
In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

author:Shu Shu talks about life

1. In those dark years, Chen Li carried the weight of life alone

Looking back, Chen Li was once the beautiful and solemn angel in white, and she always maintained an optimistic spirit to meet the challenges of life. However, everything has changed dramatically since that sad night of fate.

The path of life that was once full of sunshine was shrouded in darkness, and those days that were once full of laughter have also become dark and confused.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Faced with the endless love of her family, Chen Li began to show indifference and alienation. Her husband's affectionate care no longer brought her warmth, but instead became a detonator for the gloom in her heart.

She used to give meticulous care to her family, but now she subconsciously avoided her daughter's innocent embrace. She fears that a moment of negligence will cause irreparable damage to her children, so she strictly separates her daily necessities from her family, even utensils, toothbrushes and other items to use alone.

Even at the dinner table, she did not dare to pick up food for her husband and daughter.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

The originally harmonious and happy small family fell to the freezing point in an instant. Chen Li's cautious attitude is like an invisible wall, blocking out the originally close family.

She politely declined all invitations from friends and family to parties, just to avoid causing any trouble to others.

In this way, on those sunny days, Chen Li seemed melancholy and lonely; In the face of the warm invitation of her friends, she could only bear the coldness alone. Her originally cheerful and optimistic personality gradually distorted, and the whole person became autistic and withdrawn, as if she was completely different from her past self.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

The shadow in her heart eats away at her hope and confidence in life all the time. Fear and low self-esteem are embedded in her body like a cloak and haunt her soul all the time.

At this time, Chen Li's physical condition was also deteriorating day by day. After taking antiviral drugs, her weight plummeted by more than 20 pounds, and her originally glamorous face became haggard.

All this undoubtedly exacerbated the panic in her heart, making her feel extremely confused and uneasy about the future prospects.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Second, that cold and ill-fated night

The time dates back to a cold winter night in 2013, when Chen Li, a nurse, was on duty. Night had fallen, and the hospital was in silence, and everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the rotation so that they could return to the warmth of their homes.

However, at this time, a seriously ill patient was rushed to the emergency room. The families were anxious and pleaded with the medical staff to do everything in their power to save their loved ones.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

As a nurse on duty, Chen Li did not hesitate to devote herself to emergency treatment. She was agile enough to perform rigorous skin disinfection operations for patients and simultaneously assisted doctors in successfully completing the all-important venipuncture.

However, at this critical moment, a trivial accident completely subverted Chen Li's originally peaceful life trajectory. The doctor abruptly pulled out the needle and reinserted it into the patient's vein, and Chen Li was unfortunately pricked by the sharp needle in her finger.

Horrified as the blood poured out, she immediately ran to the sink and rinsed the wound repeatedly. Although she is still in extreme fear, as a nurse with high professional qualities, Chen Li has always remained calm and professional.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

She followed the standard procedure, first vigorously rinsing, followed by a simple and efficient disinfection of the wound using alcohol, and carefully bandaged it, temporarily curbing the bleeding.

However, at this time, the patient's condition deteriorated suddenly, and his blood oxygen saturation dropped rapidly to about 50%, and his life was in danger. All the medical staff immediately went all out to carry out the rescue work, and after intense treatment, the patient was finally rescued from the brink of life and death.

Faced with this shocking reality, Chen Li's mood instantly fell to the bottom, and all kinds of terrifying speculations appeared in her mind. She examined her bleeding wound again, and saw a red bead of blood slowly oozing out.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Chen Li's movements became more and more cautious, and she immediately rushed to the sink again, rinsing the wound vigorously, and even tearing the wound to squeeze out more blood, in order to completely eliminate the possible source of infection.

After strictly adhering to the standardized procedures and carefully disinfecting and bandaging the wound, Chen Li began to ask the patient's family about her detailed medical history, and her heart was full of anxiety.

In this way, on an ordinary and cold night, a seemingly insignificant accident brought a huge threat to the life of this brave nurse, and also heralded the beginning of her life's darkest desperate situation.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

The doctors not only decisively prescribed antiviral blocking drugs, but also carefully explained to her many precautions in the process of medication and the follow-up examination process!

With this precious prescription and rigorous examination slip in hand, Chen Li embarked on a journey full of unknowns. Along the way, those disgusting conjectures and uneasy emotions always haunted her heart.

When she finally returned home, she spent the night immersed in the online world, frantically searching for all kinds of information about AIDS. However, these cruel facts undoubtedly made her sense of fear continue to flood and intensify.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

In the end, Chen Li could no longer bear the panic in her heart, she curled up tightly on the bed, tears falling like raindrops, and it was not until she cried bitterly that her mood calmed down a little. However, this lingering fear was always with her like a shadow, tormenting her soul deeply.

In order to avoid excessive worries from her family, Chen Li resolutely decided to keep this secret deep in her heart for the time being. "If it's just an illusory nightmare, then keep your family away from worrying; But if the harsh reality is inevitable after all, then let them enjoy the happy time in their ignorance.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

However, it was this concealment out of good intentions that became the culprit of Chen Li's inner haze. Her husband's love has become a psychological burden for her, making her more and more alienated and indifferent in front of her family.

The once warm and harmonious little family fell into the cold abyss in an instant. Chen Li's deliberate estrangement is like an invisible wall, isolating her otherwise close family.

Sometimes she was in pain and wanted to confide in her family. Sometimes she subconsciously chooses to escape; Sometimes she longs for her husband's comfort, and sometimes she shows detachment and indifference.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

The inner contradiction became more and more intense, and finally in a fierce quarrel, the contradiction between Chen Li and her husband broke out completely. She turns a blind eye to her husband's thoughtful care and ruthlessly rejects his kindness.

