
The cowherd passed by the river, and when she saw that the nun was blocking the way, the nun said that I was saving you

author:Sport pineapple 3W9w

When the cowherd passed by the river, she saw that the nun was blocking the way, and the nun said, "I am saving you."

In a remote mountain village, there is a cowherd baby named Xiao Ming. His daily task is to drive the village cattle to the mountains to graze. In the evening, as usual, he drove cattle home along the river at the edge of the village. The river is murmuring, the setting sun is sprinkled on the surface of the river, the golden light is shining, and the scenery is picturesque.

Xiao Ming was indulging in this tranquility when suddenly, a figure appeared from the front and blocked his way. When he looked closely, it turned out to be a nun, dressed in gray, holding Buddhist beads, and smiling mysteriously.

"Little donor, please stay." The nun spoke slowly, her voice distant and ethereal.

Xiao Ming was puzzled, but still responded politely: "Master, do you have any advice?" ”

The nun smiled mysteriously and said, "Little donor, your hall is black, and there will be a bloody disaster in the near future." I would like to remind you not to walk at night, and to be careful. ”

Xiao Ming couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this: "Master, I'm just a cattle herder, where will there be any bloody disaster?" Don't scare me. ”

The nun shook her head and said, "I'm not trying to scare you, but I can't reveal it." If you don't believe, go and find out. ”

Although Xiao Ming was skeptical, he still thanked the nun and continued to drive the cattle home. Along the way, he pondered the nun's words repeatedly, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

After returning home, Xiao Ming told the village elders about it. After hearing this, the elder frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "What this nun said may not be groundless. You'd better be careful lately. ”

The cowherd passed by the river, and when she saw that the nun was blocking the way, the nun said that I was saving you

After Xiao Ming heard this, he was even more uneasy in his heart. He decided, for the sake of safety, to follow the advice of the nun and try not to walk at night.

However, it didn't end there. A few days later, a shocking news suddenly came out of the village: Xiao Li in the village suddenly disappeared when he was on his way at night! The villagers were full of discussions, some said that he may have been eaten by wild beasts, and some said that he may have met a bandit. But Xiao Ming remembered the nun's words, and an inexplicable fear surged in his heart.

He decided to go to the nun and ask for clarification. At the river, he met the nun again. Xiao Ming asked eagerly, "Master, Xiao Li in the village is missing, do you know what's going on?" ”

The nun sighed, "Alas, he must have gone on a night journey without listening to my advice." I tried to save him, but I couldn't do anything. ”

Xiao Ming was shocked when he heard this: "You mean, Xiao Li and his ...... He's already been killed? ”

The nun nodded: "He has been victimized by that evil spirit. Although I am a monk, I cannot directly intervene in this matter. I can only remind you to be careful. ”

Xiao Ming was silent after hearing this. It dawned on him that the nun might really know something. He decided to ask the nuns for advice on how to avoid this disaster.

"Master, please advise me on what I can do to avoid this disaster?" Xiao Ming asked sincerely.

The nun pondered for a moment and then slowly spoke: "That evil only haunts at night, you just need to avoid going out at night, and you can avoid it." If you have to walk at night, wear this amulet I have given you, it will keep you safe. ”

After speaking, the nun took out a quaint amulet from her sleeve and handed it to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming took the talisman, only to feel a mysterious power surging into his body. He thanked him and hurried home.

The cowherd passed by the river, and when she saw that the nun was blocking the way, the nun said that I was saving you

Since then, Xiao Ming has been wearing this amulet and no longer dares to go out at night. The rest of the village followed suit and asked the nun for amulets. Sure enough, in the days that followed, no one was missing in the village.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, when Xiao Ming was herding cattle in the mountains, he suddenly met an old man with a gloomy face. The old man stared at Xiao Ming for a long time, and suddenly smiled gloomily: "Do you think that a small talisman can save your life?" It's ridiculous! ”

Xiao Ming became vigilant after hearing this, he knew that this old man was by no means a good person. He clutched the amulet in his hand and silently recited the mantra the nun had taught him. Suddenly, the old man's face changed, and he looked frightened, turned and fled.

Xiao Ming breathed a long sigh of relief, he knew that it was the talisman that saved his life. He looked into the distance, secretly grateful to the mysterious nun. Since then, he cherishes this talisman even more, and always reminds himself to be careful.

After the story spread, the villagers lamented the wonder and compassion of the nuns. They spontaneously built a small temple for the nun and dedicated an idol of her deity to thank her for saving her life. And the old man, who was once terrifying, never appeared again.

The village is quiet again, but Xiao Ming and the villagers know that this peace is not easy to come by. They always remember the kindness and teachings of the nuns, and cherish the good life of the moment. And the mysterious nun has also become a legend in their hearts forever.

When the cowherd passed by the river, she saw that the nun was blocking the way, and the nun said: I am saving you (continued)

Ever since Ming met the grim old man on the mountain and managed to scare him back with his amulet, the atmosphere in the village had become more and more tense. The villagers were talking, speculating about who this old man was and why he would make a move on Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming also told the village elders and others about the incident, which aroused everyone's alarm.

