
Poems related to the solar term "Lixia", the most beautiful scenery in summer is in this poem!

author:Open the book every day - Zhishu sauce

Hello everyone, today we use the way of story adaptation to enjoy the poem "Lixia" of Lu You.

First of all, I will tell the meaning of this poem in the form of a story, and then we will appreciate the original text:

In ancient China, myth and reality were intertwined, and gods and humans coexisted.

Zhurong, the god of fire, revered as the Red Emperor, is the legendary god of summer, and his strength and enthusiasm symbolize the arrival of summer.

And Dongjun, the god of the sun, is the god of Si Chun, who is in charge of spring, and his light awakens the sleeping earth.

Poems related to the solar term "Lixia", the most beautiful scenery in summer is in this poem!

On the day of the beginning of summer, red flags were planted in every window of the city to welcome the arrival of the Red Emperor.

People cheered and looked forward to the enthusiasm and energy of summer.

At the same time, the sun god Dongjun is preparing to drive and lead the Green Emperor back, his task has been completed, and the vitality of spring has filled the land.

The scent of fresh earth fills the air, swallows frolic happily in their nests, and their songs are a prelude to summer. The flowers have been exhausted, the bees are becoming scarcer, and their busy presence in the flowers indicates that the harvest season is coming.

The green shade is rich, the catkins are lightly fluttering, and the atmosphere of early summer is gradually rich.

Poems related to the solar term "Lixia", the most beautiful scenery in summer is in this poem!

In the living room, the breeze brings a hint of coolness, which is the unique charm of summer, making people feel comfortable and quiet.

As the sun sets, the sky is dyed a pale golden yellow, the color of summer, full of warmth and hope. People change into light summer clothes to welcome the arrival of summer, and they look forward to the joy and hope that summer brings.

This is the summer ode of the Red Emperor, which is a story about summer, full of enthusiasm and energy.

This poem makes us feel the beauty of summer, the enthusiasm and vitality of life, and makes us love life more and love every season. This is the summer ode of the Red Emperor, let's enjoy the original text together!

The red banner was inserted into the city, and Dongjun returned to the whole car.

The mud is new nest swallows, and the flowers are full of bees.

The willow is dense at the beginning of the shade, and the curtain is still slight.

The sun is slanted and the soup is bathed, and the single clothes are skillfully tried on.

- Lu You, "Lixia"

Poems related to the solar term "Lixia", the most beautiful scenery in summer is in this poem!

In addition, I recommend two good poems related to the Lixia solar term for you to enjoy:

Ming Hu Yan "Long Rain and Sunny Tomorrow and Summer"

January is tired of the sound of rain, and suddenly it is sunny today.

Spring goes up from the flowers, and the wind passes through the bamboo.

Sleeping beauty is new and ripe, and the body is idle and light.

Recently, he has been more frank and tired.

Song 2: - Zhang Dalie "Ruan Langgui Lixia"

The green shade spreads the field with new light, and the smoke wind is long at the beginning. The small lotus sticks to the water point Hengtang, and the butterfly clothes are busy with powder.

The tea is ripe, the wine is rising, and the poetry is drunk and crazy. The swallow chicks seem to be sorry for the fragrance of flowers, and the double titles are returned to the painting beam.