After this fierce dispute, Chen Li realized more deeply the serious mistake of her behavior at that time.

This concealment not only failed to resolve the fear in her heart, but instead snowballed and grew, eventually causing a deep pit of family conflict. Chen Li was bruised by the price of concealment, and she realized that if she continued like this, her relationship with her family would be broken.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Fourth, be honest with each other, and regain the warmth of the family

After careful consideration, Chen Li finally calmly faced the heavy price of concealment. She realized that this white lie not only did not alleviate the deep fear in her heart, but expanded it indefinitely, reducing it to the abyss of family strife.

If the situation is allowed to develop, the bond between her and her loved ones will be broken! So, Chen Li resolutely decided to reveal to her husband the painful process that had been buried in her heart for many years, and make up for the past concealment and estrangement with the most sincere apology.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

In the face of his wife's confession, the husband showed extraordinary tolerance and understanding. He fully accepted the fact that Chen Li had been injured by AIDS needles, and made no secret of the fact that he felt so angry only because he felt the lack of basic trust in his wife.

The husband confessed that his anger actually stemmed from deep regret that his wife had to endure such tremendous mental pressure and pain alone. As Chen Li's closest family member, he should have been her strongest backing, but he failed to understand her inner struggle.

In this way, this once broken family is revitalized. Her husband's understanding and support gave Chen Li endless spiritual strength and rekindled her hope for the future.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Once, her husband's care and care brought a heavy psychological burden to Chen Li; Now, however, this love has become a powerful motivation for her to move forward. The image of a "warm man" in the traditional concept seems to be unable to truly understand the pain in his wife's heart.

However, when Chen Li opened her heart to him with the most sincere attitude, he chose to understand, and finally accepted his wife with a broad mind.

Since then, the family has regained its former warmth and harmony. The hug between her husband and daughter is no longer the object of Chen Li's alienation, but is replaced by her heart's ardent desire for family affection.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Those daily necessities that were once isolated have also been reintegrated into family life, and even the simple act of picking up vegetables has once again become a warm picture shared by the family.

With the encouragement and support of her family, Chen Li is like a phoenix, and she has begun to re-examine the future with a more determined and optimistic attitude, and has made unremitting efforts to achieve this.

After receiving the wholehearted understanding and strong support of her family, Chen Li felt like she had been reborn, and she began to re-examine the future with a more tenacious and optimistic spirit, and used it as a driving force to work hard for it.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

First, she decided to go to the hospital regularly every three months for comprehensive and meticulous physical check-ups. Once, twice, three times...... Every time she sees that all the indicators on the inspection report are normal, Chen Li's confidence in the future becomes more and more unwavering.

At the same time, she also integrates exercise into her daily routine. No matter how busy she is, she always finds precious time to ride a bike or go for a jog, and gradually develops a love for sports.

Through exercise, Chen Li not only endows herself with abundant physical energy, but more importantly, it can bring unprecedented relaxation and joy to her heart.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Whenever the exercise is over, she can always feel unprecedented joy and comfort when she is sweating. This pleasure comes not only from the soreness of the muscles, but also from the release of the heart.

Whenever she runs, she seems to be able to leave all her worries and worries out of the clouds and enjoy the tranquility and harmony of nature.

In this way, with the encouragement of her family and her unremitting efforts, the sunny days returned to Chen Li's life again. She successfully got rid of the gloomy and depressed haze and greeted the spring of life with a smile on her face.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

On sunny days, we will never see her gloomy face again; Friends warmly invited, and she was able to deal with it calmly and no longer rest on her laurels. Chen Li regained her sunny, optimistic and positive self, and regained her once lively and cheerful personality.

It is inevitable that there will be difficulties and obstacles in the journey of life, but as long as you have the courage to face them and deal with them positively, you will definitely be able to break through the clouds and find an exit to the light.

For Chen Li, the support of her family has given her unprecedented courage and strength, and her own unremitting efforts have written a new chapter in her life.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

Looking forward to the future, thank you for being with us!

Fate is so unpredictable sometimes. Chen Li used to be an energetic and optimistic nursing worker, who served patients with a positive and optimistic attitude every day, warming every wounded heart with love and smiles.

However, in her life journey, what she couldn't predict at all was that a seemingly insignificant accident brought a stormy impact to her originally peaceful life! Under the black cloud of HIV infection, she was once trapped in a valley of despair, full of confusion and doubts about the origin and return of life, and the beauty of the future was as far away as a mirror.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

However, the god of fate did not seem willing to let this young life sink away, and in that dark time full of trauma, there was one person who always stood firmly by her side, silently holding up a piece of the sky for her, and that was her husband.

It was he who gave Chen Li unprecedented courage and strength, leading her to rediscover her hope and faith in life.

When faced with his wife's frankness, this husband, who adheres to traditional moral values, does not choose to blame or complain, but shows a broad mind and deep understanding beyond ordinary people.

In 2013, a nurse was accidentally pricked by an AIDS needle when she was rescuing a patient.

He fully accepted the injuries caused by his wife's AIDS injection, and solemnly vowed to Chen Li that no matter how tortuous and bumpy the road ahead, he would work hand in hand with his wife to overcome all the difficulties and challenges.

With the selfless support of her husband, Chen Li is like a phoenix nirvana, she bids farewell to the gloom and sorrow of the past, re-devotes herself to the warm sunshine, meets the future with a more resolute and positive attitude, and makes unremitting efforts to realize her dreams.

Today, Chen Li has managed to shake off the shadow of the past, and she is full of energy and carefree every day. She is keen on all kinds of physical exercises, and often uses her spare time to do cycling and jogging activities, which not only maintains her physical and mental health, but also makes her inner world brighter and more cheerful.