
In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

author:Lao Cui said history

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper. This was an extremely turbulent period in history, and the wrestling between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party intensified, and both sides were fighting hard for the final victory. In this life-and-death game, Chiang Kai-shek issued a shocking secret order to kill more than 90 patriotic progressives, undoubtedly to create trouble for Chairman Mao. Faced with such a difficult choice, Luján is in the midst of a crisis, and one mistake after mistake could cost countless lives. Just when he was confused, he found a reliable old friend, Li Gengen, and after careful consideration, the two added a stroke to the secret order, without changing a word, miraculously making the secret order a dead letter, saving more than 90 precious lives. But what exactly did Lu Han and Li Gen make to the secret order? What will happen to Lu Han, who openly defied Chiang Kai-shek? The answer to all this will be hidden in this magnificent history.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

1. Lu Han was in a dilemma in Chongqing

In 1949, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was white-hot, and the competition between the two sides in Chongqing and China had entered a white-hot stage. Although the Kuomintang still had the last line of strength in Chongqing, the situation was changing rapidly, and the people's morale was lost. Chiang Kai-shek saw that the general trend had gone, but he was uneasy, and he still tried to turn things around.

Chiang Kai-shek knew that Yunnan would be a key point in turning the tide. As the commander-in-chief of the Yunnan Army and the chairman of Yunnan Province, Lu Han was an important minister that Chiang Kai-shek had to get close to. Only by obtaining Lu Han's allegiance can the Kuomintang continue to maintain a glimmer of vitality in the southwest region.

Chiang Kai-shek then used various means to force Lu Han to go to Chongqing for an audience. Although Lu Han was aware of Chiang Kai-shek's conspiracy, he was still helpless under heavy pressure and had to go to the tiger's den.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

After arriving in Chongqing, Chiang Kai-shek gave Lu Han a grand welcome and personally gave him a warm welcome. Secretly, however, Chiang Kai-shek was secretly murderous, and he tried to make Lu Han completely dissociate himself from the Communist Party and become a serious danger that he could fully trust.

In order to achieve this goal, Chiang Kai-shek instructed his subordinates to closely monitor Lu Han, and gave him many temptations and intimidations, intending to make Lu Han completely break with the Communists. Chiang Kai-shek even issued a "secret killing order", requiring Lu Han to purge more than 90 patriots in Yunnan, so as to completely break with the Communist Party.

Although Lu Han was powerful, his personal situation was like a thorn in his back. Although he was the commander-in-chief of the Yunnan army and held heavy troops, he could not get rid of his control under Chiang Kai-shek's nose. Once they succumbed to Chiang Kai-shek's "secret killing order" and executed those patriots, they would be able to draw a line with the Communist Party and put themselves in a state of no return. But if he openly disobeyed, Chiang Kai-shek would definitely punish him severely, and then tens of thousands of Dian troops would be reduced to free lambs.

Under this dilemma of internal and external pressure, Luján was faced with an unprecedented difficult choice. On the one hand, he wanted to protect himself and the Dian army, on the other hand, he wanted to avoid breaking with the Communist Party, and the most important thing was to save the lives of those patriots. Under the pressure of all these contradictions, Luján is almost in a desperate situation...

2. Seeking a breakthrough and secretly seeking a life-saving straw

Lu Han was caught in a dilemma: on the one hand, he could not openly disobey Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order, otherwise he would be severely punished; On the other hand, if this decree is implemented, it will make a complete break with the Communist Party and lose the support of the broad masses of the people.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

At this time of crisis, Luján knew that if he wanted to get out of the situation, he had to solve the dilemma at his roots. To this end, he secretly began to instigate the anti-Chiang movement and sought the support and help of the underground party.

After a long period of secret preparations, Lu Han first sent his cronies to Hong Kong and Beiping to secretly get in touch with the CCP's underground organs. They conducted in-depth discussions and plans on how to launch an anti-Chiang uprising in Yunnan and achieve peace to tide over the crisis.

At the same time, in Yunnan, Lu Han also secretly recruited many underground CCP members and some patriotic democrats to discuss countermeasures. They met in secret or hid in libraries, discussing strategies and finding a viable way out in the dim light of candles.

Under Lu Han's call, some university teachers and students who were originally outside the political whirlpool gradually joined this movement. They know very well that this protest is not only about the future and destiny of the country, but also about their own life and death. Therefore, everyone regards this matter as the top priority and strives diligently in order to finally break through the encirclement.

