
After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

author:Zhu Xiaoyue loves Kanyu

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After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Text | Zhu Xiaoyue loves Kanyu

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After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

In the eventful autumn after the Lushan Conference in 1959, Peng Dehuai made an appointment with Nie Rongzhen with a lot of heart. Although both of them are revolutionary veterans and have deep feelings, when they meet each other, they are speechless. On the occasion of parting, Peng Dehuai solemnly once again explained the importance of the "two bombs and one satellite" project, which is a national key project that he has always paid great attention to. In addition to this matter, what other wishes or helplessness did Mr. Peng have that he failed to express to Nie Rongzhen? Let's take Xiao Zhu into this story.

On December 29, 1899, Nie Rongzhen was born in a once glorious family in Wutan Town, Jiangjin County, Sichuan Province. His family had been a prominent local family, but by his father's time, the family had not prospered as much as it had been. This decline of the family, coupled with the poverty and inequality in the surrounding environment, deeply touched the young Nie Rongzhen. He felt the injustice and dark side of society, and these experiences gradually cultivated his determination to change the old order and pursue a new life.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

In the early years of his studies, while receiving education in a private school, Nie Rongzhen showed a thirst for knowledge and a deep affection for the country. As his knowledge grew, he became more and more concerned about the future of the country and the fate of the people, and his patriotic enthusiasm grew stronger and higher in his heart. He began to think about how to improve the situation of his people through practical actions, and conceived preliminary ideas on how to end foreign oppression and domestic corruption.

This experience not only shaped Nie's later political stance, but also laid a solid foundation for his later role in the Chinese revolution. Through the study of private school, Nie Rongzhen not only learned the classic knowledge of ancient times, but also found a spark in it to stimulate his revolutionary aspirations. He gradually understood that although the power of the individual is small, the power of the collective is enough to push the wheel of history forward.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Nie Rongzhen showed his deep concern and love for the country at a young age. He actively participated in many patriotic marches and rallies, distributing not only leaflets, but also plastering slogans and giving speeches to express his dissatisfaction with the state of the country and his desire for reform. These actions quickly made him a dissident in the government's eyes.

Especially during the May Fourth Movement, Nie Rongzhen's active performance was even more significant. In 1919, he was arrested by the military police because his protests directly threatened the security of the government at the time. Although this incident temporarily hindered his actions, it strengthened his determination to change the fate of the country.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Soon after his release, Nie Rongzhen decided to pursue a broader range of knowledge and skills, so he chose to go to France for a work-study program. He was ambitious and convinced that he would be able to learn advanced knowledge and technology in a foreign country that would lift China out of poverty and backwardness. He longed to find a way to completely change the face of old China and make the motherland rise to become a prosperous and powerful country.

His study and work experience in France not only broadened Nie's horizons, but also deepened his understanding of science and technology and modern governance models. This experience strengthened his conviction that China can truly modernize and prosper only through education and technological advancement.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Nie Rongzhen's journey was an important turning point in his life. Not only did he gain valuable knowledge abroad, but he also strengthened his career goal of serving his country there. This experience later became the cornerstone of his important role in the Chinese Revolution and laid a solid foundation for his future contributions to the country's reconstruction.

During the Battle of the Hundred Regiments in 1940, a fruitful model of cooperation was established between the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region under the command of Nie Rongzhen and the troops led by Peng Dehuai. This strategic alliance encompasses not only tactical coordination, but also resource sharing, intelligence exchange, and integration of combat effectiveness. This in-depth cooperation significantly improved the overall combat capability of the anti-Japanese coalition forces, effectively weakening the morale and logistical support of the Japanese army.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Under the strong leadership of Nie Rongzhen, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region has displayed a tenacious fighting spirit and selfless dedication. These fighters are not only defending their homeland, but also fighting for the dignity of the country and the freedom of the nation. Their heroic performance on the battlefield not only defended the integrity of the territory, but also greatly stimulated the anti-Japanese sentiment of the people and injected new vitality into the entire war of resistance.

