
If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

author:Just eight gangs

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If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

Recently, a very puzzling thing happened in Honghe, Yunnan, some netizens posted a video on the dash cam, after this video was released, it immediately caused a strong response on the Internet!

According to the video, the entrance of a gas station happened to be an asphalt road, and several traffic enforcement officers on the road were suspected of carrying out law enforcement activities on the road.


At this time, a car was slowly moving forward, only to see not far ahead, a man in work clothes suspected of being a traffic law enforcement officer not only did not give way to the car, but when the car had braked, he saw the opportunity, trotted a few steps, jumped on the spot, and threw himself into the hood of the car!

If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

The picture comes from the Internet

The man was lying on the hood at first, then quickly turned around and lay on the hood, and at the same time, he calmly raised his right hand and threw what appeared to be a cigarette butt on the ground! The mouth keeps screaming!

If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

The picture comes from the Internet

This man's movements can be described as smooth, in one go! Don't drag the mud and water in the slightest! Quite an actor! If you don't know, you really think it's a movie!

After this incident, some media asked the local transportation department about the situation. But what people didn't expect was that the reply of a staff member of the Red River Transportation Bureau was speechless again!

"We are already dealing with this matter, and if you receive it, you will treat it as if you have not received it," the staff member told reporters.

If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

The picture comes from the Internet

When the reporter further asked: "Wearing the clothes of law enforcement officers, is it not your people who can't reveal it?"

The staff member continued: "Well, yes! We'll take care of these things in-house! ”

Regarding this reply from the staff of the Honghe Transportation Bureau, netizens obviously didn't buy it, can they pretend not to see what happened? First of all, these people wearing work clothes are not your people, this should not be difficult to verify! Why can't it be revealed?

Secondly, under what circumstances did this staff member suspected of "touching porcelain" commit the above-mentioned mysterious behavior, and what is the specific reason, I am afraid that it is not only internal processing that can turn a big thing into a small thing, but a small matter, right?

Of course, in this law enforcement process, it is still unclear whether the car driver does not cooperate with law enforcement, or evades law enforcement, and the public must not forget about this matter in a daze!

Therefore, some netizens said that this matter cannot be simply handled internally, and the reasons for the incident and the original circumstances must be clarified, and it must be handled openly and fairly, and at least give the public an explanation!

If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

Some netizens also said that if a small thing in a place is not handled well, it is easy to damage the overall image of this place! This matter is related to the image of the Red River Transportation Bureau and even the local area, and must be properly investigated and dealt with, and the public must be given the truth!

If you don't win the actor, you'll lose! Take the initiative to pounce on the car and don't forget to throw cigarette butts, touch porcelain law enforcement!

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