
A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

author:Coffee 2o that rides the wind and waves
A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

In the new stage of Huawei's mobile phone business, Yu Chengdong's resignation caused shocks

There was an earth-shattering bang, like a thunderclap exploding in the sky above Huawei Building! On May 9, Huawei's rotating chairman Xu Zhijun announced at the annual division meeting that Yu Chengdong would step down as CEO of Huawei's consumer business, which is undoubtedly a blockbuster news.

As a leading figure in Huawei's mobile phone business, Yu Chengdong has served as CEO of the consumer business since 2012, and under his leadership, the Huawei mobile phone brand has made great strides in the global smartphone market. From the "copycat" brand that was once questioned by the outside world, it has broken through the encirclement all the way and gradually grown into a global mobile phone brand second only to Samsung and Apple.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

Looking back on the past ten years when Yu Chengdong has been at the helm of Huawei's mobile phone business, it can be described as thrilling and legendary. The most commendable thing is that he led Huawei's mobile phones to occupy a leading position in the domestic market for a long time, and quickly broke through in overseas markets and rapidly expanded its influence.

Yu Chengdong himself is also a very charismatic leader, he has repeatedly publicly stated that "Huawei mobile phones will be far ahead", this iconic slogan has also become synonymous with Huawei's mobile phone brand. Under his leadership, Huawei's mobile phones are remarkable in terms of innovation strength and marketing capabilities.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

Just when Huawei's mobile phone business was gradually reaching its peak, the news of Yu Chengdong's sudden resignation undoubtedly surprised the outside world. This not only means that Huawei's mobile phone business will usher in a new leadership team, but also brings some uncertainty to this business line.

Huawei's mobile phone business is facing new challenges, who will be the new leader?

In the domestic market, Huawei mobile phones have always maintained a leading edge, but with the rapid catch-up of mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple, Xiaomi, OPPO, and vivo, the competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In overseas markets, although Huawei mobile phones have made great progress, they have been affected by the sanctions of the US government and have encountered many obstacles in core technologies such as chips and operating systems.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

In the face of a severe internal and external environment, how can Huawei's mobile phone business maintain its leading position and continue to lead the development trend of the industry? This will test the leadership wisdom and strategic vision of the new consumer business CEO.

Who is most likely to be the new CEO? From Huawei's internal point of view, the current consumer business management team members, such as Zheng Shuyong and Yu Chengdong's assistants, are potential candidates. They have been working in Huawei's mobile phone business for a long time and have an in-depth understanding and rich practical experience in this field.

It is also believed that as the consumer business becomes more and more important in Huawei's overall business structure, the new CEO may be parachuted directly from Huawei's top management. For example, Xu Zhijun, Huawei's current rotating chairman, and other senior executives have a broader vision and decision-making ability, and may be more qualified to take the helm of this important business segment.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

No matter who the new CEO is, he will be tasked with pushing Huawei's mobile phone business to the peak. In the 5G era, the competition in the smartphone market will be more brutal, and innovation will be the key to success. If Huawei mobile phones want to maintain their leading edge, they must make arrangements in hardware innovation, software ecology, marketing strategies and other aspects to keep pace with the times.

What is the way forward for Yu Chengdong to leave office? Huawei's new mobile phone direction is worth looking forward to

As for Yu Chengdong's whereabouts after leaving office, it is still an unsolved mystery. There is a view that he may transfer to other business areas of Huawei, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other emerging tracks. As a veteran of Huawei, Yu Chengdong's ability and experience are valuable assets, and it is difficult to leave Huawei.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

Some analysts also believe that Yu Chengdong may choose to leave Huawei and seek another career. He is past the age of sixtieth year and may hope to start a new chapter in his life at the end of his career. Whether it's starting a business or joining other technology companies, it is a very attractive choice for a front-line general like Yu Chengdong.

Looking back on the past 10 years of Yu Chengdong's leadership of Huawei's mobile phone business, it can be said that he has made remarkable achievements. He not only made Huawei's mobile phone occupy a leading position in the domestic market for a long time, but also successfully entered the international market and became the world's largest mobile phone brand after Samsung and Apple.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

Under the leadership of Yu Chengdong, Huawei's mobile phones are remarkable in terms of innovation and marketing. From the earliest slogan of "far ahead", to the later concept of "AI life", to the bold attempt of cutting-edge technologies such as folding screens and 5G, Huawei mobile phones have always been at the forefront of the industry.

Huawei's mobile phone development has also encountered many obstacles, and the biggest challenge is the US government's chip ban. In the face of technological blockade, Huawei has to innovate independently in core areas such as operating systems and chips, which is undoubtedly a difficult process.

A thunderclap! Mr. Yu will step down as the CEO of Huawei Device BG, and he will never be able to hear about the lead again?

Now, at the time of Yu Chengdong's resignation, Huawei mobile phones are at a new crossroads. How will the new CEO inherit and carry forward Yu's legacy? How to lead Huawei mobile phones to open up new tracks? How to extend Huawei's leading position in the global market? All this will determine the future development direction of Huawei mobile phones.