This battle goes beyond a purely military conflict, it is an important struggle for national dignity and future freedom. Nie Rongzhen's resolute actions at this critical moment not only proved his outstanding military strategic vision, but also highlighted his important contribution to the War of Resistance Against Japan. Through his wise command and firm decision-making, Nie Rongzhen not only made important military achievements, but also psychologically and morally enhanced the will of the Chinese army and people to resist the war.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

In the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the mutual trust and cooperation between Nie Rongzhen and Peng Dehuai was the key to defeating the strong enemy. Their tactical coordination was precise and effective, and they jointly planned many important strikes against the Japanese army, and each operation was closely integrated with the actual situation to ensure the maximum destructive effect. This tacit tactical understanding and strategic alignment have enabled joint operations to achieve the desired results every time.

Through the leadership of Nie Rongzhen and the heroic struggle of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, the Battle of the Hundred Regiments became an important turning point in China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Their success not only demonstrated the strength of the Chinese army, but also proved to the world that the Chinese nation was strong and unyielding in the face of aggression. These achievements immortalized Nie Rongzhen's name in China's military and national history.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Nie Rongzhen shouldered heavy military responsibilities. As an important military leader of the Chinese People's Volunteers, he not only has to deal with complicated analysis of the enemy situation and war planning on a daily basis, but also needs to ensure the effective supply and maintenance of logistics and equipment. Nie's day-to-day life consisted of intensive tactical discussions and battlefield command, as well as frequent communication with Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai, reporting to them on military conditions and asking for advice on strategic decisions.

In this war, Nie Rongzhen demonstrated extraordinary strategic vision and unwavering leadership. His keen insight into battlefield changes and precise command of military operations ensure that front-line troops can maintain an advantage in complex and ever-changing combat situations. Every decision he makes is based on an in-depth analysis of the current war situation and predictions of the future war situation, and these decisions are often related to the life and death of thousands of soldiers and the overall direction of the war.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Nie Rongzhen paid special attention to logistical support during the war, and understood that sufficient materials and good equipment were important guarantees for victory. He has made great efforts to ensure that there are sufficient troops on the front line and a stable supply of weapons and ammunition. At the same time, he also attaches great importance to the morale and welfare of soldiers, and often arranges psychological counseling and rest adjustment to maintain the efficient combat state of the troops.

In the communication with the superiors, Nie Rongzhen always provides detailed battlefield reports to ensure that the decision-making level can grasp the most accurate first-hand information. His reports often influenced strategic deployment and operational decisions throughout the war. In this way, Nie Rongzhen made a key contribution to the success of the Chinese People's Volunteers, not only on the battlefield, but also at the level of strategic planning.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

After the Lushan Conference in 1959, Peng Dehuai was faced with a job adjustment and was about to move from his current post to Wujia Garden in the northwest suburbs of Beijing. At this critical moment, Peng Dehuai specially invited Nie Rongzhen to come, hoping to discuss a vital national event with him.

During the meeting, Peng Dehuai calmly adjusted his emotions, and then solemnly expressed his mind to Nie Rongzhen: "Rongzhen, it's all up to you." This is to speed up the progress of the "two bombs and one satellite" project, this strategic decision has been discussed with Nie Rongzhen before the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai is well aware of its importance, but also has great trust in Nie Rongzhen's ability and responsibility.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

As the helmsman of the project, Nie Rongzhen feels a heavy responsibility for this national mission. Mr. Peng's instructions added to his sense of responsibility, so he was determined to ensure that the project moved forward no matter what difficulties he encountered. Peng Dehuai's words are not only a transmission of a task, but also a reconfirmation of Nie Rongzhen's firm support.