The elder pondered for a long time, and then said, "This old man is probably not an ordinary person, he may be the embodiment of the evil spirit, and he wants to test our defenses. Fortunately, Xiao Ming had a talisman given by a nun to get out of danger. ”

Everyone nodded their heads after hearing this, and their gratitude to the nun was overflowing. At the same time, they also cherish the amulet in their hands even more, and regard it as a magic weapon to save their lives.

The cowherd passed by the river, and when she saw that the nun was blocking the way, the nun said that I was saving you

However, the calm days did not last long. One night, there was a sudden burst of exclamations from the village. Xiao Ming and the villagers ran out of the house to check the situation, only to see that the fire at the entrance of the village was soaring, and something seemed to be burning.

Everyone hurried to the entrance of the village, but was stunned by the scene in front of them. It turned out that it was the gloomy old man who was burning down the nun's small temple! He had a hideous smile on his face, and he was muttering words that seemed to be performing some kind of evil ritual.

"Stop!" Xiao Ming roared angrily and rushed forward to try to stop the old man. But the old man just glanced at him contemptuously and continued his ritual.

At this moment, a gray shadow descended from the sky, and it was the mysterious nun. She looked at the old man expressionlessly, and the Buddhist beads in her hand turned slightly, emitting bursts of Sanskrit sounds.

Seeing this, the smile on the old man's face suddenly froze. He seemed to be very jealous of the nun, and his figure flickered, turning into a cloud of black smoke and disappearing into the night sky.

The nun did not chase after her, but silently walked to the small temple and folded her hands and recited the scriptures. In the sound of her chanting, the fire in the small temple gradually weakened until it was extinguished. And the statue that had been burned down was miraculously restored to its original state.

The villagers knelt down and kowtowed to thank the nuns for saving their lives. Xiao Ming was even more excited and burst into tears: "Master, you are finally here!" Thank you for saving the lives of our entire village! ”

The nun smiled and said, "Good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, and it is not that the time has not yet come. As long as you have good thoughts in your hearts and do more good deeds, you will be blessed by God. ”

After saying this, the nun turned into a gray light and disappeared into the night sky, leaving everyone in the same place with emotion.

Since then, the people of the village have been more united, everyone has been grateful and respectful, and life has been more positive, and the gloomy old man has never appeared again, and the village has regained its former peace and harmony, but Xiao Ming and the villagers know that this peace is not easy to come by, and they always remember the kindness of the nun and pass on her teachings from generation to generation.

The cowherd passed by the river, and when she saw that the nun was blocking the way, the nun said that I was saving you

A few years later, one spring, Xiao Ming has grown into a handsome and dashing young man, he led the young people in the village to reclaim wasteland on the mountain to plant crops, this day they were working on the mountain, suddenly the sky was full of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, seeing that it was about to rain heavily, Xiao Ming hurriedly beckoned everyone to pack up their things and go home to avoid the rain, just when they hurried down the mountain, suddenly a lightning bolt struck a big tree next to Xiao Ming, the crown was instantly ignited, and the fire rose to the sky!

"Run!" Xiao Ming shouted and led everyone to quickly evacuate the scene, but when they returned to the village, they found that the entire village was surrounded by raging fire! The firelight reflected half of the sky, the air was filled with a thick smell of smoke and burning, the villagers fled in panic, the scene was very chaotic, Xiao Ming was anxious, he knew that if the fire was not extinguished in time, the whole village would be reduced to ashes!

At this moment, there was a sudden melodious Sanskrit sound in the sky, everyone looked up, only to see the mysterious nun appear in the air again, she held the Buddhist beads, chanting words in her mouth, with her chanting, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and the fire gradually extinguished, and finally the houses and trees in the village were safe and sound, only the big tree that was struck by lightning turned into ashes.

When the villagers saw this scene, they knelt down to thank the nun for saving their lives, and Xiao Ming was even more excited and burst into tears: "Master! Thank you for saving the lives of our entire village once again! ”

The nun smiled and said, "Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil, as long as you have good thoughts and do more good deeds, I will naturally bless you with peace." ”

After saying this, the nun turned into a gray light and disappeared into the night sky, leaving everyone in the same place with emotion, they knew that this mysterious nun was their patron saint, and as long as they had good intentions and did good deeds, she would always bless them.

From then on, the people of the village were more united, everyone gratefully passed on the nun's teachings from generation to generation, and the once terrifying old man never appeared again, and the village returned to its former peace and harmony.

However, Xiao Ming knew that their peaceful life was not easy to come by, and he always remembered the kindness of the nun and decided to repay her with his own actions, so he led the young people in the village to work harder to cultivate wasteland and grow crops, and they also built a new temple to worship the nun god, and held a grand temple fair every year to pray for good weather and abundant crops.

With the joint efforts of Xiao Ming and the villagers, their village has become richer and richer, people's lives have become better and better, and the mysterious nun has become the eternal guardian saint of their hearts, and her teachings and kindness have always inspired them to keep moving forward.