
There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

This passage is an excerpt from Tagore's poetry collection "The Birds", and it is believed that Tagore himself had an unspeakable love.

When two people who love each other can't see each other, it's as lonely and lost as a fish leaves out of the water and leaves out of the branches.

Li Zhiyi, a poet, vividly expressed his feelings of missing his lover, that helpless emotion, and a sense of loss, even if he misses him every day, he can't see each other after all.

Some emotions can withstand the wait, but some love is destined to not hold on to each other. It's a kind of pathos, but it's also a kind of helplessness.

It is difficult for a long-distance relationship to overcome geographical barriers and keep the original heart.

Everyone shines in their own cognition, receives education from different regions, and lives in their own different social environments.

No matter how deep the relationship is, it will fade over time and cannot last forever.

There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

There is a kind of love that is the most cruel, it is not limited by time and place, and it is not controlled by human will, it is because the heavens are separated and can not be together again. Such regrets are heartbreaking, bringing endless pain and longing, but we still have to face it strongly, cherish the good times of the past, and move towards a new future.

We can only let lovesickness grow in dreams, fond memories and treasured relics, and this kind of affection is the most hurtful. No matter how hard we tried, we were never able to realize our good wish to see each other.

Unrequited love is a person's self-performance, which makes it deeply cultivated by spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Willing to be emaciated and haggard for her, without the slightest regret, like a belt gradually loosening.

A crush doesn't mean you can't express it, it's that you love him dearly, and he gives his heart to someone else; You miss Him, but He can't contain you in your heart.

This kind of relationship with more than enough heart and insufficient strength often cannot be maintained for a long time, and it is difficult for each other to stay together and stay together. After separation, it is like two parallel lines that can never intersect and meet, and they seem to be strangers to each other.

The shemale path refers to the isolation of the emotional path between humans and demons (such as ghosts). Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen, a couple, although they love each other, they can't be together because Nie Xiaoqian is a ghost and Ning Caichen is a human being. This is vividly described in "A Chinese Ghost Story".

There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen are deeply in love, but unfortunately they can't escape Fahai's pursuit and are forced to separate. Xu Xian watched into the distance, while Bai Suzhen was imprisoned under the Leifeng Pagoda for many years. This story deeply touched people's hearts and taught them to cherish the people in front of them and grasp the good times of the moment.

What's the point of falling in love, after all, it's fruitless love. Even if you meet, it is difficult to let the birds fly as you wish.

There is a kind of love called fate, after decades, I finally met the most suitable person at the end of my life. This kind of relationship of seeing each other and hating each other often makes people feel happy and satisfied.

Time has passed, and others have their families and circle of friends. This kind of love can only be prayed silently in the bottom of the heart, it is a silent love, and it is also an unattainable regret.

When you meet the right person at the wrong moment, the best way to deal with it is to try not to disturb each other and help each other to fulfill their lives, leaving everything to fate.

After all, life is full of impermanence and variability, so we often have some regrets.

Nostalgia welled up in my heart, although time and space are not allowed, but the years of wind and frost can not erode my inner attachment.

There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

The four seasons turn, in spring, I will put my thoughts of you into the warm spring sun, and turn into a warm ray of sunshine, shining on your body; In the summer, I will melt my thoughts on you into the melodious breeze, bringing a touch of comfortable coolness.

Autumn will precipitate the thoughts of you in the fallen leaves, brewing a spectacular metamorphosis; Winter will melt the nostalgia for you into the snow, so that your soul will be cleansed and purified.

Life is like the first time I saw it, what is the sad painting fan of the autumn wind? Time flies, my thoughts are still in your figure, even if I don't have the chance to meet, I will always look for your footprints, hoping to meet you again.

Although we may be estranged and emotionally shallow, life is short, and there is always someone worth remembering. Even if you can't see it, you will feel content in your heart.

Feelings are destined by fate, and loving someone does not necessarily mean that they have to be together. This is a very normal thing.

We can plant a seed of love in our hearts and let it take root and sprout quietly. That way, we can still have a good time without disturbing each other. Such a simple love, but it has the power to get us through difficult times.

If you can't grow old together, you can treasure each other's names in the bottom of your heart, or choose to forget.

There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

Since we can't stay together for long, let's cherish the good memories and don't let them disrupt our existing lives. In this way, every memory will make us feel warm.

Fate can't keep together, although it is regrettable, letting go is also a great love.

When we love someone deeply, we always want to be with them, and together we want to visit all the corners of the world worth visiting, enjoy the beauty of the world, and taste the most delicious food. What a wish!

It's easy to meet, but it's hard to meet. When one of the parties has the same mind but is not strong enough, the crush can only sing a one-man show. Being with the right people will only bring pain.

Since ancient times, it has been easy to be affectionate, and parting is often painful, not to mention facing the season of autumn and getting colder.

It's easy to fall in love with someone, but it's hard to forget. How much they loved each other passionately, but they were separated and hard to lose.

Knowing that we can't be together, I still fell into the whirlpool of love with wishful thinking and was willing to bear this pain. Although we can't be together, loving him is my greatest happiness. We can't stay together, we can't see each other, but I still keep my feelings.

There is a kind of love that can't stay together, and I want to see but can't see it

Those loves that can't be together, even if they can't meet face to face, can be kept in their hearts and leave a good impression for themselves. At least that memory is still worth cherishing and remembering.

Let's shine in our respective fields and create the future together. No matter where you are, as long as you're well, it's the best weather.