This meeting was also an affectionate exchange between the two old comrades-in-arms in the midst of political turmoil. Although Peng Dehuai is facing a major change in his personal position, his state of mind is undoubtedly complicated. He and Nie Rongzhen have experienced many wars, but it is difficult to fully express his heart at this moment. He knew that Nie Rongzhen could also feel the heaviness, so more words turned into a firm handshake and mutual understanding in his eyes.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

This incident not only reflects Peng Dehuai's trust in Nie Rongzhen, but also shows the sense of responsibility and mission of the two leaders at a critical moment for the country. The heavy burden they shared ultimately led to a major breakthrough in China's military and scientific and technological fields, providing a strong guarantee for the country's security and international status.

In the spring of 1966, Nie Rongzhen played a key role at an important moment in a nuclear test site, successfully leading China's "two bombs" combined nuclear tests. This major achievement not only marks a major breakthrough in the field of nuclear weapons for China, but also demonstrates Nie Rongzhen's outstanding leadership and firm determination. Then, in 1967, Nie Rongzhen once again stood at the forefront of history and presided over the explosion test of China's first hydrogen bomb. This feat has propelled China to the ranks of the world's nuclear powers and demonstrated the rapid development of the country's scientific and technological and military strength.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

In comparison, it took the United States and the Soviet Union ten years from possession of the atomic bomb to the successful test of the hydrogen bomb. Under Nie Rongzhen's leadership, China took only three years to complete this leap, a speed that shocked the world. This historical node is not only a technological breakthrough, but also the embodiment of Nie Rongzhen's wisdom and perseverance, his attention to every detail and strict requirements for the team are the key to success.

The Chinese people are generally overjoyed and proud of this achievement after learning that their country has successfully mastered nuclear weapons technology. Behind this is Nie Rongzhen's hard work and unremitting struggle for several years. He is well aware of the importance of nuclear weapons and regards them as a major guarantee of national security. Throughout the project, Nie Rongzhen was not only a strategic decision-maker, but also went deep into every level of technology and management to ensure that all processes were carried out efficiently and according to plan.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

Nie Rongzhen has put a lot of effort into this process, often going into the field, working with scientists and engineers to solve problems, working around the clock to ensure that every experiment is carried out safely and effectively. His leadership and expertise have brought immeasurable value to China's nuclear program, ensuring its success while also greatly enhancing the country's international standing and strategic security.

In modern Chinese history, the friendship between Peng Dehuai and Nie Rongzhen is not only a historical story that is praised, but also a profound spiritual inheritance. In that era full of challenges and changes, the comradeship between them was like a candle in history, illuminating each other's paths and warming the hearts of countless people.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

The story of Peng Dehuai and Nie Rongzhen is the highest praise for sincere friendship. Together, they have experienced not only the changes of the country, but also the ups and downs of their personal destiny. Peng Dehuai insisted on his principles and beliefs in the political turmoil, while Nie Rongzhen gave each other selfless support and understanding at a critical moment. When Peng Dehuai's position was frustrated, Nie Rongzhen stood by his side without hesitation, showing the deep trust and responsibility between his comrades-in-arms.

This special comradeship-in-arms is not only reflected in their joint commitment to the promotion of the important national project "Two Bombs and One Satellite", but also in the fact that Nie Rongzhen unreservedly helped Peng Dehuai when he needed support the most. This relationship goes beyond ordinary friendship, it is rooted in a deep respect for each other and an obsessive pursuit of shared ideals.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

In the long river of history, the friendship between Peng Dehuai and Nie Rongzhen is not only a precious spiritual wealth, but also a precious legacy for future generations. It teaches us that no matter how times change, sincere and loyal friendship will always be the most shining jewel of human society, which can inspire people to keep faith and move forward in the face of any difficulties and challenges.

Through the examples of Peng Dehuai and Nie Rongzhen, we see the most glorious part of human nature – selflessness, loyalty, and bravery. This kind of friendship is not only a connection between individuals, but also a common guardian of ideals and beliefs of a generation. In the years to come, this history and this spirit will continue to be remembered and inherited, inspiring everyone who strives for their ideals.

After the Lushan meeting, Peng Dehuai called Nie Rongzhen and explained him an important matter

(Reference: "The Biography of Peng Dehuai", "The Biography of Nie Rongzhen", "The Ten Marshals")