
There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money


2024-05-11 17:42Posted in Guangdong financial field creators

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

If they say they invest in a stock market, but the index and most of the stocks in that stock market are down, and they have a high annualized growth rate, they are definitely a liar.

Author: Li Yinian (Baopu Financial Commentator)

On May 10, the news broke out the rumors of 2 billion to 5 billion yuan of private placement of "Ruifengda assets running away", and the reporter proved that the rumors were true.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

A private equity person who invested in Ruifengda told reporters: "We invested in Ruifengda, and now there are still 33 million yuan that cannot be redeemed." ”

Why do I say "break out again"?

Because on November 14, 2023, a news that "Hangzhou Quantitative Private Equity Shenzhen Huisheng ran away, and the well-known 10 billion private equity FOF (fund of funds) fund China Soft New Power was defrauded of 3 billion yuan" has attracted market attention. At that time, the public security organs had already intervened to control the people involved. "Caijing" learned that the market rumors that China Soft New Power lost 3 billion yuan are untrue, and the amount involved in the company is about 1 billion yuan.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

I will mainly talk about how to help you avoid pitfalls today, in fact, it is also some common sense, try to speak human words, down-to-earth, I hope to help everyone.

01 Check the company's bottom before investing

First of all, when you make an investment, you should see whether the investment company is reliable and professional.

For example, you want to put money in Berkshire. Hathaway (of course, it is now a listed company, in the early days, Buffett also did similar private equity business), then you must rest assured, Buffett's performance, name, and qualifications have been there for decades.

However, are you reliable to look at Ruifengda and Shenzhen Huisheng?

I'll give you a look.

First of all, let's look at Ruifengda, we only look at the information that investors can find out publicly:

According to a report by Brokerage China, Ruifengda's private placement products have invested in "Ruizhu Jia'an No. 2 Private Securities Investment Fund" and "Zeheng Zhongyin No. 1 Private Securities Investment Fund".

According to the data, these two products belong to Jiangsu Ruizhu Private Equity Fund and Shanghai Zeheng Fund. Ruizhu Private Equity just changed its legal representative at the end of March this year, and Zeheng Fund was enforced by the Shanghai Financial Court and the Shanghai Fengxian District People's Court at the end of last year, with an enforcement target of 41.0742 million yuan.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

Obviously unreliable. If you are investing, such news must be paid attention to, and it is reported in public media such as Brokerage China.

You have invested millions or tens of millions, and you must keep an eye on the information of this company, and it is definitely a problem to frequently change shareholders, legal persons, and actual controllers.

Enterprise investigation shows that Ruifengda's equity has changed many times, and in the earliest investor subscription ratio, Qiu Wenlong accounted for 80% and Liu Licheng accounted for 20%. Qiu Wenlong and Liu Licheng will withdraw in 2022, and Li Tao, Li Rong, and Sun Aiyun will take over. It is worth noting that on April 19, 2024, the actual controller of Ruifengda was changed from Li Tao to Chen Tao.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

If your mobile phone message reminds you that the actual controller of the company that you invested 33 million has changed, are you nervous about whether this investment should be redeemed?

Let's talk about Shenzhen Huisheng, which ran away last year, and the public information is posted on the Internet, which is also obviously unreliable.

According to the information on the AMAC website, Shenzhen Huisheng was established in 2016 and registered in 2017, and its registered address and office address are not in the same securities regulatory jurisdiction. Among them, the registered address is located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, and the office address is in Binjiang District, Hangzhou.

It is not true that the registered address is inconsistent with the office address, and as of the 2022 annual report data, the number of insured people in the company is zero.

Do you say that in a normal company, the number of insured people will be zero?

Similarly, according to the AMAC website, as of November 3, 2023, the shareholding structure of the private placement has been changed to a legal person, general manager, executive director and head of information filling, Zhang Ping holds 90% of the shares, and Li Mingrui holds 10% of the shares. It's exactly the same as Ruifengda's approach.

Zhang Ping previously worked as an investment consultant at Guosen Securities Guangzhou Branch, and her earlier experience can be traced back to working as an advertising copywriter at Tiandiren Planning (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

▲ Shenzhen Huisheng legal representative Zhang Ping's resume

You read that right, she did copywriting work, but how good is being an investment advisor? I don't know.

According to the information on the website of AMAC, Hangzhou Yuyao, the legal person of Hangzhou Yuyao and the major shareholder of the company, He Guoqing, has no previous experience in securities investment institutions, and has only served as a supervisor of Jiangyin 100 Textile Co., Ltd. and the sales of Jiangyin Xinshen Textile Store.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

▲ The resume of He Guoqing, the legal representative of Yuyao Investment

You read that right, the legal person of a private equity company has never been in a securities investment institution at all, and may have sold towels and woolen sweaters!

Scammers are full of loopholes, as long as we are a little vigilant, we will not hand over hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions to a private equity company whose legal person can only sell woolen sweaters.

This is all public information, and it is necessary to check the bottom of these companies before investing.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

This is my first piece of advice.

02 The underlying product should be clarified

Second, you need to know the underlying product.

It took your money, where did it go? You have to know.

Regarding the investment of Ruifengda's products, there are rumors in the industry that "after Ruifengda invests in products, the bottom is mainly invested in the new third board stocks." In this regard, Ruifengda insiders told reporters, "We are the business personnel of the marketing department, and we can't understand these things at all." ”

Even the staff of the company's marketing department don't know where to invest the money, and investors dare to invest? It is rumored to be invested in the New Third Board, so what is the liquidity of the New Third Board? We won't talk about which company to invest in.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

Ruifengda invested money in the new third board, and did not inform investors, everyone went to see the performance of the new third board, can you make money?

