like a flood that burst the embankment, and his years of hard work came to naught in an instant. In this way, this "ballet star", who had high hopes, suddenly fell into the whirlpool of fate, talented but unappreciated.

After a series of surgeries, Guo Leng did temporarily lose the ability to dance, and during that time, he was immersed in endless despair all day long, and his former ambitions were long gone.

The brothers and sisters all sighed bitterly, and his glory seemed to be only a short-lived "flash in the pan". However, just when people thought he was about to leave the scene, Guo showed amazing perseverance and determination.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

4. A turning point in his life - founding a dance school and selflessly dedicating himself to art - Firm belief and dedication to the dance career, with an annual income of up to one million, but unable to take care of himself. Although he could not return to the stage of professional dance, Guo Leng did not give up his love for dance because of this.

After experiencing a low point in his life, he decided to open a ballet training institute in his hometown to pass on his passion for dance without reservation.

The early days of entrepreneurship were undoubtedly extremely difficult. How can a thin, faltering dance teacher give parents peace of mind in their hands with their children? At first, the number of students in the training class was almost zero, and Guo Leng often danced alone in the park or square, trying to attract more students to join.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Sometimes, he laughs at himself and thinks that if that accident hadn't happened, he might have become a household name and a dance superstar by now, instead of running around for life here.

However, whenever this thought came to him, he quickly adjusted his mindset and devoted himself to teaching.

Over time, Guo Leng's dedication and professionalism have gradually won the recognition of local residents. Those students who were fortunate enough to study with him not only achieved significant improvement in their dance skills, but also felt from Guo Leng the incomparable awe of art and the firm belief in their dreams.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Many of these students have been admitted to the top dance academies in China, where they have won many awards to showcase their talents on major stages.

After the vicissitudes of life and the tempering of the long-term residence, Guo Leng gradually pushed the reputation of the training course to the peak with his impeccable reputation and prestige. Parents who were once skeptical of him can now only admire the outstanding talent of this "Wuhan No. 1 Dance Teacher"! As a result, students from all over the world came like a tide, looking forward to listening to Guo Leng's teaching.

The business of the training center is becoming more and more prosperous, students are coming in droves, and Guo Leng's income has also risen all the way, with an annual income of nearly one million. However, what is amazing is that although he has a net worth of more than 100 million, he is still living as poor as a poor man.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Guo Leng has long lived in a single room in an express hotel near his hometown, the room is simply furnished, and the refrigerator is empty. He relies on the generosity of his parents for his daily needs.

When the parents learned of this situation, they couldn't help but feel sorry for him, it turned out that Guo Leng didn't even know anything about trivial things such as changing light bulbs and laundry.

Therefore, at the end of a busy day, he always returned to the hotel exhausted, fell into bed and fell into a deep sleep, unconcerned about the rest of his life.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Some parents felt sorry for him and took the initiative to take care of him, often bringing him delicious food, helping him clean his room and cleaning his stained dance dress.

5. Reasons for not being able to marry - arrogant and picky attitude, lack of interest in love life.

After learning about Guo Leng's life plight, parents also took the initiative to lend a hand and take on the responsibility of taking care of him. However, even parents who have put in so much effort are inevitably worried about Guo Leng's single status.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

After all, as a million-year-a-year dancer, you should be surrounded by many infatuated suitors. However, Guo Leng, who is over 40 years old, is still alone and has never had an official girlfriend.

It turns out that Guo Leng's attitude towards his love life has always maintained a proud and critical attitude. Someone once enthusiastically introduced him to some suitable people, but often he directly rejected them on reasons such as "this person is too vulgar" and "lack of common topics".

Many women are interested in Guo Leng simply because of the vanity satisfaction that comes with his reputation as a well-known teacher and the aura of a million-dollar annual salary. They knew little about Guo Leng's ballet skills, and were simply attracted by his wealth and prospects.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

When people realize that Guo Leng's daily life is limited to dancing, and even his clumsiness in household chores, they may ridicule him as the poster child of the "useless people". However, Guo Leng himself is deeply disgusted by this short-sighted person, who sees him as an "opportunist", unable to understand and appreciate his deep love and pursuit of dance.

Sometimes, he jokes to himself that despite his reputation in the ballet, once he leaves the stage, he is like a shell without a soul.

In fact, Guo Leng is not without any vision for his emotional life, but he chooses to bury this desire deep in his heart. For him, dance is all there is to life, and he doesn't want to waste his precious time and energy on other trivial things.

"Giant Baby" Guo Leng: With an annual income of one million but no one dares to marry? Except for dancing, he can't even do laundry

Once, in an interview with the media, Guo Leng affectionately expressed his outlook on life: "I only want to focus on the dance career in my life until I am 80 years old, if I can really meet a partner with the same heart one day, I only hope that she can understand and tolerate my obsession with dance, and not despise me because of my clumsiness in life."