
After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me


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After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me

My name is Li Feng, I am Chinese New Year's Eve two years old today, and I am an ordinary office worker. My parents passed away at an early age, so my dad and I lived a simple and harmonious life. Dad is a traditional Chinese, kind-hearted and warm-hearted person, and is a role model in my heart.

My wife Lili and I met in college, she is a gentle and considerate girl, and I feel the warmth of home. After graduating, we fell in love, and after a lot of hard work, we finally entered the palace of marriage. On the day of the wedding, I couldn't help but excitedly introduce my bride to my father, who also extended a warm welcome to Lili.

The first married life was sweet, Lili and I had a good relationship, accompanied each other every day and took care of each other. I work outside the home, she takes care of everything at home, and we are a model couple in the eyes of the neighbors.

However, the turning point came on an ordinary night. When I got home from work that day, I saw Lili sitting in the living room with a displeased face, holding a red envelope in her hand, as if it contained explosives.

"Lili, what's wrong?" I walked over and asked with concern.

She looked up, tears rolling in her eyes: "Look what this is!" She handed me the envelope, and I took it and opened it, and it was a divorce agreement.

I was stunned and didn't know what to say. Seeing that I didn't react, Lili gritted her teeth and said, "Your father, your father is actually ......," she said and began to cry.

"My dad? What happened to him? I asked blankly.

"He, he'......" Lili stammered and couldn't speak, just pointed to the signature on the agreement, and I looked over and sure enough, it was my father's name.

I panicked in my heart, I didn't know what was going on, how could my father sign the divorce agreement? I quickly picked up the phone and dialed my dad's number. Dad's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Feng'er, what's wrong with you?" ”

"Dad, you signed the divorce agreement?" I asked eagerly.

"Feng'er, this matter ......" Dad's voice sounded a little heavy.

"Dad, what do you say? Do you really agree to my divorce from Lili? "I felt an indescribable emotion in my heart, and it felt like the whole world was falling apart.

"Feng'er, this is a misunderstanding, you listen to my explanation......" Dad's voice was a little choked.

My hand holding the phone trembled a little, and my heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know I have to figure it out. I said to my father, "I'll go right away." ”

Lili and I rushed to my father's house, and there was a tense atmosphere throughout the house. Dad sat in the living room, looking at us with a heavy expression, while Lili sat on the side with an angry face.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" I asked eagerly.

Dad sighed and said slowly: "Feng'er, this matter is indeed a bit unspeakable. ”

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" I asked eagerly.

Dad sighed and said slowly: "Feng'er, this matter is indeed a bit unspeakable. ”

I sat across from my father, frowning: "Dad, just tell me the truth, Lili and I are worried." ”

Dad looked at Lili and me, as if weighing how to speak. In the end, he said heavily: "Actually, this matter has nothing to do with you, I did it wrong." ”

Lili and I exchanged glances, and doubts swelled up in my heart. Dad's words made us even more confused, what did he do that would cause Lili to file for divorce?

After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me

"Dad, what the hell happened to you?" I pressed again.

Dad sighed and said slowly, "Actually, this matter is related to a past before your marriage. ”

Lili and I both looked at Dad in confusion, not understanding what he was saying.

"Before you got married, I had a friend who had a daughter named Xiaoyu. I have known him for many years and have always had a good relationship. Dad's voice was a little low.

My heart moved, as if I heard some ominous premonition. Lili also asked curiously, "Is there anything wrong with that friend?" ”

Dad groaned for a moment and continued: "Here's the thing, he had a failed business and owed a large amount of debt, and then because he couldn't pay it, he was approached by a debt collector. He was desperate at the time, and when I saw him like this, I offered to help. ”

Lili and I listened attentively and were completely captivated by the story.

"I promised to help him pay off his debts, as long as he promised never to get involved in illegal activities again. However, it's not that simple. Dad's eyes darkened a little.

"Later, his daughter Xiaoyu needed a lot of medical expenses because of some things, and he asked me for help again, saying that it was for my daughter's life, and I didn't hesitate to help him again."

I was shocked, as if I had already guessed what was going to happen.

"However, I later learned that he did not use the money to treat Xiaoyu, but used it for gambling and luxury goods." Dad's voice carried a hint of guilt and helplessness.

Lili and I were speechless with shock, we never imagined that Dad would be deceived by a friend.

"I knew I was wrong, but I couldn't do anything back then." Dad's eyes were full of remorse and self-blame.

