
The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

author:Health Classroom Physician Zhang
The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?
[This article declares: This story is pure fiction, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, do not sit in the right seat. 】

Li Fang, a 52-year-old primary school teacher, has always paid attention to health care.

Half a year ago, she learned from a health article that oats are recognized as "health food", rich in dietary fiber and a variety of nutrients, which help control blood sugar, blood lipids, and prevent chronic diseases.

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

She was so moved that she decided to use oats as a staple food instead of white rice and white noodles.

At first, Li Fang was a little uncomfortable. The oats have a rough texture and a light taste, which is far from the refined white rice and noodles she is used to eating.

Every morning and dinner, she cooks a large bowl of oatmeal porridge with some vegetables, fruits and nuts, which is simple and nutritious.

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

Gradually, Li Fang noticed subtle changes in her body.

Her constipation problem was relieved and her bowel became unobstructed; Her weight had quietly dropped, and her waist circumference had shrunk; Her spirit has also become fuller, and she is more motivated to attend classes.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the medical examination. Li Fang was a little apprehensive, not knowing how effective her "oatism" was.

"Ms. Li, your indicators are very good."

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

The doctor looked at the physical examination report and said approvingly, "Blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids are all within the normal range, gastrointestinal function is good, and physical fitness has improved significantly." It seems that you are very conscious of eating a healthy diet. "

Li Fang truthfully said about the "oat life" in the past six months. The doctor nodded repeatedly: "No wonder your health is so good." Oats are indeed an ideal staple food choice, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. "

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

"Why?" Li Fang asked curiously.

"1. Oats are rich in dietary fiber, especially β-glucan."

"They can delay the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, thereby avoiding a rapid rise in blood sugar after a meal, which can help prevent diabetes." "

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

"2. Oats also contain a unique soluble fiber - oat β-glucan.

This is especially important for middle-aged and older people, who have a high incidence of cardiovascular disease. "

"3. Oats are also a good source of high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, and minerals, which can provide comprehensive and balanced nutrition."

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

Li Fang suddenly realized. She realized what the right choice she had inadvertently made. "Looks like I'm going to have to eat oats." She laughs.

"Of course, but you can't go to extremes." The doctor reminded, "Although oats are good, they cannot completely replace the staple food, and they should be paired with rice and noodles to achieve a reasonable match."

In addition, oats are not suitable for everyone, such as those with gluten allergies. "

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

Perhaps, changing a person's eating habits can change their healthy life.

Li Fang's story reflects the pursuit and exploration of health by countless middle-aged and elderly people.

In the face of aging and the decline of the body, they are either confused or helpless, but they have never given up their yearning for a better life. Oats, on the other hand, provide them with a simple, economical, and effective health choice.

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

Of course, oats are not a panacea, they are just a microcosm of a healthy diet. True health also requires a balanced diet, moderate exercise, a good attitude, and a regular work and rest......

Everyone should be the first person responsible for their own health. Just like Li Fang, learn, try, and persevere until you find the most suitable way for your health.

The road to health is never achieved overnight, but accumulated step by step and improved day by day. Let's take oats as a mirror, take Li Fang as an example, take care of our bodies with our hearts, and write our own healthy life with actions.

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

Let's move forward hand in hand and start a beautiful journey to health together. Eat well, move well, think well, and sleep well together, so that health is no longer a dream, but a true portrayal of every day.

Write at the end

Health, starting with a bowl of oatmeal, but more than just a bowl of oatmeal. Let's start the change of life with the change of food and drink, and harvest a more poetic and warm time.

The 52-year-old eldest sister insisted on replacing the staple food with oats, and went for a physical examination half a year later, how is her physical condition now?

What do you have to say about this? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!


[1] Chinese Nutrition Society. Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House,2016:41-43.

[2] Chinese Society of Cardiovascular Diseases. Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemia in Chinese adults (2016 revised edition)[J].Chinese Journal of Circulation,2016,31(10):937-953.)

[3] National Health Commission. Nutrition content table of Chinese food (2019 edition)[M].Beijing:Beijing Medical University Press,2020:54-55.
