
He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

author:Ahua History says

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards. It's a thrilling and legendary experience. How many hardships and hardships did a person go through to embark on the road of revolution? How much did a family pay in exchange for the arrival of an era of peace? In those turbulent times, a person's fate was full of infinite reverie and thrilling twists and turns. Who is he? Why was he hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek? How did he finally become the vice chairman of New China? And how was his son killed? The reason for all this will slowly unfold in the rest of the story.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

A farmer's child from the bottom

In the twenty-fourth year of Tongzhi, the bureaucrats and magnates of the Qing court were controlling the country, and the misery of the people's livelihood was deeply enveloped in the ordinary people. And in an obscure small village in Wuzhou, Guangxi, a new life was ushered in. The baby was born in a poor peasant family, his father barely supported the family by farming, and his mother did the housework.

This baby was the later Li Jishen, a great man from a humble background but with an extraordinary life course. The elders of the village saw that this child was born very smart, and his eyes were full of clever light, and they all said that he would definitely be a talent in the future, and it would be impossible for him to live in this remote village all his life.

Sure enough, Li Jishen has shown extraordinary talent and learning ability since he was a child. Despite his poor family, his parents still did everything possible to provide him with literacy and regarded their children's education as a top priority. Li Jishen has been a child in the village school since he was a child, and under the careful teaching of the gentlemen, he soon studied the most cutting-edge Mongolian cultural knowledge at that time.

Li Jishen's intelligence made the parents and villagers of the whole village admire, and everyone sent their young children to the same school, hoping that the children could become scholars like Li Jishen in the future. Although the Li family is not rich, the people in the village are very envious, and they all say that there is such a smart and clever child who will definitely get ahead in the future, and the glory of the family!

It is worth mentioning that just when Li Jishen was familiar with all the books in the hands of Mr. Jukukan, there was a person in Wuzhou Mansion who sent the news back to the village, and he heard that there was a little prodigy in this village, and he very much hoped to accept this child as an apprentice in person. As a scholar, it is naturally an undesirable opportunity to meet such a talent, and the people in the village are all boiling when they hear the news.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

Follow Sun Yat-sen's Top Gun

At the end of the nineteenth century, China was plunged into an unprecedented crisis. The Eight-Nation Coalition suppressed and occupied Beijing with firepower, the Empress Dowager Cixi was defeated and retreated, and the decadent rule of the Qing Dynasty was already in turmoil. Just when the people were struggling and the country was collapsing, the gunfire of the Wuchang Uprising finally kicked off the Xinhai Revolution in 1911.

When the news reached Li Jishen's hometown of Wuzhou, at the age of 15, he had become a famous local prodigy and wanted to contribute to the country. Despite his poor family, Li Jishen did not give up his ideals, and he resolutely went to Baoding and was admitted to the most prestigious army university at that time for further study.

During his time at the Army University, Li Jishen not only showed outstanding military qualities, but also became a leader in the instructor corps by virtue of his extraordinary wisdom and diligence. When the news of the Wuchang Revolution spread all over the country, Li Jishen was excited and finally waited for a good opportunity to make contributions. He decisively joined the Northern Expeditionary Army, and was soon appointed chief of staff for his outstanding combat deployment ability.

In the following years, Li Jishen became a key figure in the Northern Expeditionary Army, personally participating in and commanding the three decisive battles of Guzhen, Xuzhou and Suzhou, and his wisdom and courage impressed the superior generals. Until 1924, when Mr. Sun Yat-sen was preparing to establish the Whampoa Military Academy, this young and promising soldier was favored by Sun Yat-sen and became one of the assistants he personally trained.

In his close contact with Sun Yat-sen, Li Ji was deeply influenced by his revolutionary ideas and was full of infinite longing for building an independent, prosperous and powerful new China. However, the good times were short-lived, and after the death of Sun Yat-sen in 1925, a fierce power struggle broke out within the Kuomintang, and Chiang Kai-shek and Li Jishen drifted apart due to differences over the line.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" coup d'état, which shocked China and the rest of the world, and Li Jishen witnessed how Chiang Kai-shek's men wantonly slaughtered innocents and committed great ferocity to Communists and progressives. This made Li Jishen realize that the Kuomintang had completely deviated from Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary ideals, so he began the path of breaking with Chiang Kai-shek.

