
Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

author:Shallow bullet one shino
Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

Text: Shallow bullet Yixiao

Edit|Shallow bullet Yishino


On May 11, Chen Meng defeated teammate Sun Yingsha 4-2 in the WTT Saudi Arabia Grand Slam and won the women's singles championship.

The video can be viewed here


Video source: @新黄海

After the game, Huang Xiaoming reposted the news of the game on social media,

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

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And issued a warm congratulations: "The champion who has been watered with sweat and hard work, congratulations on winning the championship!" Proud of you. ”

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

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Chen Meng's victory at the Saudi Grand Slam, especially after beating three strong Olympians, showed her both technical and psychological maturity.

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

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Winning the duel with Sun Yingsha with a score of 4:2 not only reflects her excellent competitive form,

It also shows her calmness and decisiveness at critical moments.

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

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The victory is expected to move her up to second place in the world rankings next week,

This promotion is an international recognition of her hard work and continued improvement.

Netizen: Chen Meng has never rubbed Huang Xiaoming's popularity! This can be seen that this girl is very low-key and steady

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

Chen Meng doesn't need to rub Huang Xiaoming's popularity, she is originally a sports star

Netizen: Sasha won the love bird fire, and the big dream won Brother Xiaoming

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

The grandmothers of the two are sisters, which is also quite close

Netizen: Chen Meng's cousin Brother Xiao Ming sent a message of congratulations, and some people said that it was not a competition, what is a competition?

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

Chen Meng deserves his name!

Netizen: Da Meng's strength in beating three Japanese players in a row is not false, and this championship has the highest gold content

Congratulations, Chen Meng won the women's singles championship 4-2 Sun Yingsha, and Huang Xiaoming congratulated Chen Meng on winning the championship: Proud of you

The gold content is determined according to the strength of the opponent, and you can't help it if you have to say that Japan is not good

Fans and spectators spoke highly of Huang's actions, believing that his actions not only boosted the morale of the athletes, but also raised the public's attention to the sporting event. At the same time, Chen Meng's victory and Huang Xiaoming's support together demonstrate the inspirational power of sports and the potential influence of entertainment stars in promoting sports culture. How sports stars and entertainment stars can be effectively combined to promote sportsmanship and national pride. It not only inspires young athletes, but also makes the wider community aware of the value and beauty of sport.

Chen Meng's victory and her key role in the upcoming Olympics have sparked heated discussions in the sports world and the general public. Her success is seen as a showcase of China's soft power on the global sports stage, while also adding new evidence of China's table tennis' leading position in the world. The public has high hopes for Chen Meng and the entire women's table tennis team, expecting their performance in the Olympic Games to continue their wonderful performance in the Saudi Grand Slam and win glory for the country.

Chen Meng's extraordinary performance in the Saudi Grand Slam has brought positive energy to the national table tennis team and injected confidence into the upcoming Olympic Games. With the improvement of the world ranking and the improvement of his form, Chen Meng will undoubtedly become the focus of attention on the Olympic stage. Her success is a symbol of Chinese sportsmanship and high level of competition, and indicates that Chinese table tennis will continue to lead in future events.

#网友##评论##陈梦##黄晓明##黄晓明祝贺陈梦夺冠: Proud of you#

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