"Later, their family fell into trouble, Xiaoyu's condition became more and more serious, and I could no longer sit idly by." Dad paused at this point, as if reminiscing about those difficult days.

"So, I helped him again, but this time I helped secretly, and I didn't tell you." There was a hint of heaviness in Dad's voice.

Lili and I were dumbfounded, it turned out that Dad had been silently giving for a friend all along.

"I think that their family's predicament is also indirectly caused by me, if I hadn't helped them in the first place, maybe they wouldn't have embarked on such a road of no return." Dad's voice trembled a little.

Lili and I were full of emotion and shock in our hearts, it turned out that there was such an untold story hidden behind our father. It never occurred to us that a seemingly strong person could have an unspeakable past behind them.

"Later, the situation in their family got worse and worse, and I didn't know what to do." Daddy's voice grew deeper and deeper.

"I can only silently give for them, hoping to help them get out of this situation. However, I did not expect that my act of kindness would cause trouble in your marriage. Dad's voice was full of self-blame and helplessness.

Lili and I were full of gratitude and guilt, it turned out that my father had been silently paying for us, and we were touched by his kindness. We deeply understand that Dad is a person who can be respected and trusted.

"Dad, Lili and I both understand your distress, and we won't blame you for this." I stood up and held my dad's hand tightly

After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me

Dad held my hand tightly, and tears of gratitude flashed in his eyes: "Feng'er, Lili, you are really good boys, I am really grateful that you can understand me." ”

Lili and I were also overwhelmed, we deeply understood my father's hardship, and our hearts were full of admiration and gratitude for him.

"Dad, we won't blame you for this, you have always been an example in our hearts." I said.

Lili also said: "Yes, Dad, we know that you made that decision to help a friend, and we will not divorce because of this matter." ”

Dad listened to our words, and a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes: "Thank you, I am very relieved by your understanding. ”

Our family hugged each other and our hearts were filled with gratitude and love for each other. It's something that brings us closer together to face life's challenges.

"Dad, now that the matter has been explained, I think we should find a way to solve this problem." I said.

Dad nodded and said seriously, "Yes, we can't let your marriage be affected because of my business. ”

Lili also said: "We can talk to a lawyer and see if there is any other solution." ”

After some discussion as a family, we decided to talk to a lawyer to see if there were other solutions. So, early the next morning, my family went to the law firm.

After listening to our story, the lawyer studied it carefully and finally came up with a solution.

"According to Chinese law, as long as Dad's signature is not maliciously deceived, it is valid." The lawyer said seriously, "But considering the special circumstances of your family, it can be resolved through mediation." ”

We listened to the lawyer's explanation, and we were all relieved that we finally found a solution to the problem.

"I suggest that you can resolve this issue through family mediation." The lawyer continued, "You can find a neutral third party to reconcile the conflict and find the best solution. ”

We listened to the lawyer's advice and were so satisfied that we decided to find a neutral third party to mediate our conflict as soon as possible.

After returning home, our family discussed it and finally decided to find my father's old friend Uncle Li to mediate the conflict between us.

Uncle Li is a good friend of my father for many years, he is very honest and enthusiastic, and we believe that he will be able to help us find the best solution.

So, early the next morning, we went to find Uncle Li. After listening to our story, Uncle Li's expression became very serious, and he said, "I am really shocked to hear this matter, and I will do my best to help you solve this problem." ”

Uncle Li's words made us feel a glimmer of hope, we knew that this issue needed a neutral third party to coordinate, and Uncle Li was the most suitable person.

"Uncle Li, we hope you can help us solve this problem." I said sincerely.

Uncle Li nodded and said seriously: "I will do my best to help you, first we have to figure out the ins and outs of the matter, and then find a way to solve it." ”

Lili and I also nodded our heads, agreeing with Uncle Li's suggestion. So, we began to tell Uncle Li in detail about the whole thing, including the huge debt that my dad once paid for a friend and the reason why Lili filed for divorce.

After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me

Uncle Li listened carefully to what we said, and the expression on his face was sometimes serious and sometimes thoughtful. After listening to our narrative, he pondered for a while, and then said, "I think the key to this problem is how to resolve the misunderstandings and contradictions between you. ”

Lili and I both nodded in agreement, knowing that solving this problem requires communication and understanding between us.