Then, in 1929, a civil war broke out between Chiang Kai-shek and the Gui warlord Li Zongren, and Li Jishen tried to make peace and went to Nanjing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek. Who knew that Chiang Kai-shek took crazy revenge on this old subordinate, not only put him under house arrest, but also forced Li Jishen to hand over the troops to which he originally belonged. In the end, Li Jishen was publicly wanted and listed as a "Kuomintang traitor".

At the critical juncture, Li Jishen was able to escape and launch a new coup d'état in Fujian, uniting the CCP to establish the "People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China" against Chiang Kai-shek. Since then, Li Jishen has fought completely against the water, and has been chased and killed by Chiang Kai-shek several times, and his life has hung by a thread several times. But even after repeated hardships, Li Jishen never gave up his firm belief in serving the country and the people.

Seeking a new way out in the dark years

The fire of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party completely burned all over the land of China in 1927, and Li Ji was deeply saddened. As a revolutionary veteran who had followed Sun Yat-sen for many years, he repeatedly expressed to Chiang Kai-shek his sincerity in the peace talks, hoping to resolve the contradictions through peaceful means and avoid the continuous spread of war from bringing more suffering to the country and the people.

However, Chiang Kai-shek turned a deaf ear and rested on his laurels, not only rejecting Li Jishen's kindness, but even putting him under house arrest, depriving him of military power, and finally ordering him to be hunted down. In the face of Chiang Kai-shek's extermination, Li Jishen realized that the Kuomintang had completely degenerated and corrupted, and could not bear the heavy responsibility of rejuvenating China.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

At this critical juncture, the CPC's proposition won Li Jishen's approval. Li Jishen believes that only the Communist Party of China can truly represent the fundamental interests of the people, unite all forces that can be united, and work together for the country's march toward independence, democracy, and reunification.

Based on this understanding, Li Jishen began to actively move closer to the CCP, hoping that the two sides could stop fighting each other, go hand in hand, and create peace together. He met with the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party several times and expressed his sincere wishes.

However, Li Jishen's efforts were exchanged for Chiang Kai-shek's ruthless suppression. In 1929, Chiang Kai-shek took the opportunity to take revenge in the civil war, not only placing Li Jishen under house arrest, but also domineering him to force him to hand over control of his troops. Most distressingly, Chiang Kai-shek publicly announced that he would expel Li Jishen from the Kuomintang, stripping him of his long-standing party membership.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Li Jishen's revolutionary process, who has followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen for decades and made outstanding contributions to the national revolution, but now he is being treated so unfairly. But Li Jishen was not defeated, on the contrary, he strengthened his determination to join hands with the CCP and vowed to find a new way out for the country and the people.

After being wanted by Chiang Kai-shek, Li Jishen began a long life in exile. He had to hide with his family in Tibet, sometimes in small villages in western Fujian, sometimes in coastal towns, and several times became a traitor and was hunted down, and his life was seriously threatened.

Even in the most difficult moments, Li Jishen never gave up the ideal of rejuvenating China. In spite of all the hardships and dangers, he went everywhere to call for unity and worked hard for national independence and national liberation. During this period, Li Jishen joined hands with Chen Mingshu, Cai Tingkai and others to launch a coup d'état in Fujian and establish the "People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China", launching a frontal attack on Chiang Kai-shek's rule.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

It can be said that Li Jishen wrote the most cruel and tortuous scene of that era with his own fate. But he never flinched, even if his family was ruined, he adhered to the concept of serving the people and the country, and tirelessly searched for a bright new path.

He was eventually re-elected as Vice-Chairman

After several years of exile, Li Jishen finally waited for the opportunity to renew his ambitions in 1949. In that year, the Chinese People's Liberation Army won a decisive victory in the civil war, and the remnants of the Kuomintang had to retreat to Taiwan. At this critical moment when the whole country is celebrating and going to a new life together, Li Jishen, as an old subordinate of Mr. Sun Yat-sen and a veteran figure of the National Revolution, has been highly valued by the Communist Party of China.

The CPC Central Committee specially invited Li Jishen to attend the New Political Consultative Conference held in September. This is a landmark conference in the history of China, in which representatives of all political parties, ethnic groups, social strata and celebrities gathered together to discuss the blueprint for the future of New China. Li Jishen naturally became one of the heavyweights attending the meeting.

During the meeting, Li Jishen made many speeches to expound his own propositions, and he sincerely hoped that New China would inherit Sun Yat-sen's legacy of "nation, civil rights, and people's livelihood" and truly realize that the people are the masters of the country. At the same time, he also firmly supports the leadership core position of the Communist Party of China, believing that only under the leadership of the Communist Party can China embark on the road of independence, prosperity and strength.

