
Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

author:Xiao He Xiao He is full of stars

In the turbulent times, heroes and heroes emerge one after another. One of them, Haojie Leete, was born proficient in martial arts and was brave. He was originally a petty official, but when he was exiled and fled, he showed extraordinary leadership style and won the hearts of the people. Later, he relied on his martial arts to establish a fiefdom and once dominated. It's a pity that fate was merciless, and he was finally killed. What caused Leeter's downfall? Was his failure due to his own incompetence? Or was the impermanence of fate doomed him to fall? In general, Leeter's failure was not due to his incompetence, but precisely to the fact that he was too good. Why would a good hero perish? What is the historical reason for this? Let's find out.

Li Te's beginnings: the ambition of a small official

In the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, the war was burning, and the lives were devastated. Li Teh was born in the Han nationality, and his ancestors were Ququ tattooed military officials. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, his ancestor Li Hu was a famous general of Cao Wei and fought with the army. Later generations have always been hereditary in the military and held military power.

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

By the time of Leete, although he was not a nobleman, his status was not low. "Zizhi Tongjian" has a cloud: "Li Tejie is full of martial arts, good at riding and shooting, and has a lot of sex and chivalry, and the state party is attached to him." It can be seen that Li Teh has been fierce and brave since he was a child, and he is highly respected by young people. He was born in Hanzhong, Shaanxi, and was a local official, managing every day and managing affairs.

However, in the middle of the Western Jin Dynasty, the Central Plains was in turmoil. Qi Wannian and others rebelled, and the war was endless. Li Teben had no intention of getting involved in right and wrong, but the displaced people were robbed and humiliated, and he was heartbroken when he saw this, and he joined the righteousness of protecting the people without hesitation. During the period of running and fleeing, Li Teh guarded the homeless, helped the poor, selflessly helped, and won the hearts of countless people.

The people's aspirations and their courage can also be seen. Li Teh is not only strong in martial arts, but also brave and decisive at the moment. On the way to escape, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats, one arm

Fleeing in troubled times: turning hostility into jade silk and winning the hearts of the people

Qi Wan began to rebel, and the Central Plains fell into a turbulent era of war. Li Teh originally lived in Hanzhong and lived a stable life as a small official. However, with the advent of troubled times and the constant scourge of war, he had to leave his homeland with the great exile and embark on a difficult escape road.

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

The journey to escape was arduous and life-threatening. Countless people are homeless, homeless, and threatened with disease and hunger. Seeing this, Li Te's heart ached, he cheered up, stepped forward, strategized, and led the displaced people to save themselves.

Litte first formed a personal escort team to maintain order in the team. He personally supervised the patrol and was always vigilant against the attacks of jackals, tigers and leopards. Once attacked, Li Teh took the lead and immediately took the lead in counterattacking to ensure everyone's safety. The elderly, women and children who accompanied him saw that he was brave and fearless, and they all admired him.

When the march was blocked, Li Teh took the lead and commanded his cronies to open the way. Wielding a sharp blade, he personally cut down trees and built roads, clearing obstacles for everyone to move forward. With Leete's extraordinary courage and leadership, everyone was able to get through the hurdles safely.

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

In this way, Leeter protected the homeless and the poor along the way. Many people received food and funding from him and were spared a single death. Many strong men were moved by him and took the initiative to join the escort team and serve Li Te.

After arriving in Sichuan, Li Teh decisively called on the displaced people:

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have nothing to do with our bodies, and we are wandering around. Nowadays, Bashu is full of war, but the mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. It is better to set up camp here, and with our force, settle a territory, so that we can live forever! "

Before the words fell, shouts and cheers poured in like a tide. The homeless people were all impressed by Leeter's ambition. Homeless and uncertain, they finally see a glimmer of hope. Li Teh struck while the iron was hot, established a private army, and called on the people to fight against strong enemies. The homeless people heeded the call and volunteered to serve Leet and seek a prosperous life together. In this way, Li Teh turned hostility into jade silk in the troubled times, and won the support and followers of countless living beings.

Reign supreme: Establish a feudal regime by force

With his extraordinary martial courage and resourcefulness, Li Teh rose rapidly in the land of Bashu, and was once famous and dominant.

When Li Teh led the displaced people to the Sichuan Basin, it was in the midst of war. Zhao Diao was the agent of the Western Jin Dynasty regime in Shuzhong, and the official worshiped the governor, the general, and the Yizhou pastor, and the dictatorship was extremely powerful. However, his tyranny and unbridled rule and the lack of livelihood of the people have caused widespread dissatisfaction.

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

Li Teh served as a general under Zhao Diao for several years and was familiar with his political skills. Seeing that there was an opportunity, he resolutely attacked, plundered Chengdu, and wiped out Zhao Diao. For a time, Zhao Diao's old department was ownerless, and the four wild rangers were everywhere, and Li Teh was able to take advantage of the victory to pursue and quickly pacify the territory.

The Book of Jin contains: "The special column plundered Chengdu, Kezhi, and then there was Shu County. It can be seen that in the early days, Li Tet already owned several county territories by force alone. Later, it was reported that Leet's soldiers "overcame everything they went." It can be seen that its military prestige is magnificent.

There were soldiers in the land, so Li Teh built his own Ye, set up officials and divided the army, and formally established the feudal regime, known as the monarch of the Han Dynasty. Although it is only a cloth cloth, it has been a man with great talents, dominating one side, and is known as a Han man. At that time, it was the world of the Five Chaos and the Summer, and Li Teh was not only rich and noble?