"I think first we have to figure out why your dad signed that divorce agreement." Uncle Li said, "I think someone may have deliberately provoked and caused your father to make a wrong decision. ”

My heart moved, and I felt that what Uncle Li said was very reasonable, maybe someone deliberately provoked it, causing my father to make a wrong decision.

"Uncle Li, what do you think we should do?" Lili asked.

Uncle Li thought for a while, and then said, "I think we first need to find out who is behind the ghost, and then find a way to solve this problem." ”

Lili and I both felt that Uncle Li had a point, and we decided to find out who was behind the ghost first, and then find a way to solve the problem.

So, we decided to find out who was behind it first, and then figure out how to solve the problem.

"Uncle Li, do you have any good suggestions?" I asked.

Uncle Li thought for a while, and then said, "I think we can start with the divorce agreement first and see if there are any clues to find the real culprit." ”

Lili and I both thought Uncle Li's suggestion was very good, so we decided to start with the divorce agreement first to see if there were any clues to find the real culprit.

So, we decided to start with the divorce agreement to see if there were any clues to find the real culprit.

Early the next morning, our family went to the notary office to check the divorce agreement.

At the notary's office, we explained the situation to the staff and asked to see the divorce agreement. After verification, the staff agreed to our request and took out the documents.

I took the document and looked through it carefully, and Lili and Uncle Li also followed me closely and checked it together.

"Look, it's Daddy's signature." I said, pointing to the signature on the document.

Lili and Uncle Li also looked over, with a hint of doubt on their faces.

"This signature looks a little strange, how does it feel a little bit like your dad's handwriting?" Lili said.

I looked closely at the signature, and felt that Lili had a point, and that this signature was indeed a little different from my father's usual handwriting.

"It's a little weird, my dad's handwriting shouldn't be like this." I got lost in thought.

"I think we can go for some evidence and see who's behind it." Uncle Li said.

Lili and I both thought Uncle Li's suggestion was very good, so we decided to find some evidence to see who was behind it.

After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me

We left the notary office and decided to look for some evidence to see who was behind it.

We went to my dad's house and began searching for possible evidence. My dad saw that we were looking so seriously and joined the search.

In the middle of the search, my dad suddenly stopped, picked up an envelope, and handed it to me.

"What is this?" I asked, confused.

"I've received a letter before with some strange words written on it, which I've always found strange." Dad said.

I took the envelope, opened it, and found that the contents were very strange, scribbled and vehement, as if threatening my father to sign the divorce agreement.

"The content of this letter is very strange, could it be that someone deliberately provoked it?" A wave of doubt welled up in my mind.

Lili and Uncle Li also walked over and looked at the contents of the envelope curiously.

"It seems that this letter is indeed somewhat suspicious, and we can find some clues through this letter." Uncle Li said.

Lili and I both felt that Uncle Li had a point, so we decided to find some clues through this letter to see who was behind it.

We decided to hand over the letter to the police first and let them investigate and see if they could find some clues. Then we will decide on the next course of action based on the results of the police investigation.

So, we took the letter to a nearby police station, reported the case to the police, and handed the envelope to the police for investigation.

After some investigation, the police found the sender of the letter, who turned out to be an old friend of my father's named Zhang San. Zhang San admitted that he wrote the letter, but said that he just wanted to remind my father to pay attention to some things, and there was no malicious intent.

After listening to Zhang San's explanation, we all breathed a sigh of relief in our hearts, it turned out that this matter was just a misunderstanding, and it was not so complicated.

After the police investigation, my father's innocence was confirmed, and our family finally resolved the conflict that plagued us.

When we got home, we sat around as a family and celebrated the solution to the problem. I looked at my father, Lili, and Uncle Li gratefully, and my heart was full of gratitude and happiness.

"Thank you for bringing our family back to harmony." I said to them sincerely.

"Son, this is what we should do, your father has always been your dependence." Dad said with a smile.

Lili also smiled and said: "Yes, our family is united, and no matter how big the difficulties are, we can overcome them." ”

Uncle Li also said: "Yes, as long as we are heart-to-heart, there is no problem that cannot be solved." ”

Our family hugged each other, and our hearts were filled with gratitude and happiness. This experience made us understand the importance of family and cherish each other's mutual understanding and support more.

The conflict that had plagued us for some time was finally resolved, and our family returned to harmony and happiness.

After marriage, my father's actions, my wife was so angry that she went back to her parents' house and wanted to divorce me

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