At the last moment of the new CPPCC session, the CPC Central Committee finally determined the top leadership group of the new China on the basis of the democratic consultations and nominations of the deputies. In this decision-making concerning the future destiny of the Chinese nation, Li Jishen was unanimously elected as the vice chairman of New China because of his poor background, his follower of Sun Yat-sen for many years, and his status as the founding father.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was officially born, and a new page was opened in the land of China. As vice chairman, Li Jishen appeared side by side with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation on the tower of Tiananmen Square, witnessing this exciting moment together. When the five-star red flag was raised, the long-awaited ideal in his heart finally became a reality.

After taking office, Li Jishen was diligent and conscientious, and wholeheartedly contributed his wisdom and strength to the construction of New China. On various occasions, he insisted on calling for the truly establishment of an independent, democratic, prosperous, and strong new China, so that the people can truly be masters of their own affairs and live a happy and healthy life.

Looking back on the bumpy revolutionary road of several decades, Li Ji deeply knows that it is not easy to realize this ideal. But he also knows that as long as we unite all the forces that can be united and defeat all the enemies that should be defeated, China will eventually shake off the fate of being oppressed and enslaved and stand tall again among the nations of the world. Based on this conviction, Li Jishen called on the people of the whole country to rally closely around the party and work side by side for the prosperity and strength of the motherland and the happiness of the people.

Family tragedy: The murder of a loved one

In Li Jishen's bumpy and tortuous life, his wife Xu Wenhuan is undoubtedly his most solid support and spiritual support. The two met during the underground work of the CCP and were a veritable revolutionary couple.

Xu Wenhuan was born in a scholarly family, and his family was wanted by the Kuomintang because of his revolutionary ideas, and he had to go into exile in a foreign land. It was in this difficult environment that she formed an indissoluble bond with Li Jishen. The two fell in love after many narrow encounters, and finally tied the knot in a secret meeting in 1929.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

Since then, Xu Wenhuan has always been by her husband's side, and the two have been close and share weal and woe. Whether it is the crisis of Chiang Kai-shek's repeated pursuit and killing, or the difficult years of exile and wandering, Xu Wenhuan is Li Jishen's strongest backing.

In 1950, Li Jishen and his wife enjoyed the greatest happiness in their lives - their eldest son, Li Jinghan, was born. This adorable baby envelops the whole family in a joyful atmosphere, and Lee Ji-sung and Seo look forward to the future they work for with anticipation.

However, this good hope was soon ruthlessly attacked. One afternoon in 1953, three-year-old Li Jinghan was playing in Zhongnanhai when he accidentally strayed into the forbidden area of the guard's room. The armed police on duty intervened to stop it in accordance with the regulations, which led to the tragedy of the child's murder.

This bad news was like a hammer, smashing into the hearts of Li Jishen and his wife. Xu Wenhuan was in pain and cried all day long; And Li Jishen is like a walking corpse, and the whole person is in endless pain and despair.

As one of the leaders of New China, he should set an example and call for unity for the nation, but Li Jishen is simply unable to do so at this moment. Having lost his beloved proud son, his heart was filled with wounds that could not be healed, and once upon a time, reason and courage seemed to have left him.

At this difficult moment, it was the other leading comrades of the party and the state who encouraged each other to help Li Jishen and his wife out of the haze with sincere friendship and sympathy. They comforted and persuaded them meticulously, injecting new strength into the painful hearts of Li Jishen and his wife.

He was hunted down by Chiang Kai-shek many times, and later became the vice chairman of New China, and his son was unfortunately hacked to death by the guards

However, the occurrence of ominous events left an irreparable rift in Li Jishen's heart. This once outstanding leader and revolutionary finally succumbed to human nature and made a shameful decision - he resolutely decided to avenge his son's death, intending to kill the armed police soldier to relieve his hatred.

After being blinded to reason and principles, Li Jishen worked hard for several months to fulfill his filial piety, and finally killed the armed policeman at an opportunity. Afterwards, he made a generous statement and confessed the ins and outs of his crime to the party and the government in a righteous and awe-inspiring manner.

This old crime shocked the whole country, and it was a black episode in the history of New China, which made everyone sigh at the fate of Li Jishen and his family. Fortunately, under the leniency of the Party Central Committee, although Li Jishen was punished by party discipline, he was not investigated for criminal responsibility. However, the pain caused by this family tragedy has been engraved in the rest of Li Jishen's life.

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