
There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful

author:Sanzhiqua said sports

Chinese women's table tennis: appearance and strength coexist, who said that beauties can't play table tennis?

1. Appearance is not the only criterion, strength is the last word

In the long history of Chinese women's table tennis, the word beauty does not seem to be commonly used to describe these female generals who sweat on the field. But then again, is it really that important to look? In the world of table tennis, strength is the last word.

There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful

Wang Nan, this sweet and lovely female table tennis celebrity, her smile can always bring warmth to people. But don't forget, the racket in her hand is her real weapon. Wang Nan's ball skills are exquisite, and she has won medals in the World Series many times, and her strength has long surpassed the scope of appearance.

Second, dignified and strength coexist, Chen Meng's style is unique

Let's talk about Chen Meng, a dignified and atmospheric female table tennis player. Her appearance may not be a beauty in the traditional sense, but the confidence and calmness from the inside out are impossible to ignore. On the field, Chen Meng is always so calm and composed, whether she is facing strong opponents or falling behind the score, she can stay calm and play her best.

There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful

3. Under the exquisite appearance, Liu Shiwen's tenacity and perseverance

Liu Shiwen, a delicate-looking female table tennis player, is also not a person who relies on her appearance to eat. Her skills are equally good, and she has saved the team from defeat at crucial moments on many occasions. Liu Shiwen's tenacity and perseverance are admirable, and her performance on the field is always so eye-catching.

There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful
There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful

Fourth, Zhang Yining, the goddess of cold noodles, coexists with strength and temperament

Finally, let's talk about Zhang Yining, the cold-faced and calm female table tennis legend. Her appearance may not meet some people's definition of beauty, but that unique temperament and strong strength are impossible to ignore. Zhang Yining's performance on the court is always so calm and decisive, and her ball skills and mental quality are first-class.

There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful

Fifth, beauty and strength are not opposites, and Chinese women's table tennis shows diverse charms

Of course, we are not saying that the Chinese women's table tennis players are not beautiful. Everyone has their own standards of beauty, and beauty is also diverse. But more importantly, these female table tennis players have proved with their strength and sweat that in the world of table tennis, beauty and strength are not opposites, but can coexist.

They showed not only their skills on the field, but also the spirit of perseverance and never giving up. This kind of spirit is the most beautiful, and it is also the most worthy of our praise and learning.

There has never been a beautiful woman in the history of Chinese women's table tennis, Chen Meng looks dignified, and there is still a distance from being beautiful

So, when we talk about Chinese women's table tennis, please don't just focus on their appearance. Because in this field, strength is the most important thing. Of course, if they happen to be beautiful too, that's the icing on the cake. But in any case, we should praise these female players who are fighting the field, because they have brought us countless honors and pride with their sweat and hard work.

They are the most beautiful, not only because of the looks they may have, but also because of the strength and spirit they show in the sport of table tennis. Let's cheer for Chinese women's table tennis and cheer for every victory they make!

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