
China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

author:A new voice in society

Everyone knows that Qian Xuesen is the "father of missiles", everyone knows how many years of youth Qian Xuesen has spent in the science and technology industry, everyone knows his name, and everyone knows that the process of this work is extremely complicated.

How many people regard him as an idol, and how many people have embarked on the same path of nation-building as him. In this era of the 21st century, the economic development is becoming more and more rapid, and the military strength continues to awaken our sleeping lion.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

A strong economy allows the people to live a stable life, a strong military makes the dignity of the country intrampled on, and a strong science and technology will make China's strength stronger. On the road to a strong country, we will welcome a new hero. The public called him another Qian Xuesen. "Qian Xuesen" is not really "Qian Xuesen", and his name is Pan Jingong.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many outstanding talents continued to return to China and began to build the motherland, and Qian Xuesen also became one of them. But his return to China was far from smooth. Even though he was rejected several times, Qian Xuesen still maintained the mood of returning to China.

Rejected and dismissed, with efforts again and again, Qian Xuesen finally embarked on this road to return to China. The child will eventually return to the mother's arms, and when he sees the mother's face, he dares to let go of the vigilance on his shoulders at that moment. From missiles to atomic bombs, Qian Xuesen has paid a hundred times his efforts.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

Pan Jingong also took Chinese technology a big step forward. China is also starting to catch up and start to make its own counterattacks. And Pan Jingong is also the same as Qian Xuesen, his excellence makes the United States reluctant to let him return to China, but how can he, who is bent on building the country, not go to his own country to build the motherland. This is Pan Jingong, a Chinese who cherishes the motherland.

Dream in your heart and move forward towards your dream.

It turned out that Pan Jingong had excellent grades during his study in the United States, and it was during this period of study that he developed a new type of power generation material. And the technology he developed has attracted the attention of many people, and they have listed Pan Jingong as a key protection object.

So what kind of technology made the United States treat Pan Jingong like this? It turns out that this new material is a new type of glass that uses solar energy to generate electricity. They named this glass cadmium telluride thin film solar.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

It generates electricity about the same as nuclear power, but it is safer and more reliable than nuclear power. If this new type of glass is successfully developed, it will undoubtedly play a big role in the environment. It will also reduce the consumption of resources generated by the state in terms of power generation.

This research is undoubtedly beneficial to the cause of science and technology, which is why the United States has protected Pan Jingong so much, and at the same time, it has also attracted the attention of the Indian side, and proposed resource sharing.

But Pan Jingong, like Qian Xuesen back then, had no desire for money and fame, he was dedicated to the country. Rejected all this and chose to return to his homeland. This behavior has been recognized by many people, and Pan Jingong has become an important member of technological research in New China.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

Thorns are uneven, don't give up

After returning to China after many hardships, Pan Jingong began to follow up on the new technology he had researched as soon as he returned to China. Day and night, alternating day and night, and three meals are uncertain, which is the current situation when Pan Jingong returned to China for research. Finally, after continuous trials and repeated experiments, the new type of glass was finally successfully developed and put into production and began to use.

And it can be seen in many fields. This not only puts China on a more convenient path, but also brings the country one step closer to the "green mountains and clear waters" plan.

This success is not so smooth sailing, every step on this road is we step out little by little, we can't forget every little stone on this road, we can't ignore every few centimeters every time. Little by little, we have to untie the shackles on our bodies, and then step by step out of the swamp under our feet.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

The dream is not far away, but we must maintain that original intention. But even if the dream is far, we must have a heart to chase upward, and every step is a symbol of our efforts. Don't give up, don't back down, even if it's a small step, we're still moving forward.

We will always have the blood of the motherland in our bodies, we are all the children of the motherland, and no matter how far we go, we will return to the place where we started.

Don't forget the original intention and go all out

When we see the long stage of the new glass from immaturity to success, Pan Jingong has paid his own blood and sweat in this work, which is like his child, growing up with him day by day, recording the traces of his growth minute by minute.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

Before he came into this world, it received endless love from Pan Jingong. In its infinite power, it has also found its final destination. This is its mission, and this is also Pan Jingong's mission. When he chose to bring it into the world, he had the mission of the country on his shoulders. He had the dream he had at that time, and he had been working hard.

Because Pan Jingong is researching new materials, it has also attracted worldwide attention. At that time, many countries were studying this area, and they knew that mastering new technologies was equivalent to mastering new development forces, which could not only revitalize technology, but also change the entire industrial development system.

The United States naturally saw Pan Jingong's development potential, and they wanted to keep Pan Jingong in the United States and wanted the technology in Pan Jingong's hands. At the same time, India also set its sights on Pan Jingong, for India, Pan Jingong's research results are like a life-saving straw, so the two countries are vying for Pan Jingong to achieve technology sharing.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

But Pan Jingong did not agree, he resolutely chose to return to China. He wants to bring his research results back to his homeland, the land he loves.

Even the wind and rain did not wash away Pan Jingong's former original intention. And this seed keeps growing, and it keeps germinating. When the rain and the sun shine on its body together.

Finally it bears its fruit and can bring strength to more people. In the past, we slowly stood around the corner, whether to continue to accelerate or slow down, this is our own choice.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries

Each of us is an upward teenager, maybe we will grow up overnight, but in every day and night of our growth. We take the moonlight as the direction and run towards the sun until the day. It's a long and painful process.

From black to white, from fat to thin, from failure to success. Pan Jingong was faced with countless two different choices, on the road of this choice. He discovered a different version of himself.

Looking at the scenery ahead, there will definitely be more directions in the future. Gently brush away the scars of the past, not forget the past. Pan Jingong takes the future as the direction, not indulges himself. I have a dream in my heart, and no matter how far I go, I have to run forward.

China has another "Qian Xuesen", which has amazed foreign countries


Take the dream as the horse and keep moving forward. Gently flipping through the past stories, there are regrets and happiness. In the rings of time, slowly taste everything in life. When the dream gently opens the door of our time, we plant our own seed to perceive the wind and the difference of the world. On the way to the top of the mountain, we must regard every stumbling block as a milestone on our way, and build our road to the future one by one.

Pan Jingong's choice and Pan Jingong's experience have told future generations not to give up, so that they can understand the beauty of perseverance, and the direction of progress will leave many traces on our road, and finally constitute an indelible dream for us. The future is in your hands and I together.

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