
Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

author:The Coco story

The scholar divorced his wife, and instigated the cowherd to defile his wife

A long, long time ago, in a remote mountain village, there lived a scholar named Li Mo. Although Li Mo was born in poverty, he was brilliant since he was a child, read poetry and books, and was quite talented. He is bent on passing the imperial examination and changing the fate of himself and his family. However, his fate does not seem to be going well, and he is frustrated by repeated failures.

Li Mo's wife, named Wan'er, is a gentle and virtuous woman. She is not only beautiful like a flower, but also hardworking and kind, and takes good care of Li Mo. However, Li Mo became increasingly estranged from Wan'er, because he felt that although Wan'er was a good wife, it could not bring him fame and wealth.

As the years passed, Li Mo's road to the imperial examination became more and more difficult, and his heart became more and more restless. He began to complain about the unfairness of fate, and even became angry with Wan'er. He thinks that if Wan'er can bring him good luck, he may be able to get out of the current predicament in one fell swoop.

One day, Li Mo was wandering around the village and met a cowherd baby named Ah Niu. Ah Niu is sixteen years old, although he was born poor, he has a cheerful personality, kind and simple. He would drive his cattle to graze in the mountains every day and live a carefree life. When Li Mo saw Ah Niu's carefree appearance, he couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy and resentment in his heart.

Li Mo began to approach Ah Niu, intentionally or unintentionally, and told him about his distress and predicament. Although Ah Niu is young, he is kind-hearted and deeply sympathetic to Li Mo's experience. He comforted Li Mo and said: "Brother Li, in life, there will always be unsatisfactory times. You have to believe that as long as you work hard, you will succeed one day. ”

However, Li Mo did not take Ah Niu's words to heart. He already had a dark plan in his mind - he planned to use Ah Niu to tarnish Wan'er's innocence and force her to leave him. In this way, he can not only get rid of Wan'er's shackles, but also find an excuse for himself, saying that Wan'er was unfaithful first, so he had to divorce his wife.

Li Mo began to frequently invite Ah Niu to his home as a guest, but secretly instilled in Ah Niu how Wan'er was beautiful and moving, how gentle and virtuous she was. He also deliberately mentioned Ah Niu in front of Wan'er, so that Wan'er became curious and fond of Ah Niu. Under Li Mo's careful arrangement, Wan'er and Ah Niu gradually became acquainted.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

One evening, Li Mo deliberately went out under the pretext of leaving Wan'er and Ah Niu alone at home. He secretly observed the movements of the two, thinking about his plan in his heart. However, what he never expected was that although Wan'er had a good impression of Ah Niu, she adhered to the woman's way and did not make any deviant acts.

Ah Niu also saw Li Mo's bad intentions, and he felt anger and contempt for Li Mo's behavior in his heart. He found Li Mo and questioned his intentions. When Li Mo saw that the matter was revealed, he was annoyed and angrily threatened Ah Niu: "If you dare to tell this matter, I will make it impossible for you to gain a foothold in the village!" ”

Although Ah Niu is young, he has a strong personality, he is not afraid of Li Mo's threat, but stands on Wan'er's side more firmly. He revealed Li Mo's conspiracy to the people of the village and vowed to protect Wan'er's innocence.

After learning the truth, the people in the village expressed their anger and condemnation of Li Mo's actions. They accused Li Mo of being ungrateful, and even framed innocent Wan'er and Ah Niu for their own selfish interests. Under pressure from the villagers, Li Mo had to apologize to Wan'er and promised not to do anything to hurt Wan'er in the future.

However, Wan'er's heart has been hurt by Li Mo. Although she forgave Li Mo's behavior, she could never go back to the old days. She began to distance herself from Li Mo and was immersed in her own sadness all day long.

Li Mo also realized his mistakes and stupidity. He regretted it, but he couldn't save Wan'er's heart. He began to reflect on his own behavior and became deeply aware of his own selfishness and narrow-mindedness. He was determined to mend his ways and become a new man.

However, things are not as simple as Li Mo imagined. Wan'er's sadness and indifference made Li Mo feel unbearable pain and suffering. He began to sleep all night, constantly recalling the past. He realized that he had not only hurt Wan'er's heart, but also the feelings and trust of the villagers.

Li Mo decided to apologize to the villagers and ask for their forgiveness. He went door-to-door to visit the villagers, apologizing to them and promising not to do anything to hurt them in the future. Seeing Li Mo's sincerity and determination, the villagers expressed their forgiveness and acceptance.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

However, Wan'er's heart has never been able to let go. She couldn't forget the hurt and betrayal that Li Mo had done to her. She began to distance herself from Li Mo, and was even reluctant to talk to him. Although Li Mo felt pain and helplessness, he could only bear it silently.

