
There is nothing more absurd in the world than those who enjoy privileges and benefits themselves, but teach others to give selflessly

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer
There is nothing more absurd in the world than those who are self-righteous, who enjoy privilege and profit, but who keep teaching others to give selflessly and obey the overall situation. Regardless of where they live or what profession they are engaged in, these people have always been in the position of spectators, and can only turn a blind eye to the pain and contradictions of society, and think that they are making concessions to make the social order more stable.

These people, perhaps the wealthy who wield wealth, bask in luxuries, but are not willing to make any sacrifices to care for the vulnerable in society; Or the powerful government officials who are constantly instructed by their superiors but only think about how to consolidate their position and authority. They remain silent about the suffering and struggles of ordinary people, and complacently use their ingenuity to guide others.

There is nothing more absurd in the world than those who enjoy privileges and benefits themselves, but teach others to give selflessly

It is worth pondering, why does such a group of people exist? Maybe it's because of their selfishness. When they compare themselves to others, they often magnify their own value and shrink the contribution of others. In their view, their place and position need to be protected, and no matter how much the welfare of the people is sacrificed, it is a necessary price.

However, such an approach is not only ridiculous, but also a departure from morality and conscience. How can a society prosper and progress, and what if some people only think about their own interests and ignore the needs and rights of others? We cannot deny that personal achievements and pursuits are important, but while fulfilling ourselves, we must not ignore the dreams and expectations of others.

There is nothing more absurd in the world than those who enjoy privileges and benefits themselves, but teach others to give selflessly

It is often said that great benevolence is like water and perseverance. Those who preach their own greatness and excellence, but ignore the needs and developments of others, are after all just a drop of duckweed. The surging white waves, which splashed like waves, became a bland spring after the dust had settled for miles away. In contrast, those who work hard for social progress in obscurity are the true symbols of warmth and hope.

Living in the world, people must not only have their own pursuits, but also have a sense of social responsibility and commitment to others. Only when we truly feel the needs and calls of society and make our own efforts to meet these needs can we become a truly valuable person and gain inner satisfaction and pride.

There is nothing more absurd in the world than those who enjoy privileges and benefits themselves, but teach others to give selflessly

The world is changing, and the cycle of interests is constantly turning. Those who are self-centered and pursue only their own interests and interests will pay the price in the end. Because they don't understand that the value of the individual comes from dedication and dedication to others. Only by practicing the concept of selfless dedication, thereby influencing and improving society, can we find our own value and meaning in this world of pluralistic coexistence.

So, let's let go of all the ridiculous vanity and self-aggrandizement, and recognize the responsibilities and obligations we should bear. While we may not be able to control the world, we can influence the environment in which we live and work for a more just and better society. Only in this way can we avoid falling into the most absurd trap of life and become a real and meaningful existence.