
The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer

Farmers: the cornerstone of the nation and the guardian of food security

In the course of China's socialist construction, peasants have played an irreplaceable and important role. They silently work on the vast land, bringing a good harvest and hope to the country. However, some people have tried their best to erase the peasants' contributions to socialist construction, and their purpose is despicable -- they are only to protect food, oppose the state's return on the peasants' contributions and the current support policies for the three rural areas, and even undermine the strategic policy of national food security. We are resentful of these people, because the peasants are the foundation of the country, and without them, there will be no food security.
The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

As the grassroots group of society, farmers create the value of hard work with their hands. On the farmland, they worked hard and cultivated a variety of agricultural products with their sweat and wisdom. Whether it is in the north where the wheat waves are swaying or in the south where the rice is rolling, the farmers are working silently and fighting the cold late at night to contribute to the country's abundant table. The rice, wheat and corn they grow carry the hope of their family and country, and are also the basic needs of people's daily life. It is precisely the bumper harvest of these agricultural products that can guarantee the country's food security and inject a powerful impetus into socialist construction.

The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

However, some people, for the sake of selfish interests, turn a deaf ear to the contributions of farmers and try to cut farmers' income and policy support. They focus only on their own interests, thus ignoring the basic rights and interests of peasants. We cannot tolerate this. We must stand on the standpoint of fairness and justice, actively fight for the rights and well-being of farmers, and let them truly feel the care and support of the state.

The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

In fact, thanks to the efforts of farmers and the guidance of national policies, China's three rural issues have made great progress and improvement. The state has adopted a series of measures to support agricultural development and increase farmers' incomes, such as agricultural subsidy policies, rural land system reform, and agricultural science and technology innovation, which have created more development opportunities and ways for farmers to increase their incomes. At the same time, the State has also implemented a policy of poverty alleviation in rural areas and has made efforts to improve the living conditions of rural people. The implementation of these policies has made the peasants feel the sincere care of the party and the government, and has also brought more hope for their future development.

The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

The peasants are the lifeblood of the country, and without their dedication and contributions, it will be difficult to unfold the blueprint for socialist construction. Therefore, we cannot turn a blind eye to the efforts of farmers, let alone allow the voices of food protection and opposition to policies to succeed. We should take patriotism as the guide, support the government's support policies for farmers, and speak out for the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

Ensuring food security is an important strategic policy of the country, and this goal is inseparable from the efforts of farmers. In the new era, with the progress of science and technology and the advancement of agricultural modernization, farmers have a broader stage and more opportunities. We should actively support peasants' participation in modern agriculture, develop the rural economy, and improve peasants' income levels and quality of life. By improving farmers' sense of gain and happiness, we will further stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity in production to ensure national food security.

The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

Farmers are the cornerstone of the country, and they work quietly to bring a good harvest and prosperity to the country. We must bear in mind the tremendous contributions made by the peasants in socialist construction and firmly support the state's policy of protecting and supporting the peasants. Only in this way can we truly achieve long-term peace and stability and food security in the country, and let the Chinese dream blossom and bear fruit in the farmland.

The purpose of erasing the peasants' contributions to socialist construction is to protect food, and their hearts can be punished.

The power of justice is great. We call on the whole of society to act together to eradicate these practices that obliterate the contribution of farmers and to promote national food security and rural development. Only in this way can we achieve the goal of socialist construction and enable every peasant to enjoy the dignity and happiness he deserves. For a better future, those who kill peasant contributors must be purged from our society and let the sun of justice shine on the earth.