As the days passed, Li Mo's road to the imperial examination still did not improve. The frustration and despair in his heart grew stronger. He began to doubt his life and values, and he didn't know what he was really after.

At this moment, a piece of news came - Wan'er is pregnant! This news shocked and unbelievable Li Mo. He never thought that Wan'er would bring him such a surprise when he was most desperate.

Li Mo stood in the courtyard, holding the note tightly in his hand, which was a letter written by Wan'er to him, and there were only a few simple words on the letter: "I have it, it's your child." Although the handwriting is neat, Li Mo can feel the complexity and firmness of Wan'er's heart from it.

He recalled the hurt and betrayal he had done to Wan'er, and an indescribable emotion welled up in his heart. He felt both ashamed and happy, ashamed of what he had done, and happy that Wan'er was willing to give him a chance to become the father of this child.

However, after the joy, Li Mo fell into deep contemplation. He knew that although Wan'er forgave him, the scars in his heart were difficult to heal. He must prove his change and sincerity with his actions to make Wan'er believe in him again.

As a result, Li Mo began to change his lifestyle and attitude. He no longer complains about the injustice of fate, nor does he get angry with Wan'er. He began to care about Wan'er's body and emotions, and did his best to take care of her. He also consulted with the village elders on how to be a good husband and father, and strive to learn and grow.

Time passed, and Wan'er's belly grew bigger day by day. She watched Li Mo's changes and efforts, and the coldness and resentment in her heart gradually melted. She began to accept Li Mo again, and was willing to give him a chance to prove her change.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

However, it was at this time that an unexpected thing happened. When Li Mo was collecting medicine on the mountain, he accidentally fell off the cliff. When he woke up, he was already lying on the bed at home. He looked at Wan'er's red and swollen eyes and tired expression, and his heart was full of guilt and self-blame.

He knows that he has brought too much pain and hurt to Wan'er, and he can't make up for his past mistakes, but he is willing to spend the rest of his life to make up for and care for him. He held Wan'er's hand tightly, his eyes full of firmness and determination: "Wan'er, I will use my life to protect you and our children." ”

Wan'er looked at Li Mo's eyes, and the coldness and resentment in her heart completely disappeared. She felt Li Mo's sincerity and firmness, and she was willing to believe him once. She nodded slightly, tears glinting in her eyes: "I believe in you." ”

Since then, the relationship between Li Mo and Wan'er has improved. They began to support each other, understand each other, and respect each other. Li Mo also let go of the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart and began to focus on his family and career. He works hard to learn and improve, hoping to give Wan'er and her children a better life.

However, fate doesn't seem to have fully favored them. Li Mo's road to the imperial examination is still bumpy. He experienced countless failures and setbacks, but he never gave up on his dreams and pursuits. He firmly believes that as long as you work hard, you will get rewards, and as long as you don't give up, hope will always exist.

Finally, in a imperial examination, Li Mo won the first place in one fell swoop with his talent and hard work, and became the pride and model of the village. He did not forget his original intention because of his success, he always remembered his promise and vow to use his life to protect Wan'er and children.

When Li Mo returned home with good news, Wan'er had already given birth to a lovely son. She looked at the good news in Li Mo's hands and the smile on her face, and her heart was full of happiness and satisfaction. She knew that her choice was not wrong, and she believed that Li Mo could be a good husband and father.

However, at this time, an unexpected person appeared - Ah Niu. He came to Li Mo's home with a gift to congratulate Li Mo Zhongdi, and at the same time expressed his blessings and gratitude to Wan'er and Li Mo.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

A Niu's appearance made Li Mo feel a little embarrassed and uneasy, but he still received him warmly. They sit together and chat, reminisce about the past, and look forward to the future. Ah Niu told Li Mo that he had been living a peaceful and happy life all these years, and he thanked Li Mo for his help and teachings back then, so that he could understand many truths and true meanings of life.

Listening to Ah Niu's words, Li Mo felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He realized that the mistake he made back then not only hurt Wan'er, but also hurt Ah Niu, an innocent person. He apologized deeply to Ah Niu and promised to cherish and care for his family and happiness even more in the future.

Ah Niu looked at Li Mo's sincere eyes, and his heart was also full of emotion and admiration. He knew that there was no past grievances and hatred between him and Li Mo, only blessings and gratitude from each other. He stood up and said goodbye to Li Mo and wished him and Wan'er eternal happiness.

Ah Niu's departure made Li Mo feel an inexplicable sense of relief and relief. He knew that he had truly let go of the baggage of the past and could devote himself to his family and career. He held Wan'er's hand tightly, his eyes full of determination and confidence: "Wan'er, I will use my life to protect you and our children." ”

However, at this time, a shocking news came - Li Mo suddenly passed away! The news left everyone in disbelief and shock, and they couldn't believe that this newly successful scholar would pass away suddenly.

