
Hives are actually lung diseases! Do you know why that's said?

author:Life Digest Health Assistant

Speaking of this hives, it reminds me of a patient some time ago, who has been hives for 3 years. During this period, I have seen many doctors, traveled to many places, and used many medicines, but they all treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Itching all over the body, obvious scratch marks, especially on the upper limbs, urticaria is severe when exposed to heat and cold.

I had a detailed understanding of the patient's situation, and I saw one side at that time: mulberry bark, digu bark, licorice, Sophora sophora, and cicada clothes.

On the night the patient took the medicine, the itching all over his body stopped, and after the first dose of medicine, the itching almost disappeared. The prescription was adjusted for the next 2 times, and all the evidence was flat.

Hives are actually lung diseases! Do you know why that's said?

So what does this have to do with urticaria being a lung disease?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs are mainly fur, and skin problems are closely related to the lungs.

Specific analysis of the specific situation: the patient's urticaria, the skin surface is burning, and there is a manifestation of aggravation of heat and sudden decrease in cold, which fully indicates that there is heat evil in the lungs. The main qi of the lungs naturally includes the body's camp qi and guard qi. Wei Qi is the body's barrier against external evils. In the case of lung fever, the lung qi is out of division, and the guard qi cannot "stand guard" properly, and the symptoms of evil qi invading the human body appear.

The dialectic is: lung heat is the foundation, and dampness is the guide. In terms of treatment, it should be based on clearing heat and dissolving dampness.

Therefore, treatment should:

Hives are actually lung diseases! Do you know why that's said?

Clearing lung heat: Ground bone skin, mulberry white skin.

The skin of the bone is cold, which can clear the heat evil in the lungs, and the mulberry white bark also has a good effect of clearing the lung heat, especially these two medicines are attributed to the lung meridian, and the treatment of urticaria caused by lung fever is just right.

Hives are actually lung diseases! Do you know why that's said?

Dissolve dampness and relieve itching: Sophora sophora, cicada molt.

On the one hand, Sophora sophora has a good anti-itching effect, on the other hand, it can also clear away heat and dampness, guide dampness to come out of urine, and the cicada molt that dispels wind and relieves itching, the symptoms of urticaria are gone.

Hives are actually lung diseases! Do you know why that's said?