Let's talk about last year's news, FOF under China Soft New Power invested in Huisheng, and Huisheng only invested money in Hangzhou Yuyao. The underlying asset is actually Panjing Equity Investment Fund Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., which has been dequalified as a private equity manager.

As a result, Huisheng and other companies "disappeared" with money, and institutions such as China Soft New Power stepped on thunder.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

If you invest 5 million in a private placement, you don't even know what it is buying, how dare you invest?

To be honest, I really don't understand why so many people are stepping on the pit.

Did you take Ecstasy? Or is the sales lady and brother too beautiful and handsome? A smile on the students?

To buy a dish for 5 yuan, you have to bargain, you have to pick and choose, and buy 500,000 or 5 million private placement products without asking about the underlying products, which is not suitable and will harm yourself.

03 A luxury office may be a trick prop

Third, don't just look at the office space and pomp, which may be all props for scammers.

Ruifengda has an intricate relationship with Shanghai Riying. An investor said, "Shanghai Riying and Ruifengda should be related, and I signed the contract on the 5th floor of Shanghai Riying." I saw that the company was also very good, and I felt that the strength was okay, so I didn't think too much. ”

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money


There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

▲Riying Holdings Shanghai office

What is a good company? Well renovated? Big office space? And then it means that the company's investment level is reliable?

Warren Buffett's office is not located on the bustling Wall Street in the United States, but in the city of Obaha, which has a population of only 400,000 in the central United States, because this is Buffett's hometown.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

▲ Warren Buffett's office

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is the world's largest insurance investment group, Buffett did not buy land to build a building, but only leased half a floor of a building, as the headquarters office location, the neighbors on the floor often chat with Buffett, and Buffett has managed Berkshire Hathaway since 1962, and now it has been almost 60 years, because the rent is very cheap.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

Berkshire Hathaway has only 25 employees at its headquarters, no human resources or back office, and Buffett's office is only 17 square meters.

There are no computers or other smart devices in Warren Buffett's office, only a landline as the main office and communication tool, and the most in the office are all kinds of newspapers and magazines.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

In Buffett's more than 50 years of investment experience, only 2001 and 2008 had negative returns, and the rest of the years were positive returns, and classic cases such as Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, and Apple were also invested, and an average annualized rate of more than 20% was maintained.

Warren Buffett's scene and office are much worse than Shenzhen's "famous" investment company Ding Yifeng, Ding Yifeng once had offices in Block A and Block B of Futian Kingkey Binhe Era, the 53rd and 57th floors of Block A, and the 31st floor of Block B were the offices of Ding Yifeng or its subsidiaries, which were very luxurious, bright and magnificent, and what about the performance? Even Warren Buffett's dime a dime can't catch up.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

Therefore, the office space has nothing to do with the level of investment!

Unless it is a large-scale and well-known investment institution that has experienced a long-term test, the office rented by the investment institution that suddenly sprang out is very luxurious, and most of them want to use the luxury office to deceive investors.

Luxury offices do not prove the strength of investment institutions, only the urgency of their deception of investors' funds.

04 There must be reliable channels to look at performance

Fourth, we can't just listen to the company's own words and look at the information on certain websites.

An investor told reporters frankly, "Although they (Ruifengda) told us that they would invest in the New Third Board, because the net value is very good, the annualized growth rate is dozens of percent, and we don't know that we are investing in such a bad New Third Board stock." The positions of the private placement are not actually announced, you can only ask the other party, and the other party may not tell the truth. ”

The company's performance must not listen to what the company says, because some investment institutions have no bottom line, and investors can actually roughly guess whether the return is positive or negative through the direction of their investment.

If they say they invest in a stock market, but the index and most of the stocks in that stock market are down, and they have a high annualized growth rate, they are definitely a liar.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

The vast majority of private placements are unlikely to outperform the index, and if they do, they are already legends.

As long as some websites have money to collect, they dare to do any ranking, and the rate of return is reported by the private equity company itself, how much credibility do you say?

The commission of Ruifengda salespeople is 4 points, which is even higher than P2P.

Money can make the devil grind, and the commission is so high, of course they will use the website's ranking to fool investors.

Finally, to sum up, how to avoid the pitfalls of investment and financial management:

First, it depends on the professionalism of the organization and its past performance, if it is a legal person who does advertising copywriting or sells sweaters, then forget it. At the same time, pay close attention to the company's legal person and shareholder change information.

Second, it is necessary to figure out what the underlying product is.

Third, don't look at the luxury of the office, the more luxurious it is, the bigger the pit.

Fourth, there must be reliable channels to see the real performance, if not, resolutely do not invest.

Finally, if you don't want to bother with these thoughts, at least press your greed and keep the money in the six major state-owned banks, at least the principal is still there, this is the fifth trick I told you.

As for inflation and deflation, it can be ignored for the time being, it is better than being run away by unreliable private placements.

In the previous news, a friend 33 million is missing, the weight of 10,000 yuan in cash is 115 grams (calculated according to 100 yuan banknotes), the weight of 33 million cash is 379.5 kilograms, no one can carry it, it is so cheap to be a liar, it is really sighing.

Nowadays, the situation is complicated, everyone should protect themselves, and it is inconvenient for me to say anything else.

There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

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  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money
  • There is also a private placement explosion, some people are tens of millions gone, learn these five tricks to keep money

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