
The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?


Qing Dynasty Yipin Civil Official Sequence: Comparison of the Status of Co-organized University Scholars, Shangshu and Zuodu Imperial History

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

During the Qing Dynasty, the peak period of feudal society, the civil service system reached a relatively perfect stage. Among them, although the co-organizers of the academic scholars, Shangshu and Zuodu Yushi in the sequence of Yipin civil officials were all high-ranking officials in the imperial court, their status in the political system was different. Today, let's talk about these three first-class members and see what kind of status and influence they have.

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

First of all, let's talk about the co-organizer of the university degree. In the Qing Dynasty, the position of co-organizer scholar was a sweet spot, and it was equivalent to the emperor's right-hand man. The co-organizers are assistants to the cabinet scholars, and although they do not have the official title of prime minister, their power is real. They not only participated in the formulation of major national policies, but also often assisted the emperor in handling daily government affairs. Sometimes, the emperor would also hand over some particularly important matters to them, which shows the emperor's trust in them.

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

Moreover, there is a special treatment for co-sponsoring university scholars, that is, they are often able to concurrently serve as ministers of military aircraft. The Minister of Military Aircraft was a special agency during the Qing Dynasty, responsible for handling the country's secret affairs, and had great power. The fact that the co-sponsors can also serve as ministers of military aircraft means that they can directly participate in the country's core decision-making, which undoubtedly further enhances their political status.

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

Let's talk about Shangshu. Shangshu was the head of the six ministries of the Qing Dynasty, and each of them was in charge of a certain area of the state, such as the Ministry of Officials in charge of the appointment and dismissal of officials, and the Ministry of Household in charge of the country's finances. Although the scholars did not have the same power as the co-sponsors to participate in the formulation of national policies, they had absolute authority in their respective fields. They not only have to formulate and implement relevant policies, but also supervise and evaluate the officials below to ensure the smooth implementation of policies.

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

Although scholars were not directly involved in the country's core decision-making in the same way as the co-sponsors, their position in the state's administrative system was indispensable. They are responsible for the specific implementation of various administrative affairs of the state and are a key link in the operation of the state apparatus. Moreover, the scholars also had an important duty, that is, to select and recommend talents for the emperor. Through the evaluation and selection of officials, they provided the emperor with a steady stream of talent support and ensured the stability and prosperity of the imperial court.

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

Finally, let's talk about the imperial history of Zuodu. Zuodu Yushi is the prefect of the Imperial Procuratorate, and his main responsibility is to supervise the hundred officials and maintain the discipline of the imperial court. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the supervision function of the imperial history of Zuodu was still relatively strong, and it was able to directly admonish the emperor and impeach hundreds of officials. However, after the Yongzheng Dynasty, with the implementation of the integration of science and technology, the supervision function of the imperial history of Zuodu was weakened a lot, and their status declined accordingly.

The same is from the same product, how should the three positions of co-organizer of university scholar, Shangshu, and Zuodu imperial history be ranked?

But having said that, although the supervision function of the Zuodu Imperial History has been weakened, they are still officials from Yipin after all, and they still have a certain influence in the imperial court. They could provide the emperor with important information about the officials through the supervision and evaluation of officials, and help the emperor better understand the actual situation of the imperial court. At the same time, the imperial history of Zuodu can also use his authority to correct and crack down on unhealthy trends in the imperial court, and maintain the clarity and stability of the imperial court.

So what is the difference between these three first-class members in the promotion path? The selection of co-sponsors is often selected from the Shangshu. That is to say, if you want to become a co-organizer, then you must first make a name for yourself in the position of Shangshu and get the emperor's appreciation and recognition. The scholars, on the other hand, were more flexible in their promotions, and they could improve their status by achieving notable political achievements in their respective fields, or they could obtain higher positions through promotions and appointments from the emperor.

As for the promotion path of the Zuodu Imperial History, it is relatively difficult. Since their supervisory function was much weakened, their influence in the imperial court was relatively small. If they want to be promoted to higher positions, they often need to hold important positions in other departments or institutions first, accumulate more experience and political achievements, and then they may be appreciated and promoted by the emperor.

In general, although the co-organizers of the scholars, Shangshu and Zuodu Yushi were all high-ranking officials in the Qing Dynasty, their status and influence in the political system were different. The co-organizers of the Fellowship were distinguished by their close ties with the Emperor and the Cabinet; Shangshu was respected for his control over administrative matters; However, the status of the Imperial History of the Left Capital was relatively reduced due to the weakening of the supervisory function. However, regardless of their status, they were an integral part of the Qing political system and made important contributions to the stability and prosperity of the imperial court.

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