
At the age of 22, I got uterine fibroids, from 3.2cm to 1.9cm in a month, and the patient said: Chinese medicine is really amazing

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

Practicing medicine for more than 30 years, as the fifth generation of Ha's gynecology, why do I have a soft spot for this [Guizhi Poria Pill], am I lazy and can't form a prescription? No, I practice medicine to cure diseases and save people, not to show off my skills, medicine that can cure diseases is good medicine, as long as it can cure diseases, I will use it.

Although some patients with uterine fibroids come to Chinese medicine, they have used all kinds of methods of Western medicine, and they have to come to me to try it.

At the age of 22, I got uterine fibroids, from 3.2cm to 1.9cm in a month, and the patient said: Chinese medicine is really amazing

No, I have a young female patient, 22 years old, usually dressed coolly, during menstruation still eat cold food and drink ice water, the consequence of this is menstrual cramps, she has to take ibuprofen every time she hurts, her mother saw it in her eyes and was anxious, and hurriedly took her to the hospital for examination, and found a 3.2cm uterine fibroid.

Diagnosis: The tongue is dull and the tongue coating is whitish, which is caused by cold coagulation and blood stasis.

After I prescribed her a prescription, I haven't eaten it for a month. The little girl went to the hospital for a follow-up, for fear that I was a quack. The result? Huan Huanxi called me early in the morning, saying that his uterine fibroids were small, and now they are only 1.9, and I feel that I am very godly, and I completely believe that Chinese medicine can really cure the disease.

And I said, It is not my God, but I stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before me, who? Zhang Zhongjing.

Five generations of my family have been treating gynecological diseases, and when I came to my place, I saw too many incurable diseases. Today, I will start with this more representative medical case, and I will tell you how I used Zhang Zhongjing's famous prescription to treat cold coagulation and blood stasis in uterine fibroids.

Yang qi, yin forming, the body's qi and blood are running in a kind of yin and yang transformation, too much yang qi and insufficient yin qi will cause the loss of yin fluid, too much yin qi will cause the accumulation of yin cold, and the two balance each other will be fine.

This fibroid is a typical deficiency of yang qi caused by cold, and yin qi forms lumps in the weakest part of yang qi.

At the age of 22, I got uterine fibroids, from 3.2cm to 1.9cm in a month, and the patient said: Chinese medicine is really amazing

If it is not passed, it will be painful, this symptom is the most likely to cause dysmenorrhea, and the pain is unbearable, it will be relieved a little when it is warm, and it will freeze again when it is cold. The yang energy in the body is not supported, the yin and evil are not removed, no matter how warm it is, it is useless, and the external force that does not change the internal cause is to delay the effort.

At this time, Zhang Zhongjing's Guizhi Poria Pill recipe is an inextricable panacea for raising the yang, dispersing the yin, and expelling the disease and evil. The simple five-flavor medicine is the crystallization of Mr. Zhang Zhongjing's inability to be reproduced.

Cinnamon branches, peony herbs: one is responsible for the divergence of the meridians and transpiration and rising yang, and the other is responsible for activating blood and dissolving stasis and dispersing yin.

Poria cocos, Danpi: They are happy enemies, they are both stasis medicine, Poria cocos goes qi and water seeps wet, Danpi goes blood cools blood and reduces inflammation, and also offsets the problem of nodules and long-term heat. You see, how ingenious Zhang Lao arranged, and even took the problem of heat accumulation into account for you.

The peach kernel is a hermit who usually does not show the mountains and waters, and it has an iron fist when it encounters the diehards. Able to soften stubborn nodules, others are alive blood, it is broken blood. The fibroid is not a mass of blood stasis, but has formed a nodule, and it is a hard piece to the touch, and it cannot be dealt with without the "breaking" force of the peach kernel.

At the same time, Poria cocos strengthens the spleen and stomach, peony softens the liver and relieves pain, and by the way, it adjusts your organs.

At the age of 22, I got uterine fibroids, from 3.2cm to 1.9cm in a month, and the patient said: Chinese medicine is really amazing

Considering that the girl has chronic endometritis caused by uterine fibroids, I added black mustard and angelica to nourish blood and stop bleeding, and Yanhusuo to relieve pain.

In the end, each course of treatment added or subtracted the prescription according to the little girl's reaction and effect, and the symptoms of dysmenorrhea have gradually reduced to none, and the limbs have begun to warm up. Two and a half months later, the fibroids were rechecked and the fibroids had dissipated.

Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound, it can turn decay into magic, and the treatment of uterine fibroids is like unraveling a small knot. Today I just introduced a small recipe to you, and I will share more cheap, common and easy-to-use prescriptions with you in the future. As long as the simple prescription can cure everyone's disease, I am willing to share it, and I will not pretend to be profound and pretentious.

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