The reason why Li Tet was able to quickly seize power and dominate was that he had always protected the displaced people, and he was brave and had won the hearts of a large number of people; Second, he has experienced troubled times, vicissitudes of life, is well versed in martial arts and strategy, and is resourceful; Third, he took advantage of the situation, Zhao Diao's rule was corrupt, and the people could not be controlled, he only needed to push the boat down the river, and he could make great progress.

The following year, Li sent an envoy to join the former Qin king, intending to seek recognition of his status. Ran Min refused and ordered him to retreat to Chengdu. Li Tetong suddenly felt that the future was unknown and power was hard to find, so he led his troops to Chang'an. After several battles, the former Qin army was defeated, and once attacked the city, and the flag was victorious. Ran Min had nothing to do, so he had to worship Li Teh as the "Captain of the Qiang Guard". This title was originally the title of the frontier leader of the Han Dynasty, but it was already half-self

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

Cause of failure: Excellence leads to jealousy and calculation

Li Te, who started in troubled times, quickly established a feudal regime in Shuzhong with his extraordinary martial arts and resourcefulness, and once dominated for a while. However, the wanton exaggeration of power often leads to jealousy and suspicion, which ultimately leads to his unforeseen misfortune.

The reason why Li Teh was able to seize Shu County in a short period of time was largely due to the mediocrity and corruption of the ruler Zhao Diao at that time. Zhao Diao was ashamed of the Western Jin Dynasty and the opposition, tyrannical and domineering, and the people were not happy. Li Teh took the opportunity to attack, rushed to kill the old Zhao family, and quickly occupied Chengdu and other places.

However, just when Li Te's first battle was won, the former Qin king took advantage of him and was very suspicious of him. Chengzhi once ordered him to retreat to Chengdu, but Li deliberately acted angrily, and the soldiers were determined to invade Chang'an, and fought several battles with the former Qin army. In the end, there was nothing to be done, so he had to reluctantly canonize Li Teh as the nominal "Captain of the Qiang Protector".

Since then, although Li Tet has sent envoys to pay tribute from time to time, he is still jealous of him. After all, Li Teh is a martial artist, and his ambitions are obvious to seize territory by force. As an orthodox dynasty, if it is easy to accept it as a minister, won't the prestige of its commander be lost? What's more, Li Tebing is strong and fierce, and once he defects, he will definitely become the biggest confidant of Qianqin.

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

It is precisely because of these concerns that Cheng Zhi secretly laid a trap on Leete, intending to get rid of this powerful potential opponent. According to the "Spring and Autumn Period of the Sixteen Kingdoms", Cheng Zhi had "deceived the general's seal, and the special edict blocked it, and did not overcome it", in an attempt to trick Li Teh into taking the bait, trapping him in a heavy siege and then breaking it. It is even said that he also "made people sneak into his relatives and rebelled against Li Te", intending to use the power of the traitor to destroy Li Te's foundation.

Sure enough, there was indeed a secret spy in Lee's old department. His henchmen and relatives followed Cao Tong, Li Wuwolf and others to work hard for many years, and finally betrayed Li Te. They not only revealed Li Te's virtual and real military strength to Qianqin, but also privately disturbed the morale of the army, sow discord, and plunged Li Teh into the crisis of civil war.

Just when Li Teh was in prison, the former Qin troops came from afar and completely surrounded and defeated him. Li Teh was seriously wounded, and was finally captured by the former Qin army, and was killed on the spot. A generation of heroes has fallen.

Historical enlightenment: cruel reality, ideals are hard to find

Although Leeter died, his life reflects the fate of heroes in troubled times. Although his failure stemmed from external calculations, it was more due to internal shortcomings and the limitations of the times.

Lee: The failure of this troubled lord is not because he is not good, but because he is too good

From Leete's personal point of view, he was born brave, but he has an upright temperament. Although he is good at scheming, he often goes off the rails and is willful. For example, he knew that the former Qin King Chengzhi was eyeing him, but he still went deep alone, and Meng Lang's soldiers rushed straight to Chang'an, and finally set himself on fire. On the other hand, he trusted his subordinates and cronies too much, and was unsuspecting of Cao Tong, Li Wuwolf and others, and was eventually betrayed by these spies.

In addition, Leeter lacks foresight and top-level design. Although he made a name for himself by force, he could not really build a solid foundation. The old system and system in his area were still under his rule, and the warlords were divided and fragmented, and it was impossible to form a new cohesive form of government. What's more, he was deeply influenced by Han culture, and he was not good at how to integrate the Di and Qian ethnic groups, and it was difficult to truly unify the territory.

Most importantly, the era in which Litte lived was full of cruelty and disorder. It was a chaotic age when power symbolized everything, and force was the only law of survival. The strong can be supreme by force, but they can also be destroyed by greater force. In such a dark age, it is almost impossible to establish a new order, a new system.

From a higher level, the reason why Li Teh failed is also deeply related to the pattern of the great era of Wuhu Chaohua and Zhuxia. At that time, the Central Plains Dynasty was declining, but it was unable to curb the brutal invasion of foreign tribes. Under such circumstances, Li Teh and other warriors used force to establish a temporary regime, which seemed to be a helpless move. However, after all, they are in troubled times, and it is difficult for them to break the old framework and establish a new order.


Therefore, although Li Tet is dead, it is not only a personal tragedy, but also a reflection of the relatives of that cruel era. In that century of chaos where violence was rampant, even the best heroes could not escape the fate of being devoured.