Wan'er sat on the edge of the bed with her son in her arms and watched Li Mo lying there peacefully, her heart full of grief and reluctance. She knew that Li Mo had been trying to change and make up for her mistakes, but in the end, she still couldn't escape the arrangement of fate. She gently stroked Li Mo's face, tears slid down his face: "What if you leave our mother and son behind?" ”

However, at this moment, Li Mo suddenly opened his eyes, he looked at Wan'er and his son, his eyes were full of tenderness and reluctance: "Wan'er, I'm leaving, you have to take good care of yourself and your child." With that, he closed his eyes and never woke up again.

Wan'er hugged her son and cried bitterly, she couldn't accept this cruel reality. She once thought that Li Mo's change and success would bring them a happy future, but now, everything has come to naught.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

The villagers came to mourn, they felt sorry for Li Mo's death, and they were also worried about the future of Wan'er and her children. However, Wan'er showed unusual strength and bravery. She told everyone that she would live strongly, for the sake of her children and for Li Mo.

At Li Mo's funeral, Wan'er was dressed in plain clothes, with a faint sadness on her face, but a determined light in her eyes. Holding her son, she walked to Li Mo's grave step by step, and gently placed the flowers in her hand on the grave.

"Li Mo, you are gone, but I know that you will definitely bless our mother and son in heaven." Wan'er whispered, "I will take good care of my son and make him a useful person." I will also remember your teachings and promise to spend my life guarding our home. ”

After saying that, Wan'er stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then took her son's hand and slowly left the cemetery. Her back looked so strong and lonely in the afterglow of the setting sun, but her heart was full of hope and strength.

Time passed like flowing water, and Wan'er raised her son alone. She used her hard work and wisdom to support the family, allowing her son to thrive in love and care. She often thinks of Li Mo's teachings and promises before his death, and silently prays and blesses him in her heart.

However, fate does not seem to have given up on the family entirely. In the lives of Wan'er and her son, there are some unexpected turns and miracles.

One day, Wan'er meets a mysterious old man in the market. The old man looked at Wan'er and his son, and his eyes flashed with a strange light. He told Wan'er that he was Li Mo's friend before his death, and he had been looking for the whereabouts of Wan'er and the child. He told Wan'er that Li Mo left an inheritance and an important entrustment to him before his death.

The old man handed Wan'er a handwritten letter and a bunch of keys. The handwritten letter was written with Li Mo's deep blessings and expectations for Wan'er and his son, and he hoped that they could live a happy life. And the set of keys points to a study room and a large inheritance left by Li Mo.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

Wan'er looked at the handbook and the key, and her heart was full of emotion and gratitude. She realized that although Li Mo had passed away, his love and care would always remain in her and her son's hearts. She decided to make good use of this inheritance and study according to Li Mo's entrustment, so that her son could receive a better education and growth.

In the study, Wan'er found many manuscripts and notes from Li Mo's lifetime. These manuscripts and notes record Li Mo's talent and wisdom, and also bear witness to his deep love for Wan'er and his son. Wan'er began to read these manuscripts and notes carefully, drawing knowledge and strength from them, and also feeling Li Mo's love and expectations for her.

As time passed, Wan'er's son gradually grew up to be a smart, kind, and talented young man. He received a good education under his mother's tutelage and also inherited his father's talent and wisdom. He has won people's respect and praise with his efforts and talents, and has also brought endless pride and relief to his mother.

However, at this time, a shocking news came again - the cowherd baby Ah Niu, who had framed Wan'er and Ah Niu, had become a wealthy merchant in the village! The news left everyone in disbelief and shock, and they couldn't believe that this former cowherd baby would change so much.

However, when Ah Niu stood in front of Wan'er and his son, they saw the sincerity and gratitude in his eyes. He told Wan'er and his son that he had been working hard and struggling all these years and finally achieved his dreams and goals. He thanked Wan'er and his son for their tolerance and forgiveness back then, and also thanked Li Mo for his teachings and enlightenment.

Ah Niu's arrival surprised Wan'er and her son, but they were also happy and proud of Ah Niu's achievements. They sat together and chatted, reminisced about the past, looked forward to the future, and their friendship and affection for each other were sublimated and sublimated.

However, at this time, an even more shocking news came - Wan'er actually found a manuscript left by Li Mo in the study! This manuscript records a secret plan by Li Mo to use his talents and wisdom to benefit the people of the village and improve their living conditions and environment after the success of the imperial examination. However, due to his sudden death, this plan was not realized.

Wan'er looked at this manuscript and was full of emotion and emotion. She realized that although Li Mo had passed away, his wishes and dreams would always remain in her and her son's hearts. She decided to fulfill Li Mo's last wish, and use her strength and wisdom to work for the welfare of the people in the village and improve their living conditions and environment.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

So Wan'er began to take action, and she used her talent and wisdom to help and support the people in the village. She built schools for better education for children; She improved the village's water conservancy facilities and made the farmland better irrigated; She has also promoted tourism in the village, giving the villagers more sources of income.

