
I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

author:The lamb said that everything in the world is going on
I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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Editor|Little Sheep says everything in the world


The child growth companion has become a new favorite in the market with its attractive prospect of earning 40,000 yuan a month.


Wang Dandan is one of the professionals in this industry, and her work includes tutoring homework, picking up and dropping off extracurricular classes, and regulating children's emotions.

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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Wang Dandan, who has nearly ten years of experience in the education industry, works six days a week, from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every day, with a monthly income of up to 40,000 yuan.

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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Her expertise spans a wide range of areas such as holistic children's education, character education, etiquette and child psychology, making her excel in the industry.

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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With the influx of public and private school teachers and teachers in the training industry, the profession of child growth companion has risen rapidly within the education industry.

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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The majority of workers in this profession are women, accounting for up to 80%, and usually require good foreign language skills and a bachelor's degree or above.

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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This emerging profession not only addresses the practical needs of many parents in their children's education, but also provides new career development opportunities for education professionals.

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

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As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look

Let me have money, I will also please, making money can't accompany children, it's good to ask for a high-quality companion

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

Can you still talk about "stealing home"? [black line]

Kindergarten teachers can consider career paths

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

40,000 a month? Let's not talk about this private school teacher with a bachelor's degree or above. Hire a Ph.D. teacher from a double-first-class university to look after the child

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

I was trying to find one too, and I was driven crazy by my son

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

The rich are called companions, and the poor can only make up the lessons, and now they don't let you make up for it

I can't laugh anymore, the monthly income of the child growth companion is 40,000 yuan in short supply, netizens: I really need it

The lamb has something to say

Although Wang Dandan's working hours are concentrated from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every day, what she does is much more than just tutoring homework.

She is involved in children's holistic education, character education, behavior and etiquette, and child psychology, which are all indispensable parts of contemporary children's development.

Her holistic attention and expertise ensure that children are well-balanced in all aspects of their education, which has a long-term positive impact on their future development.

The rise of the profession of child growth companion has also solved an important problem in the modern family.

With the acceleration of the pace of society, many parents are unable to pay full attention to their children's daily learning and growth due to their busy work, and child growth companions can provide professional support in this regard, helping families and children to better balance learning and life.

The majority of people in this profession are women, which also reflects the natural advantages of women when it comes to educational care and nuanced teaching methods.

At the same time, this profession has high requirements for the educational background and foreign language ability of practitioners, which not only improves the professional level of the entire industry, but also provides a platform for educators to develop and realize their personal value.

The emergence of the profession of child growth companion is a useful supplement to the traditional education model.

Not only does it help children grow more holistically at all levels, but it also provides educators with new career paths that enable them to use their expertise and realize their personal values.


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