
That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

author:Sima Zhao's heart

I picked up my phone that day, and a piece of news directly stunned me. What? A young genius amazed the audience? It can't be true, can it? My curiosity was ignited at once, and I eagerly clicked on the news to read it.

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

It's really fake, how can a young guy have such a high achievement? I'm almost skeptical, is this guy an alien? How to do it!

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

The genius's deeds quickly became a sensation on the Internet, and I gossiped along with everyone. Netizens speculated in various ways, some said that he must have been from an extraordinary background and received an elite education since he was a child; Some people also say that this guy just took shit luck and ran into a good opportunity. The more I read these comments, the more I feel that this genius is really a mystery!

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

Soon, my circle of friends was also swiped by this news. Everyone is forwarding, and there is a lot of admiration. To be honest, I also admire this kid, he is so powerful at a young age, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

As the media dug deeper, the genius's upbringing gradually surfaced. It turned out that he was not all smooth sailing, and there were failures and setbacks. But he just didn't admit defeat, got up again and again, and continued to pursue his dreams. Seeing this, I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up, what a tough guy!

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

This incident also brought back some memories for me. I think back then, I also had dreams, and I worked hard and struggled. But compared to this genius, I'm still far behind. It seems that I have to reflect on myself, should I also be like him, bravely pursue my dreams?

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

As the discussion deepened, everyone began to pay attention to the story behind this genius. Some netizens shared the story of the "hidden genius" around them, which made my blood boil. It turns out that everyone has the potential to become a genius, as long as we dare to pursue and challenge.

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

It also made me think about genius and hard work. Some people think that talent is very important, and no matter how hard you work without talent, it will be in vain. But I think hard work is the key to success. As long as you put in enough effort, you will definitely be able to pay off. Seeing these discussions, I also began to think about my own life path, should I also work harder to pursue my dreams?

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

With media coverage and discussions among netizens, the genius's story is also used as an educational case to inspire students. Seeing those passionate and energetic young faces, I felt like I was back in my school days. At that time, we were also full of dreams and longings! It's really nostalgic.

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

Now the problems of the education system have also been brought to the fore. Is there too much focus on scores? Treating students like exam machines? This is a question that is indeed worth pondering. Perhaps we should pay more attention to the interests and creativity of our students and cultivate more geniuses.

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

Some netizens broke the news that they had met this genius in the laboratory. According to his description, the genius was dressed in a simple white coat that day, engrossed in experiments, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him. That kind of dedication and perseverance is really admirable! This is the true spirit of scientific research!

That's genius, right? Can't believe a person can be so smart! Netizen: I broke the defense

Others say they have heard his mentor tell his story. In the eyes of his mentor, he is a diligent, hardworking, and pursuing student. He is always challenging himself and surpassing himself, never satisfied with the status quo. This spirit is really worth learning from!

Now his social account has also been dug up by everyone, and I have also joined in the fun. It was amazing to see some of his unique insights and reflections published before. This guy is not only talented, but also thoughtful and original, what an amazing character!

Now there is also a discussion topic on Zhihu about "how to become the next genius". Everyone wants to know what is the secret of this genius's success? I'm curious, too! Is it talent or hard work? Or is it something else? It's hard to figure out.

Some psychologists have analyzed the psychological traits that this genius may have, such as concentration, innovative thinking, and so on. These qualities are indeed the key to success! If we can develop these qualities, we may be able to achieve something similar! It's really exciting.

It is really touching that this event has inspired more young people to devote themselves to the field of scientific research, and I hope that they will be able to achieve something like this genius in the future and contribute to the progress of mankind.

When I saw the humility of this genius, I admired him even more. He is not only talented, but also humble and polite, not arrogant or impatient, and always maintains a normal heart. This is really rare in this impetuous society!

His success is not accidental, but due to the quiet dedication and hard work behind him, as well as the humility and learning attitude he has always maintained, which is really impressive.

There is now a discussion in society about how to cultivate outstanding talents, with some people believing that education reform is the key, while others believing that investment and support for scientific research should be increased. There is some truth to these views! It seems that we need to start from many aspects in order to cultivate more excellent talents.

I was deeply impressed by the achievements and attitude of this genius, and at the same time began to reflect on my own path in life. Maybe each of us has the potential to become the next genius, as long as we are brave enough to pursue our dreams and put in continuous hard work and sweat, we will definitely be able to achieve our own success!