
Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?

author:Meteor Moon
Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?

Recently, the incident of Yunnan Honghe transportation management law enforcement officers hitting the hood of porcelain quickly fermented on social media, which aroused widespread public attention and discussion. This incident not only challenged the public's perception of the impartiality of law enforcement, but also once again pushed the code of conduct of law enforcement officers to the forefront.


According to reports, the incident occurred on May 10, 2024, when a car was stopped by five traffic enforcers wearing green vests with the words "Traffic Enforcement" after turning into a straight road. After the vehicle slowed down and stopped, one of the law enforcement officers suddenly jumped and threw himself on the hood of the vehicle, pretending to be hit by the vehicle, and making an exaggerated shout. The scene was recorded in its entirety by the dashcam and quickly spread on the Internet.

Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?

As soon as this video was released, it immediately caused a strong reaction from netizens. Many people have said that this kind of behavior is simply "lawless", which not only seriously damages the image of law enforcement officers, but also seriously undermines the credibility of society. Some netizens ridiculed: "Nineteen monsters in Yunnan, road administration personnel touch the car cover!" Some netizens condemned: "This group of guys is simply lawless!" Law enforcement smoking, colluding with porcelain, knowing the law and breaking the law, this nature is too bad! ”

Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?

In the face of public doubts and anger, the staff of the Transportation Bureau of Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture responded that the police have intervened in the investigation, and the specific situation is inconvenient to disclose, and it will be dealt with internally. However, such a response does not seem to have calmed the public outrage. Many people believe that this kind of internal handling is tantamount to connivance and cover-up, and that these lawbreakers must be punished with the highest standard in order to maintain social fairness and justice.

Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?
Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?

This incident not only makes us deeply reflect on the code of conduct of law enforcement officers, but also makes us worry about the credibility of society. As law enforcement officers, they are supposed to lead by example, abide by laws and regulations, and maintain social justice and order. However, this incident shows us the other side of law enforcement officers - they may use their power and position to seek personal selfish interests and benefits. Such behavior not only seriously damages the image of law enforcement officers, but also seriously undermines the credibility of society.

Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?
Lawlessness Law enforcement officers touch porcelain, law enforcement or blackmail?

Therefore, we call on relevant departments to strengthen the supervision and restraint of law enforcement personnel, establish a sound regulatory mechanism and system, ensure that law enforcement personnel can exercise their powers in accordance with the law, and maintain social justice and order. At the same time, we also hope that the public can maintain a rational and objective attitude, refrain from spreading unverified information and rumors, and jointly maintain a healthy, harmonious and just social environment.

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