
Fish leaping over the river, full of life! The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years


Imagine a silver sparkling fish, freely shuttling in the clear water of the Yangtze River, they are not only fish, but also a symbol of nature's vitality, the pulse of vitality of our common home. And behind this, there is an exciting story - a ten-year ban on fishing, the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River ushered in an ecological counterattack, and one of the protagonists is the mysterious and precious "new fish species" - the pseudo-pointed fish!

Fish leaping over the river, full of life! The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years

In the past, the Yangtze River was overfished, and many fish homes became precarious, and rare species were hard to find. But today, we want to tell you the good news, that is, the persistence of the 10-year fishing ban policy has quietly changed all this. Like a wonderful reversal drama, we witness the transition from despair to hope.

It's not a long story, the name may be unfamiliar to you, but it is a well-known "aristocracy" in the Yangtze River basin. Slender and colorful, its appearance is like a messenger sent by nature, telling us that the "fish world" of the Yangtze River is slowly regaining its brilliance. Nanjing, a city where history and modernity blend, now has a proud title - the new home of the pointed head fish.

The road to ecological restoration is not easy, but Nanjing has proved with practical actions that as long as the method is right, nothing is impossible. The "Nanjing Common Aquatic Wildlife Identification Manual" recorded this surprise, the names of 210 aquatic elves, each of which is a chapter in the story of the Yangtze River, and the addition of the Pseudo-pointed Fish makes this manual thicker and more vivid.

Fish leaping over the river, full of life! The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years

Let's talk about those old friends, cochineal, long-snouted bass, copperfish...... They also returned, as if to say, "Look, we're still alive!" "The biodiversity of the Nanjing section of the Yangtze River is no longer an empty piece of paper, but a real prosperity.

The 10-year fishing ban is not just a decree, it is a national commitment to the future and a respect for the ecology. The enhancement of law enforcement and the transformation of fishermen are closely linked to weave a blueprint for the rejuvenation of the Yangtze River. Illegal fishing? If it does not exist, iron-fisted governance makes lawbreakers fearful.

Fish leaping over the river, full of life! The Yangtze River has been closed to fishing for ten years

With the rapid increase in fish species, the doubling of the number of fish species, and the significant improvement of ecological integrity, the Yangtze River has taken practical actions to tell the world: we are serious about protecting the ecology, and we are also successful.

As the narrator of this article, I was deeply moved by the changes in the Yangtze River, which is a victory of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Let us praise this effort, cheer for the future of the Yangtze River, and please move your fingers to forward this hope, so that more people can see that our earth still has countless possibilities waiting for us to protect and create.

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