Thanks to Wan'er's efforts, the people in the village gradually lived a better life. They are grateful for Wan'er's dedication and contributions, and admire her talent and wisdom. Wan'er proved with her actions that Li Mo's last wish had been fulfilled, and she also won respect and praise for herself and her son.

However, at this time, a surprising news came again - Wan'er was actually elected as the village chief! The news shocked and surprised everyone, but they were also happy and proud of Wan'er's election.

Wan'er stood in the position of village chief, and she was well aware of her responsibilities and burdens. She knows that this is not only a position, but also a commitment and expectation to the villagers. She decided that she wanted to use her own hands to paint a better future for the village.

At the beginning of her tenure, Wan'er faced a series of challenges and difficulties. The village's infrastructure is outdated, educational resources are scarce, and the villagers' incomes are generally low. However, Wan'er was not intimidated by these difficulties, and she knew that only by rising to the challenge could she change the status quo.

She first set out to improve the village's educational resources. She used her savings to build a new school and hire excellent teachers to teach. She also encouraged villagers to send their children to school so that they could receive a better education. Thanks to her efforts, the children in the village have gradually come into contact with the wider world of knowledge, and their future has become brighter.

At the same time, Wan'er also pays attention to the development of the village's economy. She took advantage of the natural resources of the village and developed characteristic agriculture and tourism. She led the villagers to plant special agricultural products and use e-commerce platforms to sell them, so that the village's agricultural products went out of the mountains and into the city. She also guided the villagers to develop rural tourism, so that tourists can feel the tranquility and beauty of the countryside. Under her leadership, the village's economy gradually rejuvenated.

However, in the process of Wan'er's reform, she also encountered some resistance and opposition. Some villagers are skeptical of the new reform measures, believing that they will harm their interests. In the face of these doubts and opposition, Wan'er was not discouraged, and she patiently communicated with the villagers and answered their doubts and concerns. She won the trust and support of the villagers with her sincerity and persistence.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

With Wan'er's efforts, the appearance of the village has undergone earth-shaking changes. Educational resources have been improved, the economy has developed, and the living standards of the villagers have also been improved. However, Wan'er was not satisfied with this, and she knew that there was more work to be done.

She continued to deepen reform measures to promote the sustainable development of the village. She guided the villagers to pay attention to environmental protection and develop green agriculture and eco-tourism. She also encouraged the villagers to learn new knowledge and skills to improve their overall quality. Under her leadership, the future of the village has become better and more promising.

However, in Wan'er's heart, there is always an irreparable regret - that is, Li Mo's death. She often thinks of Li Mo's life and his love and teachings for her. She knew that if Li Mo was still alive, he would definitely be proud and proud of her. However, she couldn't tell Li Mo all this, this was an eternal pain in her heart.

In Wan'er's heart, she always believed that Li Mo's soul had been guarding her and her son. She often sees Li Mo in her dreams and feels his warmth and care. These dreams made Wan'er feel extremely comforted and empowered, and also made her move forward more determined.

However, life is always full of surprises and uncertainties. Just when Wan'er thought that everything was going in a good direction, a sudden news broke her peace - her son had a rare disease! This news made Wan'er feel extremely shocked and desperate, and she couldn't accept this cruel reality.

However, in despair, Wan'er did not give up hope. She decided to use her power to find a cure for her son. She traveled everywhere to seek medical advice, and even went far away to find a famous doctor. At her insistence, she finally found a doctor who could treat her son's illness.

After a long period of treatment and rehabilitation, Wan'er's son finally recovered. He returned to school and life to continue chasing his dreams and future. Wan'er looked at her son's healthy figure and bright smile, and her heart was full of gratitude and relief. She knew that all this was inseparable from her own persistence and efforts, and also inseparable from Li Mo's blessing and protection in the spirit of heaven.

After experiencing this life and death test, Wan'er cherishes and appreciates every moment in her life even more. She interprets love and responsibility with her actions, and also uses her strength to bring more hope and happiness to the villagers. She became a role model and role model in the hearts of the villagers, and she also became the greatest person in the hearts of her son.

Folk tale: The scholar divorced his wife, instigated the cowherd to defile his wife, and died of shame many years later

However, for Wan'er, her greatest happiness is not to become the village chief or change the fate of the village, but to be able to have a healthy and happy son and a warm and happy family. She guarded the family with her love and wisdom, and also brought more beauty and hope to the world with her own strength.

In Wan'er's story, we see the tenacity and courage of an ordinary woman, as well as a mother's deep attachment and selfless dedication to her family. She used her actions to tell us that as long as we have love and hope in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and challenges and create our own happiness and beauty.