
Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

author:Talking about history
Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties


In the ancient and rich land of Changshu, the Fei sisters, Fei Baoqi and Fei Baoshu, are like two blooming flowers, swaying in the courtyard of the eunuch's house. After they are famous, they have been bathed in the glory and halo of the family since they were young, and they have enjoyed a carefree childhood. As the years passed, the two flowers gradually showed their different destinies.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

Fei Baoqi


1. The first bloom and withering of famous sisters

Fei Baoqi, this gentle and tough orchid, has shown a unique temperament since she was a child. She is highly educated, independent-minded, and courageous in the pursuit of true love. In those days, her behavior was undoubtedly a challenge and a breakthrough. It was this courage and persistence that led her into an unhappy marriage. Her husband, a seemingly well-mannered customs officer, hides a violent nature. His jealousy and suspicion were like a sharp pair of scissors, cutting all of Fei Baoqi's cheongsam, and also her dreams and happiness. In the midst of pain and struggle, Fei Baoqi finally chose to divorce and bravely walked out of this failed marriage.

And the Fei Bao tree, this delicate and fragile peony, chose a different path. She entered into marriage early and became a member of an old-fashioned family. Behind this seemingly glamorous family, there is endless darkness and pain. Her husband, Sun Bosheng, a once glamorous banker, has sunk in the trough of his career, becoming irritable and indifferent. His infidelity and domestic violence are like an invisible shackle, tightly binding Fei Baoshu in pain and despair. After a long period of patience and struggle, Fei Baoshu finally mustered up the courage and chose the difficult path of divorce.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

Fei Bao Tree

Second, the troubled times are drifting, and the sisterhood is deep

In that stormy era, the bustling city of Shanghai was not spared the invasion of war. With the smoke of war permeating, the Fei family, a once prominent official family, gradually fell apart in this troubled era. Fei Baoqi and Fei Baoshu, the sisters who were much loved in the family, also lost their former peace and happiness in this great change.

After the fall of Shanghai, the situation of the Fei sisters became more and more difficult. In the context of the gradual dimming of the glory of the family and the chaotic situation in the outside world, the Fei family sisters did not choose to retreat or escape, but stepped forward, closely depended on each other, and faced the difficulties ahead hand in hand. Fei Baoshu resolutely left the bustling city of Shanghai and embarked on a long journey to Chongqing to join his sister Baoqi. Although the road was full of difficulties and obstacles, with her inner tenacity and endless courage, she never wavered and firmly walked towards the unknown distance. Finally, she successfully arrived in Chongqing and was reunited with her sister.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

The two sisters started their lives again under the protection of their sister. Although life was hard, they did not complain and retreat. On the contrary, they cherish each other's friendship even more, take care of each other, and support each other. In the ordeal of war, they experienced life and death, joys and sorrows together. These experiences have made them more deeply appreciate the power and warmth of family affection.

In the process, the deep friendship between the sisters was sublimated. They not only support each other materially, but also encourage each other spiritually. When her sister Baoqi encounters difficulties and setbacks, her sister Baoshu always stands up for her as soon as possible; And when her sister Baoshu feels lost and helpless, her sister Baoqi always gives her firm support and encouragement. This deep sisterhood allows them to rely on each other and move forward together in troubled times.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

The brutality of the war did not stop because of their efforts. As time passed, the shadow of the war became thicker and thicker, and the lives of the Fei sisters became more difficult. But they did not give up hope, but were more determined to believe that as long as they relied on each other and worked together, they would be able to get through the difficulties. This belief has made them more united and stronger in the face of adversity.

With the joint efforts of the Fei sisters, they went through that difficult time. Although the glory of the family no longer exists, the sisterhood between them has become their most valuable treasure. This experience made them more deeply appreciate the preciousness and preciousness of family affection, and also made them cherish the friendship between each other more. This chaotic experience not only taught them to be strong and brave, but also made their sisterhood deeper and stronger.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

Sun Shucheng

3. The fate trajectory of the second generation of beauties

After the legendary story of the Fei sisters, the wheels of history continue to roll forward, bringing us into the world of the second generation of beauties. Sun Shucheng and Sun Shuying, the nieces of the Fei sisters, are like two bright stars, shining with a unique light in their respective fields. Their life trajectories are not only full of legends, but also reveal the independence and self-improvement of women in the new era.

Sun Shucheng, the flight attendant who is more than 1.7 meters tall, is naturally beautiful and has an outstanding temperament. Her beauty and talent have made her stand out in the flight attendant industry and be in the limelight. Her married life is full of uncertainties. After a short period of sweetness, her husband's betrayal and the breakdown of her marriage plunged her into deep pain. Sun Shucheng did not indulge in sadness, but chose to face reality bravely. She used her strength and courage to get back on her feet and continue to pursue her dreams.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

Sun Shuying

Unlike Sun Shucheng, Sun Shuying's life trajectory is more stable and smooth. After years of hard work at the U.S. Consulate General, Sun Shuying has gradually emerged as a leader in this field with her unremitting efforts and outstanding talents. Her career is booming, and her family is harmonious and happy, but the bitterness and dedication behind it are little known, and it is her sweat and wisdom that she silently paid silently, which has created her brilliance and success today. In order to be able to gain a foothold in the workplace, Sun Shuying has put in more effort and time than ordinary people. Not only does she have to face challenges and difficulties at work, but she also has to balance family and career. She never complained, but proved her worth and ability with her practical actions.

Although the two sisters have experienced different lives, they have both achieved great achievements in their respective fields. Sun Shucheng used his strength and courage to face the unhappiness of his marriage and regained his direction in life; Sun Shuying has achieved success in the workplace with her own efforts and talents, and has obtained a happy family. Their stories show us that no matter what difficulties and challenges they face, women should remain independent and self-reliant, and bravely pursue their dreams and happiness.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

Fourth, the independence of independent women

Sun Shucheng, a legendary woman who has left a deep mark on the years, made an unexpected decision one day in her later years - she chose to say goodbye to this world alone. Behind this decision is her life's unremitting pursuit of independence and autonomy, as well as her profound reflection on life and death.

In Sun Shucheng's home, six carefully organized folders lie quietly on the desk, which is the detailed arrangement she has made for her future. These folders not only record her distribution of property and inheritance, but also contain her last words for life, family and friends. In this way, Sun Shucheng showed the world the calmness and calmness of an independent woman at the end of her life.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

Sun Shucheng's life is a legend of ups and downs. She has experienced ups and downs, and she has also excelled in the workplace. No matter what the situation, she has always maintained a spirit of independence and autonomy. She doesn't need to be attached to anyone, and she is not afraid of any difficulties and challenges. This spirit allowed her to maintain her love for life and her vision for the future in her later years.

The end of life is inevitable after all, and when Sun Shucheng realized that her life was coming to an end, she did not choose to receive endless treatment and torture in the hospital, but chose to leave this world alone. In this way, she hopes to maintain her last dignity and independence. Her choice allows people to see the strength and courage of an independent woman in the last moments of her life, and also triggers people's deep thinking about life and death.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties


Sun Shucheng's posthumous independence is not only a summary of his life, but also an inspiration for future generations. She used her actions to tell the world that an independent woman should have the courage to pursue her dreams, and she should also have the calmness and calmness to face the end of her life. Her choice allows us to see that a woman can still maintain her independent and autonomous spirit after going through all kinds of hardships in life. This spirit is worth learning and inheriting from each of us.

Red face and many tribulations: a forgotten beauty family, the different lives of two generations of beauties

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