
Is it good to run in spiked shoes?

author:Idle talk

Among running gear, spiked shoes have always been favored by professional runners. So, what exactly are the advantages of spiked shoes?

1. What are spiked shoes?

Spiked shoes, as the name suggests, are professional running shoes with metal or carbon fiber spikes installed on the sole. These pegs improve the grip of the sole and help runners exert more force while running.

Is it good to run in spiked shoes?

Second, the advantages of spike shoes

1. Improve running efficiency

Studies have found that running in spiked shoes can improve running efficiency by about 5%-7%. This is because the spikes of spiked shoes can increase the friction between the sole and the ground, allowing runners to use leg muscle strength more efficiently while running, reducing energy expenditure.

2. Reduce the risk of injury

During running, the friction of the ground can help stabilize the foot and reduce the risk of ankle sprains. The nails of spiked shoes can increase the friction between the sole and the ground, improve the stability of the runner, and reduce the risk of injury.

3. Improve athletic performance

In sprints, the grip of spikes can help runners perform better. For example, in the 100-meter dash, an athlete wearing spiked shoes can improve their time by an average of about 0.1 seconds.

Is it good to run in spiked shoes?

4. Adapt to different venues

The length and shape of the nails of the spike shoes can be adjusted according to different venues. For example, on grass or slippery pavement, longer nails can be chosen to improve grip; On dry tracks, you can opt for shorter pegs to increase your running speed.

5. Comfort

Although the design of spiked shoes is more professional, modern spiked shoes have also made a lot of optimizations in terms of comfort. Many brands of spiked shoes have a comfortable lining and support structure that allows runners to remain comfortable during long runs.

3. Choose spiked shoes that suit you

Since the length and shape of the nails in spiked shoes can affect running performance, it is important to choose the right spike shoe for you. It is recommended that runners can consult a professional sports coach or store staff when buying spiked shoes to choose the right spiked shoes according to their running habits and needs.

Is it good to run in spiked shoes?

In general, spike shoes, as a weapon for professional runners, have a place in the running world with their unique advantages. However, it is important to note that spiked shoes are not suitable for all runners, especially beginner runners and recreational runners. When choosing running shoes, you should choose according to your own needs and actual situation to give full play to the advantages of running shoes.