However, Chiang Kai-shek was apparently aware of Lu Han's dissent, and he specially transferred Mao Renfeng from the central government to Yunnan, where he was a close confidant and was responsible for monitoring and cracking down on all Lu Han's actions.

As soon as Mao Renfeng arrived in Yunnan, he used thunderous means to suppress dissidents, and Kunming was shrouded in a white terror for a while. He indiscriminately arrested hundreds of Communist Party members, patriotic democrats, and even some innocent ordinary people, all of whom were arrested for showing some sympathy for the Communist Party.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

Mao Renfeng even issued the death sentences of these people in the name of Lu Han without authorization, in an attempt to completely push Lu Han into a desperate situation from which he could never recover.

In the face of all kinds of intimidation and coercion by Mao Renfeng, Lu Han once fell into a dilemma and was in a dilemma. But at this moment, Lu Han remembered his old friend and mentor Li Gengen, and he decided to make a last effort and ask him for help...

3. The introduction of "external brains" is rooted in the loosening of the situation

While seeking the support of the underground party, Lu Han also realized that it was impossible to completely turn things around with underground forces alone. In order to solve the current dilemma, he needs to use some "external brains" to advise him.

At this moment, Lu Han remembered his old friend and mentor Li Gengen. Li Gengen is not only one of the important leaders of the Communist Party of China, but also Zhu De's mentor back then. During the Anti-Japanese War, he became famous for killing and injuring Japanese soldiers.

In 1949, Li Gengen had already traveled from Yan'an to Hong Kong to serve as the leader of the Hong Kong Provisional Working Committee of the Communist Party of China. Lu Han then secretly traveled to Hong Kong to meet with Li Yuan, explain his current situation and turn to him for help.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

Although the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party had entered a white-hot stage at that time, Li Gengen, as a communist, naturally hoped to solve the problem through peaceful means. Therefore, after hearing about Luján's plight, he did not hesitate to accede to Luján's request.

Li Gengen then secretly traveled to Yunnan to negotiate with Lu Han and his staff. After several discussions, the two sides reached a consensus: Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order must be ineffective by all means, so as to save the lives of those patriotic democrats and thus pave the way for peaceful reunification.

However, how can this be achieved without openly defying Chiang Kai-shek? This is a tricky question. Eventually, the two sides decided to use word play to make some use of the secret killing order.

In order to hide people's eyes, Li Gengen deliberately asked one of his cronies to go to Sichuan and secretly retrieved an original copy of Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order. Once he got this key clue, he immediately set about analyzing the loopholes.

After repeated scrutiny, Li Gengen found that there was an extremely obscure semantic flaw in this secret order. A few tweaks to one of these words can completely change the meaning of the order. So, he immediately informed Luján of his thoughts.

Lu Han, who was initially skeptical of this approach, was also impressed by Lee's analysis. Subsequently, the two teamed up to manipulate the original secret order, but only fine-tuned one of the words, and did not change the rest of the original text.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

In this way, under the guidance of Li Gengen, the secret killing order that was already in control of the victory was completely changed without changing the meaning and became a dead letter! This document, which should have cost more than 90 lives, lost its original lethality.

Four. Lee's ingenuity and wordplay invalidate the secret order

After repeated research, Li Gengen finally discovered that there was an extremely obscure but crucial semantic flaw in Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order. A few tweaks to one of these words can completely change the meaning of the order.

Specifically, Chiang Kai-shek's secret order was to "purge" more than 90 patriotic progressives. At that time, the word "purge" had a double meaning, which not only meant "severe punishment" and "suppression", but also could be interpreted as "prevention" and "avoidance".

Li Gengen was well versed in this, so he decided to make some fuss about the word "purge". He suggested adding the word "no" before "purge" so that the secret order would become "not to purge more than 90 patriotic progressives."

Although it is only a one-word change, the impact is earth-shattering. The original secret killing order called for "severe punishment" and "suppression" of the target person, but after the word "no" was added, it became "avoid" and "prevent" from harming those people.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

Although it was only a one-word change, it had already changed the meaning of the secret order 180 degrees, from a killing order to a talisman, and the document that was supposed to execute more than 90 people became a dead letter.

Lu Han and Li Gengen not only lost the original lethality of Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order, but also created a good opportunity for peaceful reunification later.

In order to cover up people's eyes and ears and prevent Chiang Kai-shek from discovering the strangeness, the two specially asked an underground CCP member to go to Sichuan and secretly obtain an original secret order to cover up the fact that the secret order had been revised.

Although it is only a one-word change, its impact is earth-shattering. The original secret killing order called for "severe punishment" and "suppression" of the target person, but after the word "no" was added, it became "avoid" and "prevent" from harming those people.

Although it was only a one-word change, it had already changed the meaning of the secret order 180 degrees, from a killing order to a talisman, and the document that was supposed to execute more than 90 people became a dead letter.

Lu Han and Li Gengen not only lost the original lethality of Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order, but also created a good opportunity for peaceful reunification later. The most important thing is that they did not change a single word of the text of the secret order in the way of word play, thus avoiding the risk of public disobedience to Chiang Kai-shek and ensuring the safety of more than 90 people.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was completely kept in the dark, and he did not realize that the secret order had been changed by the "masters". In his understanding, Lu Han should resolutely "purge" those patriots according to his own wishes.

The news soon spread throughout the city of Kunming. When those patriots who originally had families and careers learned that they were saved from death, they were all ecstatic. They came to Luján's office to thank him and pledged to follow him forever and to be with him through his troubles.

In this way, under the guidance of Li Gengen, the secret killing order that was already in control of the victory was completely changed without changing the meaning and became a dead letter! This document, which was supposed to cost the lives of more than 90 people, lost its original lethality and gave life to those who had suffered unjustly injustice, thus creating an opportunity for peaceful reunification in the future.

Fifth, the road to peaceful reunification has been opened up

Under the guidance of Li Gengen, Lu Han successfully defused Chiang Kai-shek's secret killing order, saving more than 90 precious lives. However, this is only the beginning, and there are still many difficulties to be resolved between the two sides in order to finally realize peaceful reunification.

With the development of the current situation, Chiang Kai-shek gradually realized that the general trend had gone and he was powerless to return to heaven. He had to start thinking about the possibility of rapprochement with the Chinese Communist Party. At the same time, the CCP also hopes to achieve reunification in a peaceful way and avoid falling into the quagmire of civil war.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret murder order, and Lu Han saved more than 90 people without changing a word, making the secret order a waste of paper

Under these circumstances, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China appointed Li Gengen to be responsible for conducting secret negotiations with the Kuomintang side. After several months of hard work, the two sides finally reached a preliminary consensus on the plan for peaceful reunification. Unsurprisingly, Chiang Kai-shek cunningly erected numerous obstacles in the negotiations in an attempt to obstruct the negotiation process. Fortunately, the negotiator, Li Gengen, was thoughtful and calm, so that the negotiations finally made phased progress.

Just when the negotiations between the two sides were deadlocked and at a loss, Luján stepped forward again to clear the last obstacle to the negotiations. He secretly went to Canton and met with Chiang Kai-shek in person, analyzed the grim situation of the current situation, and pointed out that continuing the civil war would only hurt both sides. In the end, with the persuasion of Lu Han and the efforts of Li Gengen, Chiang Kai-shek had to accept the plan of peaceful reunification.

In October 1949, Chiang Kai-shek and all his dignitaries finally evacuated Chinese mainland to Taiwan. In this way, the conquest by force was once a good sign. However, in the end, under the mediation of Lu Han, Li Gengen and others, the two sides finally realized the peaceful reunification of the mainland.

After the peaceful reunification, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was sympathetic to the history of the Dian Army supporting the Kuomintang and decided to deal leniently with it. Under the mediation of Lu Han and the CCP, the Dian army finally received the preferential treatment of "retaining salaries and camps", and their morale was greatly boosted. Lu Han himself, on the other hand, was fully trusted by the CCP and was appointed to take charge of the military and political power in Yunnan, and later assumed important positions in the central government.

Thanks to Li Gengen's play, the entire process of peaceful reunification was a complete success in the end, although the negotiations were tortuous. After several months of arduous maneuvers, Chiang Kai-shek's diehards were finally relieved of their obstinacy and reopened the road full of hope for national reunification.


In this way, with the cooperation of two old friends, Lu Han and Li Gengen, the secret killing not only resolved the crisis, but also cleared the way for peaceful reunification in the future. Despite the dangers and difficulties of the process, Chiang Kai-shek was eventually forced to accept the reality and give up his continued rule over the mainland. Under the great call of the Communist Party of China, the country has finally re-embarked on the road of reunification, bringing long-term peace and stability to the people.